Psychic Fair - any advice?

psychic sue

Great ideas guys! Actually TB I need a dressing screen - scouring the junkshops as we speak! - to stand behind my clients with a black cloth draped over - make it much easier to see their aura.

psychic sue

Wow guys! I made my screen - I used a clothes rail (cost me £5) and draped it in black cloth - then wheeled it behind the sitters. I also made some new leaflets with more info about my general experience in, and I invested in a tape player and cassettes - what a difference! I sat down at 2pm and had appointments through until 10.30pm - and I made over £400. I think everyone was busy yesterday though - don't know why, there were just a lot of people there - but it was my most successful day yet!

I wanted to share too, that I have been working on psychic protection - in order that I don't leak out or absorb too much energy and end up with a headache or being absolutely exhausted the next day. What a difference it made - I wasn't tired at all last night, and today I am a little tired, but not like last time - I just feel like I went on a long walk yesterday.

The book I used was Ted Andrews psychic protection and I really would recommend it to anyone working in this area.

Loads of love and light

Sue x

PS - I heard a few harrowing stories yesterday and I do feel like I helped a few people which is what it's all about - it really felt good to know I had helped to clarify someone's thinking. I SO wish I could do this everyday - it's the only job I have ever had which I would (and do, 50% of the time) do for free. I just love it.

Lula Jing

Well done Sue!! You are doing so well and I'm pleased your screen worked!!

Sounds like you are doing exactly the right things and from the sound of it your confidence is growing and you're having a great time doing it.

Go Sue!! :D


Thats great Sue.. :) Glad everything is going great with you.. :)