Real world clarifications, please


Umbrae is quite schooled with his legal views! Everything I was going to suggest, he has stated. As always, I would definitely get an accountant to do your taxes to be sure, they should be able to provide you great advice. While this is not my field of law expertise, I really wonder if you would benefit from someone who knows about small business, as this seems to be what you are stepping into. You must know the laws of your state, county, and city. It is better to be prepared. You don't want to end up on charges of any kind. It may be beneficial to find a lawyer that could help you in this area. Most will charge a flat fee to get you started. It may be money well spent to make sure your butt is covered.

And always, always, keep the money separate unless your accountant advises you otherwise.

As for the trademark, the point is moot. If you think of coca-cola and bp, it really is only for big companies to protect their image. I don't mean to sound harsh but I doubt a tarot reading business would be in need of that protection. Unless you remember the Psychic Friend's Network or Miss Cleo! :)

Anyway, good luck with your venture!!


Permission to use card images probably will not be that difficult to obtain. What deck did you plan to use? If you really want to get on a deck creator's good side you can always add a link on your web page that reads "Like the cards I'm using? Buy them here..." add a link to amazon and it's a win-win.

For some reason I think one of the magic numbers people toss around for earnings that need to be declard for tax purposes is $600.

The trademarks and business licenses will always be a plus but I don't thik I have ever heard of an online reader getting in trouble with the police. I think that authorities like to focus on the storefronts as they are generally making a great deal more money.


Thanks for all the renewed interest in this thread! Lots of great advice. Baccus93, I'm so glad you've had so much business! And right out of the gate. :) That's very encouraging. Umbrae, the end of your comment made me laugh out loud. Indeed, that's exactly what I'd like to avoid. lol

abella, very good points indeed about keeping in mind that most people will just want a reading, not to be taught about tarot. Seems hard to believe everyone isn't as fascinated, but I'm sure you are correct! :)

I was thinking of using the same primary deck I've had for years (The Enchanted Tarot). I have others now though, so not including pictures of the cards drawn would save a lot of time and trouble in that respect as well.

Yes, the artwork would be custom made and/or or stock photos. I was never planning to decorate the site itself with images of already published tarot cards.

I mentioned on another thread (about moving) that I looked into obtaining a license and apparently (if the clerk knew what they were talking about) I can't get one here unless I open a storefront - which is not part of my plans.

Originally, around the time I started this thread, I'd found out how much it costs to get a business license and put it off because I was thinking of moving. Seemed like it would be a waste to get one for only a few months when I probably wouldn't even earn back the amount and then would have to get another somewhere else. I suppose that was pessimistic though.

Since hearing I couldn't get one anyway (and some other unrelated things), moving is looking better and better all the time.

Seems like I'll have to consult an attorney and probably an accountant, but I'm delaying (i.e., dreading) it. It's getting kind of chicken and egg what to put my focus towards these days - setting this up or trying to move. My nervousness and stress levels about it now are contributing to some major indecision lately, which I'll have to press through. I was hoping to set this up and get going without spending anything more than the costs of the web site, but it doesn't look like it's going to work out that way, because it's much better safe than sorry.

Thanks again, very much, for all your input. I'm definitely keeping it all of it in mind, and I'm sure this thread is and will continue to be a big help to others at the same point in the process.

Have a great day, everyone! :)