It is harder setting up a website then I realized


First of all I always tell clients before I do a future reading that the future can change....I ask them if they are sure they want the reading first. So they know it is not my doing if the future does not come out as in the cards. Usually it doesn't change of course but it can change. I want to make sure they are not surprised if it does.

Other than that, if I had a client who was really upset (which has never happened to me yet, btw) but if they were I would rather give them their money back and help them in any way I can than have a disgruntled client running around. One disgruntled client can cause a lot of damage. I learnt this when working in a store. Sometimes it doesn't stop with one person. If they are unhappy they can pass your name and site around and tell others never to go to your site or use your services. And those others can tell others. It could get you a negative repution.

To me I'd rather refund the one person, then lose who knows how many potential new clients.

I'm not judging you Holmes and whatever you feel is right for you is. I don't judge people anyway. You have to trust your inner feelings. But I just thought I would add in my viewpoint.



Debra said:
Sorry, Holmes, but the message I get from it is not a healing or helpful one; it assumes there will be disagreement and dispute even before you are even in touch with people. Like if you go into a restaurant and the biggest letters on the menu say "IF YOU DON'T LIKE OUR FOOD, TOO BAD, YOU HAVE TO PAY ANYWAY." To me it screams "go away."

People want a good and healing experience--that's what they're looking for. What are you looking for? :heart:
Yes - she's right. Just saying there are no refunds on the page of prices will be enough. They can see that there are no refunds when they go to pay. I would not go any further if I saw NO REFUNDS like that on the home page. I wouldn't even HAVE it on the front page, if it were my site !

I assume you will have a page for prices etc..... it looks particularly awful having no refund when there is no mention of money yet !!!

The angels are a real pain; hard on the eyes - and also they will make the site very hard on anyone on dial-up - trust me; I know this ! :eek: ETA - don't just lower the number of them. Any moving thing like that is distracting - and indeed, in some browsers it simply won't work and the page may not even open ! Get a nice one that stays still !!!! The colouring is very nice.

I don't know what you need to do - but most of the text on the left is hiding - you need to get that column wide enough for it all to show. - and the main column is also too wide.

And your spelling/apostrophes etc is iffy - especially the pirks / perks :) - that makes you look unprofessional before you even start. You may also like to rethink the LONG sentences with loads of commas - it makes them harder to read (Sorry; I uised to proof read for a living !)



There are really fanatsic suggestions inregards to setting up a professional website......

so I went back and relooked at the site..........

here are some suggestions that may help ..........I really want to see you succeed at this.........

HEADING: Channelled Healing Tarot Spirit


Thank You for looking at my site..........Hope you enjoy your stay and if there is anything I can assist you with please contact me via my Contact page....
I hope the Tarot Readings I provide assist and heal your connection to Spirit....I channel the Tarot Reading from Spirit, that is the Creator of the Universe.....

Reiki Knowledge- would be helpful to clients if you could explain a bit more about Reiki......

Tarot History-a brief overview in what Tarot can do for your Client......and then add the xtra bit about The Tarot Perks......

I Learnt The Tarot .........

Change the NO REFUND page to Prices page then include the No Refund at bottom.......(but personally for me I would never say No refund....because it is always helpful to client if you can be flexible..... one grumpy client can ruin your business more than 10 happy ones can improve buisness........

Hope these suggestions assist in making your website stand out......amongst the many online..........

Take care...



yeah i will do some minor work

believe it or not , (ripley)

but it took me a good three days to get used to the idea of no angels, :(
and to prepare myself to take them off the page.


ok here is the work today

no angels animation , damn it janet:)

i added the services but i had to set it up like that for the first pricing i did ended up in bold under the pricing to the right.
so i ended up having to make that the services.

the service i am using is the parrellels site studio which cames with the website when i brought it,

I will take a break today and fill out more.

by the way my motto when i was readsing in winnipeg was "the future isnt' set in stone ".
and that will be my motto still.


It is starting to look really good....

keep working on it...........



I peeked in on it, and it is looking good! I am excited to see the progress! Great! :party:


Sooo much better without the moving angels! I hope you find a way to put some quiet and calm angels in there.

Holmes, making the words prettier around the "no refunds" doesn't lessen the negativity of the statement. Just say it at the end your pricing.

Or as people have advised, don't say it at all. Deal with that person when they arrive. It is true that one dissatisfied customer will tell more people about the experience than a satisfied customer will.

And where is the pricing? Am I missing it?

And will you be offering gift certificates? I want one. :D

I'm so glad to see you doing this, Holmes!


it is right there

it is right there under the services area for now,

I haven't worked on it since i did that ,, and that is just the edit , example i didn't put the dollar sign next to the numbers yet.

I still want to focus on adding more pages, as they come to me. i will work some more on it monday, with the tentative date 15.

there is no gift certificates but i am playing with the idea in my head of offering half price readings for the first month only ,, only time in the life time.


CDN or US dollar ? As you are in Canada (does it say so ?) that may confuse.