Readings when not well


that makes sense, i also think it may be that I am easily distracted as a novice.. the more you do and the easier it is for you must make a difference I am sure....


That's definitely been true for me..

but I think, really, it's just about getting out of my own way, so that I can do what I need to do.

Sometimes I feel inclined to find reasons to avoid things (even things I like doing, like Tarot!).
If some part of me has a resistance for some other reason, I might tell myself I'm not feeling well enough for something, but maybe I need to deal with the reason that some part of me doesn't -want- to do that thing, instead.



I think participating in this thread jinxed me! Haha, I'm joking! But I suddenly came down with a rather bad cold! =[ And the really bad news is I just bought 2 decks this week and I was looking forward to working with them today and doing a 7-deck comparison. =[

I can already tell things are going to be fuzzy. But, go figure, right? The ONE day where I have the time to sit down and do this, I end up being sick. Oh well. Maybe it's a sign that I don't do it today and rest instead.


P.S. Yes, strange dreams happened last night, too. =P


Hi NikkiB! I know this is an older thread, but I agree with you. I think it happens to most people. It definitely does with me. I also find that if I am emotionally connected to the reading, like personal readings, my moods/thoughts/etc can totally mess with the reading. Or rather my interpretation of the reading. lol

Hope you are feeling better! :heart:


I've also noticed that if I feel very tired then it's more difficult to get a good reading. It takes energy to focus on the cards and tune into them. I've pulled cards when I feel really tired (i.e. just before going to bed) but then found myself not interested / motivated enough to analyze the cards properly.


For me personally because I own my business, working from my store in town... when I am not well. Spirit will not allow me to do any readings during the day and only send in retail customers but when I have my Moon time or in tip top condition then my days are full on busy.....

So when I am sick, run down, tired... vibrations are clients for a reading lol.........

So I believe I would not give 100% to any client if not well....
