Is Reading For Yourself Dangerous?


Up until recently I only ever read for myself. After 17 years I think if it was dangerous I would know by now.

(knock on wood) ; 0 )



Reading for yourself is far less dangerous than forcing your poor, uninterested, long-suffering partner into regularly being your guinea pig. :p


I read a lot to myself (though i must say the only danger is me getting cards i don't like and trying to honey-coat their meaning :p), and nothing dangerous ever happened.

So i disagree strongly with this Angus guy. One of the most...amazing things is knowing yourself better, understanding yourself. That needs introspection. It's dangerous because you may find things you don't like/believe/agree/blah. But once you accept them and learn to deal with them, you only grow.

No pain no gain ;)



I think almost all Tarot readers will tell you that they learned on themselves--we almost all do, and there's really no avoiding it. So the only danger is letting that learning process become a dependency. If you're reading for yourself over and over again obsessively--as compared to say, a card a day or a spread now and again to answer important life questions--then perhaps you are getting too introspective. But then, too much of anything usually isn't good. Too much internet for example ;)

Seriously, however, I could see where someone might make that kind of a sweeping statement in hopes of keeping certain people from spending way too much time trying to find themselves in the cards rather than in living their lives. But you can't warn everyone not to drink the wine just because your afraid that the potential alchoholics in the group won't be able to stop. Done in moderation, with your humor in tact and an awarness of your own limitiations and biases, there's nothing wrong with reading for yourself.

And that self-awareness should include knowledge of whether you read *well* for yourself or not. I know, for example, that I don't read well for myself, and so I don't do it. I'm much better at reading for others. Perhaps I'm one of those who's just too introspective for self-readings.


I hate reading for myself. I feel as though i will see things the way that I want to see them - not the way that they are meant to be seen. For this reason I get others to read for me.

That's not to say that it is wrong though. There are plenty of people that read for themselves - and I did start practicing on myself when i first started reading Tarot.

I think my problem is that I need to focuss more on readings for myself - or even pretend that the reading is for someone else.

Read for yourself if you can :D.



fools_fool said:
He says you should read for someone else and not yourself because it's "too introspective and therefore, too dangerous." Another warning he gives about reading for yourself is that "the magic of the cards can work against you if you do."

If I thought looking into myself was actually dangerous, and that the "magic of the cards" was working against me (whatever that is ) , I would have to check and see what was living under my bed.

Call Dr. Mbogo immediately and give him Angus' coordinates.


The only danger for me has been the confusion I create when I try to figure out if I'm being objective or subjective in my own readings.


Very dangerous. You could get a paper cut. You might trip over some power cords while walking and looking at the cards. You might forget to pay attention to the cars approaching in your rear view mirror, or forget to look at the road.

To mimimize safety risks, do not read while driving; wear gloves when handling sharp pointy cards; if you must flick them at yourself when looking in the mirror, wear safety goggles. If reading while walking, pick up your feet very carefully. If reading for devilishly attractive strangers in bed, use condoms.


fools_fool said:
In the book, Signs Of Things To Come, by Angus Hall, the author states that reading for yourself is too introspective and therefore dangerous.
I disagree. I think most of us are afraid to really look at ourselves, and reading for ourselves is consequently dangerous because we don't look deeply enough.



I think it´s the way we usually learn.
The danger is,as said above,misinterpretating the cards,not remembering you are not really good at reading yet,and that it´s hardest to read for oneself.And this is not dangerous,if you´re not going to let the cards rule what you do and don´t do.Tarot is a good advisor,but a bad leader,someone said,I´ve forgotten who.
I couldn´t get any practice at all if I didn´t read for myself.