Reading when feeling low


If you do a daily draw, use the Little White book to interpret, so you are outside the reading--and don't feel even LOWER because of it.

As for the rest: don't read for others if you are feeling too low, IMHO. It takes a lot of energy to read and you may not have a lot to give right now. If they are friends, they can wait. I feel low but I read professionally so I MUST rise to the occasion as it were. I must repress my own feelings and look for good news for them. And then REST A LOT afterward.

Be good to yourself, Chickeypie, that is the best thing for you.


Thanks for your response. I cancelled a reading for a friend today with the advice given here. I have been using sage and picturing cleansing.

If I had a professional reading I would do some rituals and let spirit come through me but a friend can wait. Thank you.