Reading Suggestion/Opportunity. Too sensitive?

Little Baron

Thanks everyone, for your replies. And Prudence, thanks for the way in which you described me, personally.

In response to what you say Whytchwood, about speaking to the authorities if I believed I had gotten any useful information from the cards; the reason I suggested doing it here, with others, was that in previous experiments, we realised that we were all coming up with similar cards. There were major cards being repeated and the same courts coming up again and again. I think that if we really believed that there was something important that we had uncovered and the police had missed, there would be an opportunity to tell them. I am quite sure, if I remember rightly, that someone did use threads from here regarding a missing woman. I cannot remember the actual incident but the threads were under the name of the girl and many posters were saying they felt she was hidden near water in some kind of harbour.

It is good to be able to use the cards to help, if we can, rather than where most questions that are put to us, it is the cards that are trivialised as something that can only predict 'tall dark strangers' at best. It was never my intention to play 'cops and robbers' and gain satisfaction from such a sad situation.



I think we have adequately established LB's intentions, ethics, and motivations here, and they are all very sound.

So now the question remains: do we work on this as a group? on a thread? in PMs?

I for one am offering anything i can do to contribute.

Little Baron

Thanks RS. Personally, even though I hope that my intentions have been established, this conversation has muddied the waters for me a little and I don't feel comfortable performing this reading in public - not because of ethics, but because of how some members feel. I don't want to perform a reading under that kind of watchful eye. But I shall try one alone.

Having said that, if anyone else wants to, then I will be interested to see how it works. I see that another member has already posted one.

Best, LB


Little Baron said:
Thanks RS. Personally, even though I hope that my intentions have been established, this conversation has muddied the waters for me a little and I don't feel comfortable performing this reading in public - not because of ethics, but because of how some members feel. I don't want to perform a reading under that kind of watchful eye. But I shall try one alone.

Oh dear... I surely do not hope that people have nothing better to do then put their watchful eye on you with judgment and criticism.

I just hoped giving my own personal opinion was helpful in establishing for you how you really felt and thought about the subject. =)

I'm glad you are following your heart and doing what is right for you, and I can certainly understand your choice of action in doing this more privately.


Little Baron

Thanks Kahlie. As always, whether I do or don't, the thread has thrown up interesting discussion to take on for te future.
Best, LB