MKITKHAVI: Fortune Teller Of The Caucasus


These sort of decks rarely do anything for me, but this one intrigues me!
They are ordinary playing cards - so any playing card deck could be used - but only the 6s to Aces (Aces high) are used, resulting in deck of 36 cards.

The cards included with the book, have a meaning written on the face for if falls on the right or left of a central card (a significator), plus a meaning if it stands alone or is inbetween two other cards.

There's even online instructions of how to use them, a step by step 'spread'.

:)........little things please little minds. I'm tickled pink with this simple deck.

Bee :)

eta: forgot to include the link:

Le Fanu

Bee, have you bought this one? I rather like it. Looks very intriguing. Where did you find out about it?

Do you have them in your hands? Any observations regarding cardstock, size etc??


Oh! I have a friend who made little pics of the various pip patterns- including sets for the Face Cards. It's very fun to consider the "fraction/ratio" that way!

tarot heart

I bought this deck last year at an esoteric shop in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was odd so I thought I'd add it to my growing collection. It's pretty much poker size. I haven't worked with it though. I didn't know there was some sort of website for it.


Le Fanu said:
Bee, have you bought this one? I rather like it. Looks very intriguing. Where did you find out about it?

Do you have them in your hands? Any observations regarding cardstock, size etc??
I ordered it today :). Couldn't find any reviews or proper scans online, only the pics at the link I posted. As tarot heart says they're poker sized = so I'm even more pleased! Keeping fingers crossed that they're nicely shuffleable.

There are some at

Bee :)


cardlady22 said:
Oh! I have a friend who made little pics of the various pip patterns- including sets for the Face Cards. It's very fun to consider the "fraction/ratio" that way!
Pip patterns...... umm, Cardlady, do you have some pics of these? They also sound intriguing.

Like you, I'm a sucker for playing cards, cartomancy.

Bee :)


Let me see about a sample of each: Jack, Queen, King

Of course, the diamonds don't show an upright/reversed orientation.

If you'd like to have them, I can send you her email to get it.


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Ah! I see what you mean! Now if I was going to approach the playing card deck with Geomancy or Numerology in mind, ideal!

I don't normally use reversed cards. I used to, but then discoved there's really no need because the accompanying cards can indicate the positive or negative mode of a card.

Does your friend 'read' with them?

Bee :)


She's got a real knack for making graphics to illustrate the concepts behind the Metasymbology, Science of the Cards, Destiny Cards styles of reading. I have no idea how wide her range of Reading skills are since I've never asked her for one.

ETA: Apr 28, 2011 ~ she is without regular Internet access and cannot process orders, etc.


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Olney & camp :) Thanks for that link, good to know someone else is doing the Destiny-thing online (other than R Camp).

Well, when I get my mitts on this MKITKHAVI deck, I'll post re. the cardstock etc. I'm hoping the 'meanings' arn't going to be familiar ones!

Bee :)