I need suggestions


I'm still having trouble reading other people in a reading and need help. Anyone care to contribute their knowledge and wisdom.


What part are you having trouble with?


well other then the meanings which I have been reading 13's guide. Every time I try to read they say that it doesn't match up at all nothing about the reading. It's weird because when I do my own it always matches up for me.


Are you using a particular spread, or no spread?



Who is doing the shuffling? When I read for my friends I always let them shuffle with the intention of their question. When they are finish they had the cards back to me and I lay them out from there.


Maybe I'll try that I normally don't let others touch my cards. But, I could try that


Apollonia said:
Are you using a particular spread, or no spread?

I have been using a form of the Celtic Cross. I don't know if it's the orginal so I call it the Dragon's Cross as it came from my dragon tarot deck.


Try using a smaller spread, first of all. The CC is way too big.

Then instead of thinking of the book meanings when you first see a card, wait quietly and then say what pops into your head instead no matter how silly or out in left field you think it might be. After that, then try using book meanings as a last resort. Try to figure out how the book meaning could possibly fit the position you find it in and how it could relate to the other cards.

And don't rush. That's very important. If you sit for a few minutes pondering the cards quietly and mulling them over in your head, that's perfectly acceptable. There's no need to immediately read them all at once. It's also good if your sitter wants to add in their thoughts. Welcome their input. :)


I agree with everything Grizabella said. The Celtic Cross is a lovely spread, but that's a whole lot of cards to interpret all at once. You might try a simple past present future, body-mind-spirit, or other 3-card spread, until you're more comfortable reading for another person.

It is important to sit with the cards until you receive an impression of what they are saying. In my experience, the querent is usually okay with the reader sitting in silence for a while, so don't let even a lengthy pause make you feel you have to jump in until you have something to say.


I also agree with everything that's been said.

I like having the querent shuffle the cards if possible, since personally, it feels like their "energy" is being tapped into for the duration of the reading. If I feel like their energy or the gist of their reading is still hanging onto the cards, I rap the back of the deck once or twice with my knuckles (after the reading is complete and all the cards have been gathered up) just to shake off any "residue". This might help you if you aren't totally comfortable with others touching your cards -- also, if you have the funds, you may wish to purchase a second deck (perhaps another copy of your favorite) to use specifically for reading for others, and keep the first deck to read specifically for yourself.

As for the size of spreads, I read the cards for over a year before I could successfully puzzle out a spread larger than 5 or 6 cards. I'd say stick to 3 or 4 card readings when you can, and keep the spreads to a maximum of 6 cards if you want to do a larger one... at least for a few months until you feel more comfortable doing readings.

Another suggestion might be to offer readings for exchange or feedback in the Reading Exchange subforum, so you can get used to doing readings for others without needing them to touch the deck. It also helps to do readings for others through the forum before you read in-person, because you can take as long as you need to interpret and convey the reading, plus you don't have to make small talk, worry about awkward pauses, or feel too exposed. I enjoyed doing online readings for many months until I started doing readings for others in person, and even then, I started with only VERY close friends who I could trust not to judge me if I wasn't accurate or needed to use a book to interpret the meanings.

Above all, have fun! Don't force yourself to read for others yet if you don't feel comfortable. Read for yourself, your pets, trees and mountains, historical or fictional people, the weather, current events...