Joermit & PR's daily reading exchange



So... my week has really been quite interesting... and but has ended up with me getting a nice raise and some new responsibilities... and longer hours... I will be taking some work home and also putting more in on a near daily basis... as of this I dunno if I can reliably do a daily card... how bout a week reading for each other... do it over the weekend and respond at the end of the week... this will work better for my schedule as I dunno if I'll be able to get online each night... I know we just started this and I feel like I'm bailing, but I have to be honest with ya... I doubt I'll be able to keep up with dailies.. weekly will work much better for me... what are you thoughts??? lemme know!!


Phoenix Rising

Hi Joermit

If you're busy mate...sweet as, no pressure to commit every day or weekly for that matter.

I'll see what ros wants to do..I'm quite happy to do dailies still..just to see how the cards work out. And ros may want to practise as well.


Gotcha... I'll prolly do a more elaborate spread for each of you on a weekly basis... my days off seem best for me for readings... so I will keep on it... I do want to continue and feel weeklies would be best for me... so... will be posting tomorrow! take care...




I would enjoy exchanging weekly readings.
I'll just pick 7 cards and send a reading. Sometimes I find it hard
to be here everyday, so I totally understand you wanting to do
only weekly exchanges.

Not sure what I'm doing yet with the playing cards,
so feel free to send me any kind of feedback.

Thanks for your time,
ros :)


Phoenix Rising

I'll send daily readings.

Please send any kind of feedback you would like. You are
more experienced at playing cards than I, so your comments
are much appreciated.

Just to let you know also, the other readings were accurate. If not
for me, someone in my family. I'll be more prompt with feedback in
the future!

ros :)


Joermit~ week starting Monday Sept 4

The week will be mixed with emotion. The beginning of the week,
you may feel uneasy about changes that have to be made. Your
emotions may be uneasy for you must make clear decisions about
your sitituation because the change is here and you must look out
to see what direction to take.
There is a man here, that tells you to take control and confront all
issues at this time, so the change is easy.
Within (3 hours, days or weeks (just read about this on here) information
will come to you. It's like a fastball headed your way. Be prepared to
catch the energy or duck and let it pass by letting someone else
deal with it. I feel you will embrace this information for it will help you
understand a new relationship that is forming.
A gift of friendship and a change of heart to start the month
of September off. Go Joey Go!


Have a nice week!


PR~ Mon. Sept 4 & Tues. Sept.5

I'll shuffle and cut the cards into 3 piles.
The top three will be Monday and the
bottom 3 will be Tuesday.

Monday brings changes that need to be looked at. You need
to let the past be in the past. That journey is over. To re-create
your future... "be courageous, it's the only place left uncrowded!"
Create your happiness through your heart, not your mind.

Tuesday shows change is on the way. There may be heartache
and uneasiness with making a change but let go and let things be.
Things will be clear soon and a new cycle will begin. The past, may
have the answers you seek. A change of energy. (because there are
no clubs)

Hope this works. I don't feel I'm doing these correct, but let
me know. I'm not using the meanings, just reading???

Phoenix Rising

Hi ros
Just to let you know that your readings are working out great, whatever method you are incorporating numerology into them great. There certainly is some changes taking place...and the answer does lie in the past..I have to remind myself of the manipulations and deceit a certain individual has done..I always forgave this person, even though he didn't deserve it. My personal ambition 2:heart: is to have closure with this individual and I was hoping that a situation was occurring with him, that would finally put the lid on it.

Anyway your weekly reading

A situation within the home needs some attention, although it hasn't yet come to light what it is. You have an existing relationship with a individual who maybe either young at heart or is young and is someone who is sensitive and caring, this person may receive or give a gift/reward or just a nice gesture.
You will also be cautious about an journey being taken this week, although I think you may be a little insecure about it at present.
There is also a personal ambition or goal that you wish to achieve and it maybe concerning a Q:heart: type character..she seems to have some close connection to you with some project going at present.
You will hear of some news concerning someone who lives "at a distance" from you, this young individual has the J:diamond: characteristics.
You may also be a "little" disappointed-nothing major, that may cause a little disagreement with your husband.
You are also a little piffed concerning a woman Q:spade: it seems she has shed a few tears over it.
There will be some unexpected changes concerning family matters..these changes may change the normal routine matters that you have been used to.


Phoenix Rising

For Joermit

Thanks also for that "Rain check" Joey..right on brother!!

Weekly reading 6 Sept-12 Sept

There is an abrupt change concerning family matters or matters of the heart concerning a young at heart individual with characteristics of the J:heart: It appears this change is happening presently.
A legal matter or documents that you have been dealing with concerning a friend has had a little disappointment, basically not turning out how you expected, but not a biggy only minor.
There may also be some agreement or contract concerning a group of people, gathering/party that will lead to some sorrow or regret.
There also maybe some "unfair criticism" or over-exaggeration at work concerning an older gentlemen K:spade:
Coming directly at you next 3 days is some meeting with 2 Gentlemen K:heart: K:club: They both seem interested in this meeting with you.
What you may receive in money value comes at a there is also a "loss" of something else..this maybe just a "loss" of time to do other things.
Any involvement you may have with a Q:spade: showing that she is quite frustrated or has a feeling of impatience, but it may lead her to make excuses or just not telling the whole truth, so just watch that one.
Is there still any involvement with that Q:club:? because looks like she is indulging herself in something, a man K:diamond: seems to be a factor in her indulging..might be drinking or doing something that is "too much of a not so good thing"

So there you have your weekly guys..I will miss our regular day to day contact, but as we know there is a life outside of ATF!!
Have a great week!!


Phoenix Rising

Wed. Sept 6
The pendulm begins to swing for you. Changes begin with you not
knowing what way to go. There is news for you. Happiness and
obstacles are on your path today, but things gotta change!
Overcome obstacles to a new beginning.

Thurs. Sept 7
I feel like you are travelling the yellow brick road. It feels right for
you but you do not know what's coming next. On each side of you
there may be uneasiness but for some reason you feel protected. It must
be the gold in the yellow brick road. Mind games may be all around
you, but your heart is pure of the truth.
(where this reading came from I have no idea, hope it
makes sense for you :laugh:)

Fri. Sept 8
To conquer trouble you have to look at other options. Changes need
to be made. Do not do anything in excess, just let things be for today.
Take care of your energy for a man of :club: will be near, but what
will he be up to? The cards are all black with the fire of the wand!

Sat. Sept 9
An unexpected experience may happen to you when you least
expect it today. When you communicate beware of the words that
are used. The lady Q:club: and a man of :spade: shows in this
picture. Be confident, control your situations but beware of the
converstation for someone may change the subject without you
even being aware or you may be going into a totally different
direction than you thought. If you are not one of these cards,
keep your wits about you today!

Sun. Sept 10
The man of :spade: is in centre stage today. Again beware of
the direction you or your converstations are going.Things will
change fast for you. News or information will given to you.
Relasing of old attachments and adjusting your life, fit the bill for