Reading for Third Parties


For isntance, I wouldn't read on: "Is my sister's husband cheating on her", but I would read on: "How can I best support my sister during this difficult time".


My view on third party readings....

I don't mind reading about other people. I have enjoyed many reading exchanges with reading about whatever someone wants to know about. I feel if it affects the client/person then it is their business. I also don't mind someone being nosey. I don't believe for one moment that people haven't been "nosey" about other people. We can look to the news/mags/tv to see that. I think that everyone needs to make up their own mind about what they want to do. I feel like with religion, I will decide what I think is 'right" or 'wrong". I also believe if I or the person wasn't meant to get the answer we wouldn't.

I also have no problem at all with telling a parent about their child. I feel like it is their right. If they come to me for help then I feel I am supposed to help them. I would feel horrible if I had refused a mother whose child was sneaking drugs, hanging out with the wrong crowd, etc and something horrible happened. I would feel if the mother had known she could have taken steps to help or even prevent things from happening and/or getting worse. I don't have an 'ethics problem" about that. I think the ethics problem would be if I didn't help them.

As a paying client, if my reader were to not answer the questions that I pay her to.. then I would get another reader who would. Luckily, I haven't had that problem. The only reason I would pay someone for a 'reading" is to get some answers to any questions that I may have. I think before one makes an appointment with a client and/or takes someone's money... that you {general you} should let them know, from the very start, that you won't read about anyone else. I mean before they are there or right in the middle of the transaction. I think a lot of people think that Tarot Readers and Psychics are there to answer any questions that the paying person has. I am speaking solely about the people that I actually know. Why else would I pay out my money? I could just talk to a friend for free. I pay to get answers. I have found that all that I have encountered are more than willing to do just that. I definitely am one of them. It doesn't mean I will always answer every question. I do reserve the right to decide what "I" feel is ethical and what I am comfortable doing. I just mean that I don't have a hard rule on the readings that I will give. I feel like if I can help someone then I should. I think that every reader needs to decide this for themselves. I don't feel like I am "bad" or "unethical' for giving information that I am able to get. I believe we get/know things for a reason. I personally like having all available information to make an informed decision. I do this in all other aspects of my life, so I don't see any difference in Tarot readings.

Thanks for starting this thread.. this is a very interesting topic. I like reading what other people think. It is also interesting to see 'why" they think what they do.



Hi Guys... I know long time no see......

I love this topic and I understand it can be quite a difficult one to really get your head around.......
For me personally I find the best way is to ask what the querant needs to know about this person (third party ...) and then the cards will answer only what is needed to know. re the situation.......

This is my personal choice in how I deal with such questions....... guiding the querant away from just being too nosey re the other person......There are somethings we are just not to
