Offering 3 automatic drawings


Reading for Falcor

How to be in peace with the true myself?

This was a difficult reading for me. The drawing shows you, I think. I saw you in purple and blue before I even started the pencil lines, which are usually the first thing I do when doing these drawings. Purple and blue make me think of bruises. So do you feel wounded or bruised somehow? They are also the colours of mysticism, spirituality, and royalty. You seem to have a noble soul and are open to the mystical. Perhaps that's why you might not be at peace. You are too different in the eyes of others?

However, this portrait shows a man at peace with his inner being. I see strain on his face but also self-possession. The only thing that is different in colour is the little piercing on his eyebrow. I took this to mean you should not hide who you are, show your difference and find your place in the world. There's a place for all of us.

I'm not at all sure I'm expressing this well. I think this here is a case where the drawing says more than I can express in words.

Let me know what you think?


This was a difficult reading for me. The drawing shows you, I think. I saw you in purple and blue before I even started the pencil lines, which are usually the first thing I do when doing these drawings. Purple and blue make me think of bruises. So do you feel wounded or bruised somehow? They are also the colours of mysticism, spirituality, and royalty. You seem to have a noble soul and are open to the mystical. Perhaps that's why you might not be at peace. You are too different in the eyes of others?

However, this portrait shows a man at peace with his inner being. I see strain on his face but also self-possession. The only thing that is different in colour is the little piercing on his eyebrow. I took this to mean you should not hide who you are, show your difference and find your place in the world. There's a place for all of us.

I'm not at all sure I'm expressing this well. I think this here is a case where the drawing says more than I can express in words.

Let me know what you think?

First of all I really like your drawing(it's my facebook profile pic by now). You are not the first who saw me as purple and I find it very interesting. Yes, I guess purple and blue do suit my nature. There many wounds that are healing from the past. The unseen wounds of the soul and the heart that are usually not seen. Respect for sensing that right away.

Also yes, I have took the path of of mysticism and spirituality. You can see it that way. For me I have just took MY path, the most right for me. I am not sure about royalty and noble soul, I am just trying to be me. But it's complimenting, I won't deny.

There is strain because of me holding off most of the try fit in. I know who I am(more or less). You are right, I am too different and I don't think people would accept me if I would be the real me. I am looking for my place in this world.

I loved the little golden piercing on the face. It feels so fitting in.


Thank you for the feedback, Falcor. I'm glad the reading resonates and you find the artwork appealing. (And thanks for promoting it on FB!)



I see a woman here who is unhappy and crying. She feels depressed and blue. But there is a bird by her side, perhaps a spirit guide, a pet, or both, and this bird will provide solace and comfort. These are mainly internal difficulties, depression, low mood, perhaps disappointment of some sort. The bird may also be the soul of a departed loved one coming to comfort you and to be with you during a trying time.

I've had disappointments lately. I don't know who the bird is yet....I had a family member that very much loved birds a lot.

I have been pretty down lately and some anxieties because I never been ina situation like this in my life.

There's a little back story to the painting of this picture. Yesterday afternoon I went out to my favourite art supply shop to buy a particular brand of watercolour I've been meaning to try out. I had this golden ochre, which is one of the colours you see in the drawing, in my head. Wanted that. I was craving it like you crave chocolate sometimes. The two dominant colours in the drawing are also complementary colours, meaning they lie opposite each other on the colour wheel. They do not mix well. Or if you mix them, you get a greyish muddy colour (you can see where I mixed indigo with the ochre it becomes greyish black in some places, like the figure's hair).

I didn't know that. I never got too into painting. Maybe the greyish black represents my hair color as well or just my mood. I have dark hair close to black.

When I see complementary colours in a painting, I think of Temperance in Tarot. Temperance mixes fire and water, things that normally don't mix. This makes me think that perhaps there is some physical imbalance, hormonal or chemical, in your body that is causing a low mood. With the golden colour perhaps also a lack of sunlight? Otherwise, if not physical, I think the advice is to have a better mix of things in your life. Better work-life balance, for example, or a more balanced diet. Doing the things you love as well as the things you need to do. In any case, you are not alone in all this: the bird, who or whatever it may stand for, is there with you, comforting you. It's also flying, and so for me represents a freedom you are encouraged to take and experience.

While I do not have a physical imbalance or issues with my hormones/chemicals. I do notice my moods get bad around a certain point in my cycle...which may or may not happen to every female..I am not sure if there really is an imbalance.

I do have issues with anxiety and that really got bad around the age 20. That is when I stopped a lot of my physical work out and competitive sports. I have thought of going to a therapist and getting some temporary anxiety meds until certain aspects past in my life. In troubling times.

I am needing to balance my diet and lifestyle more. I use to have a diet that was 90% veggies, 5% carbohydrates, & the remaining meat.

I also need to get out more and exercise more.

And finally, I'm drawn to a little detail in the drawing that I can't quite make sense of: the earring in the form of a feather or leaf. It adds to the beauty of this spirit portrait. Perhaps it's just to remind you that you are beautiful and to cherish that?
I am not sure what it is as of yet. I have feather earrings in my high school picture to represent a family member of mine that is half native american.

Let me know if any of this resonates?

Thank you for the reading. Feedback left above.

Since my question was related to what i will overcome...seems like I'll overcome this emotional down time in my life right now.


Thank you for your feedback, CB. And I hope you do overcome your difficulties. Perhaps the bird is your part Native American family member? The earring and the bird seemed connected somehow.


Thank you for your feedback, CB. And I hope you do overcome your difficulties. Perhaps the bird is your part Native American family member? The earring and the bird seemed connected somehow.

It could...maybe the bird also mean releasing, but holding onto a memory of the not forgetting what I learned from the struggles.

Maybe in time I'll know better if it just signify the family member or if it is something symbolic.


Reading for Saskia

What is the area in life I can make the greatest contributions to the society?

I think this drawing tells an interesting story. You have a sphinx-like creature, half feline, half serpent. She holds a ball. I can't figure out if it's for clairvoyance or play - or perhaps both?

She is in conversation with the herm standing behind her. Herms or Termini were boundary divinities in the ancient world of Europe. The Sphinx as hybrid and the act of clairvoyance transcend or transgress boundaries.

So in answer to your question: your best contribution to make to society is 'be a sphinx', be different, be wise, and impart your knowledge to others to help them see their limitations. Teach tolerance and acceptance.

(I apologise for the patchy washes.)

Let me know what you think?



I think this drawing tells an interesting story. You have a sphinx-like creature, half feline, half serpent. She holds a ball. I can't figure out if it's for clairvoyance or play - or perhaps both?

She is in conversation with the herm standing behind her. Herms or Termini were boundary divinities in the ancient world of Europe. The Sphinx as hybrid and the act of clairvoyance transcend or transgress boundaries.

So in answer to your question: your best contribution to make to society is 'be a sphinx', be different, be wise, and impart your knowledge to others to help them see their limitations. Teach tolerance and acceptance.

Thank you very much for painting this for me, BrightEye! It speaks to me in many levels.

Hybrid, transcend and transgress boundaries... that sounds right. From very early age, I wanted to be a science journalist, someone who explains the mysteries of science to the wider audience. Later on, I've found other matters to ponder, research and spread ("translate or interpret") to the wider audience - the latest being tarot.

I also have a fairly popular blog going about a life as an immigrant: a hybrid living in and between two worlds and cultures. It seems to speak to those who are or wish to be in the same spot, and the whole point is to spread knowledge but also tolerance and acceptance towards other cultures and worldviews!

I've often wondered have I been an oracle in a past life - I once saw this dream of myself as a Greek lady, in a cave with a pond and candles, held there by soldiers to give a prediction on something. Interestingly, the Herm in your painting has my profile :D The white hair indicates experience and wisdom, to me, but the face is young - able to see things fresh and new.

I've lately been drawn to study the sacred feminine or the forgotten female deities and I think that's where the snake comes to play. The snake used to be the symbol of medicine and healing, but also the animal of many female deities. According to one theory, the story in the Bible about Adam, Eve, snake and the apple is about the "new" patriarchal god expelling the old, matriarchal goddess and her servant/worshipper Eve (all women). I feel that the world has too much "male energy" currently (wars, violence, ruthlessness) instead of "female energy" (nurturing, creativity, caring) and my personal goal is to try and help balance those where I can. The head - thinking and speaking part - of the sphinx being a snake makes so much sense.

It makes me delighted to see that what I already do and enjoy IS the contribution I'm craving to make. I've been trying to figure how could I help this world and it seems I'm already on the right path. Thank you very much again, I loved it!


Thank you for the detailed feedback, Saskia. It's interesting to read that you look a bit like the Herm. And I think the whole boundary-crossing theme in conjunction with your self-professed identity as an immigrant makes so much sense.

Thank you again for sitting.