Reading when feeling low


I suffer from depression and have been feeling low lately. Friends still ask me for readings and I want to help but I feel very negative and am afraid I may snap at them or give a depressed message.

How do other readers deal with this?


Do not read if you feel so.
Apologise profusely, say you are not in the right mindset to give a good reading, and re-direct your seekers elsewhere.
That's what I do (I'm no stranger to depression). Disappointing all round - but better than forcing out a reading which may quite likely be coloured by how you feel.

I'm so sorry you are feeling low. I hope that it passes soon.
In my case when I arrive at such a point, I know I just patiently have to wait to work through it. And otherwise - I keep up with doing the things that I know help to keep me upbeat and have a more balanced view on things.



I'd think of yourself as a mirror, reflecting/interpreting what the cards tell you for your clients. Now, if a mirror is smudged up with dirt and dust (negativity), it can't reflect the light as well. If you're feeling down and low on energy, you're not going to be in the best state to interpret the messages the cards have for your friends and that's not the service you want to provide your friends. If I'm not feeling up to it, I just let my friends know that and say we'll try for another day.


Agree with the above and goodness knows that I wind up in 'that place' myself. The line you need to take is that it is their best interest that you not read at that time.


Do not read if you feel so.
Apologise profusely, say you are not in the right mindset to give a good reading, and re-direct your seekers elsewhere.
That's what I do (I'm no stranger to depression). Disappointing all round - but better than forcing out a reading which may quite likely be coloured by how you feel.

I'm so sorry you are feeling low. I hope that it passes soon.
In my case when I arrive at such a point, I know I just patiently have to wait to work through it. And otherwise - I keep up with doing the things that I know help to keep me upbeat and have a more balanced view on things.


Thanks for the response. When someone is pestering me it makes me feel even worse to say no.

Sometimes I have feel like I have to share my gifts but I don't want to influence a reading with my negativity.

It's nice to know other people don't want to read when they feel bad.


I'd think of yourself as a mirror, reflecting/interpreting what the cards tell you for your clients. Now, if a mirror is smudged up with dirt and dust (negativity), it can't reflect the light as well. If you're feeling down and low on energy, you're not going to be in the best state to interpret the messages the cards have for your friends and that's not the service you want to provide your friends. If I'm not feeling up to it, I just let my friends know that and say we'll try for another day.

The mirror comparison sounds like a good way to explain it to people who are asking.


Agree with the above and goodness knows that I wind up in 'that place' myself. The line you need to take is that it is their best interest that you not read at that time.

I like the excuse that it is not in their best interest. I will try that. I read professionally as a sideline business and for free for friends and sometimes friends can Be demanding.


I think it's important to recognise that your moods could affect your reading. I tend to get more obsessed with knowing positive things in the future when I am depressed. I do cut it down, I have been a bit depressed over the last few months and not felt like using decks and as it improves I want to pick them up again!

I think you can use them though, it's useful for my anyway to take a daily card of a tarot card or an oracle with something positive in my day. During a really bad bout of anxiety I was picking a daily card for what could I do to improve things and I did that each day!

I wouldn't do a huge reading about my life during those times though or keep future reading because it doesn't help me at that time, but single cards to live day to day do help me.


I think it's important to recognise that your moods could affect your reading. I tend to get more obsessed with knowing positive things in the future when I am depressed. I do cut it down, I have been a bit depressed over the last few months and not felt like using decks and as it improves I want to pick them up again!

I think you can use them though, it's useful for my anyway to take a daily card of a tarot card or an oracle with something positive in my day. During a really bad bout of anxiety I was picking a daily card for what could I do to improve things and I did that each day!

I wouldn't do a huge reading about my life during those times though or keep future reading because it doesn't help me at that time, but single cards to live day to day do help me.

Thank you.

When I'm low I don't read for myself. It's hard to be objective. But a daily draw might be helpful for me to try.


Thank you.

When I'm low I don't read for myself. It's hard to be objective. But a daily draw might be helpful for me to try.

If you do a daily draw, use the Little White book to interpret, so you are outside the reading--and don't feel even LOWER because of it.

As for the rest: don't read for others if you are feeling too low, IMHO. It takes a lot of energy to read and you may not have a lot to give right now. If they are friends, they can wait. I feel low but I read professionally so I MUST rise to the occasion as it were. I must repress my own feelings and look for good news for them. And then REST A LOT afterward.

Be good to yourself, Chickeypie, that is the best thing for you.
