Inappropriate/impossible questions: What would they be, & how would you handle them?


Did you ever manage to work out what the real question was?


Ah, sorry folks, hadn't peeked in on this thread for a while.

I DID do the readings - they were really just very typical of what a client might ask, not IMPOSSIBLE - not like what I've seen here!

Like that God one - now THAT would be a GOOD example!

This reminds me, though, that I still have to finish those readings! & meanwhile I had a complete crash of the hd, & who knows if I still even HAVE the 1st 3 or not (I had 1 more to do)??! :(

+ I deleted my kept mail TOTALLY by accident a bit ago!! ><

I'll write & see if he can send me the questions again or something...


Impossible Questions

Many years ago when I was a few short months into my tarot reading career a woman bluntly asked me when her father in law was going to die as he was 'cluttering' the house! I was still quite nervous sometimes at the time so I tried asking her to rephrase the question as it wasn't something I could answer. She then proceeded to ask me if she was going to get some money coming to her soon - grrr.

Sometimes it's very hard for a querant to re-define the question and sometimes even to forumulate one if everything is pretty much in chaos. If it's impossible I ask them to imagine an opening door and simply ask for the reading to give them the advice they need most at this point in time.

Good luck with your certification.


Thank you - & I just noticed that this thread is still active here! ;)

That was a TIMELY reminder as I just heard from Misha again after having lost all pertinent e-mails etc., & I have yet to hunt down the 3 readings I did have done & do the 4th!

Ok, not a problem, not a problem... :eek: :laugh: