marseilles books


To the list of Marseilles book I'd add _Tarot; Talisman or Taboo?: Reading the World As Symbol_ by Mark Patrick Hederman. It uses Grimaud. It's full of insights and is written by an Irish monk.



mac22 said:
To the list of Marseilles book I'd add _Tarot; Talisman or Taboo?: Reading the World As Symbol_ by Mark Patrick Hederman. It uses Grimaud. It's full of insights and is written by an Irish monk.


I read that book several years ago, when I was first getting into tarot. It was very good. Thanks for reminding me about it. I may look it up again now that I'm into TdM.


EE is a friend of mine, for sure, who can more eloquently explain the associations with cold reading, etc.

I have found EE's view to be much like Jodorowsky's view of Psychomagic. That is that the Unconcious mind will utilize the Tarot Reading as an act or fact of healing.

Thus, the connotation of cold readers as wily gypsies conning people out of their money to heal curses is not relevant here. The Tarot and the Tarot reader are benevolent tools for psychotherapeutic healing.

Of course, absent from this model is any idea of an animistic Elemental or Spirit or force that is governing the reading. The Unconscious of the querent and reader are One.


Now Paul that is beautifully stated. :D


These days I am juggling Huson's Mystical Origins, Nad's Tarot and Individuation (have just gotten to the chapter on alchemy and cabala), Bartlett's The Tarot Bible that someone gave me and just got Louis's Tarot Plain and Simple from the library.

Louis describes an exercise he developed to tap into his intuition that involves a five card daily spread to see how it matches with world events and his own life. He modified the meanings based on what actually happened each day until he felt confident enough to trust his intuition. Seems there are endless variations on that theme. He is using the RWS, and the Tarot Bible seems to use something like that, too. I might try a three card spread each day using just the Marseilles trumps for a few weeks as I find it difficult to come up with a question or several questions each day for practicing.


woo hooo, I ordered Enrique's book yesterday so I hope to have it soon. I know it says avout 48 hours, but how long did it take for you guys to get it? Just real excited about it. I got my Jean Noblet in last week


starlightexp said:
woo hooo, I ordered Enrique's book yesterday so I hope to have it soon. I know it says avout 48 hours, but how long did it take for you guys to get it? Just real excited about it. I got my Jean Noblet in last week
I got it the same day hopefully the same will happen to you


I either got it the same day or the next. Enjoy EE's book, and the Noblet! I've only had mine for a couple of weeks.

Hooked on TdM

I just got "the complete Tarot Reader" by Teresa C. Michelson. It's based on learning the Tarot by intuitive and symbols. It actually mentions the Tarot de Marseille! *faints* And it's not based off any deck. I figure it's a good beginner book for this method.

Our bookstore selection of Tarot books suck. Every thing is RW based or looks too fluffy-bunny to even bother reading.

The other book I have it the Collins Gem "Tarot" which is based off the Tarot de Marseille. It's just basic meanings and spreads though. (which I am not using at this point. maybe later)

I'm gonna have to dig for the other books mentioned!



Hello Hooked...
Did you read the book wrote by Tchalai Unger "Tarot,the answer of the future " ?
