Most frequently asked questions

Which issues do you most often read about?

  • career and work

    Votes: 39 54.2%
  • home and family relationships

    Votes: 32 44.4%
  • love relationships

    Votes: 47 65.3%
  • health

    Votes: 6 8.3%
  • finances

    Votes: 11 15.3%
  • personal development

    Votes: 32 44.4%
  • spiritual development

    Votes: 28 38.9%
  • creative development

    Votes: 17 23.6%
  • past lives

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • dream analysis

    Votes: 3 4.2%
  • pets

    Votes: 3 4.2%

  • Total voters


What a good poll--I'm suprised it was not asked yet. Now I'm interested in seeing the results.


I have two main "classes" of questions: one is the family/career/love type of reading; the other is the personal/spiritual/creative development. The latter is newer for me (not in reading for myself, but in reading for others), but I am finding those types of readings are becoming more common. I'm happy about that. Having said that, I believe that in a life lived in the round, finances, love, creativity, personal development, spiritual yearnings, past lives, dreams, etc. are all linked together.

Apart from that, I have read at least once for everything else on your list.


Reading your question Aoife, a picture comes to mind - I am in a car, moving fast, landscape is changing, and reflections in the car mirrors changing too. My questions are changing as car moves - from frenzy love questions, to current project options, to deep spiritual wantings .... Bumps, stops, slow, exceeding....

Free Flight

I voted for love. I have been asked about all things on the list but the predominant thing I get asked about is love. Potential Love, Current Love, Love for family, kids etc.
Love makes the world go around indeed :)

but sometimes I kind of think, can we just move past what is going to happen with Person XYZ here and look at you!


When i do readings for me ussualy is about spiritual life. But when someone ask me for readings ussualy is about work, money and love.


Under broad headings...mostly love and career...but...when we formulate the question together...often, it covers other impact on health, spirit and emotions that a current relationship is having...

Or career...just the other day, the question was about managing aspects of a, time management, creativity, drain on health..the topic was career, but the concerns were about the impact of the career at present on various areas of my sitter's life.

But these are the two biggest topics for my live readings.



I had to really stop and think what the difference to me was between personal development and spiritual development. To me they are so closely intertwined I had trouble separating them. I don't think I can gain one without gaining the other...



If I had a dollar for every time someone said (when I said, think of something you want to know about) only one? and it was a choice of love and career. I would retire now.

crazy raven

Most of my readings centered on:

Love relationships - especially secret love affairs is number one.
career and work

Spiritual consultation also is done using a Mandala of the querent - remarkable in understanding the forces in and around you.

Past lives is less frequent
Some dreams too

Very interesting poll!


The thing people ask me to read for the most is, the future.
They want that WOOWOO moment.
I also do a lot of past life readings.
Relationships is probably third.