Reconciling Tarot with my faith


I am adding my support as well. I was raised Catholic and had a hard time coming to terms with my gifts, which I have been aware of since I was a child. The truth is, God gave me those gifts and I should use them to help others. A lot of times religion says those things are evil but they are not. I believe it is God's way of speaking to us and our way of helping others.

Good luck to you on your journey!


I have some religious dilemmas with Tarot, but I don't entertain the possibility that there's something inherently wrong with it from a Jewish perspective. I spend a lot of energy wrestling with my Sabbath observance and how to relate to it (here I am posting on AT on the Sabbath). In general, I do a lot of things on Shabbat (playing music, writing, putzing around on the internet) that are not Halakhically okay, but I do them with intention that feels Shabbostic to me. It's all for leisure. But it feels wrong to me to read Tarot on Shabbat. Daily draws are okay, it's just reacting to an image, but asking a question and interpreting a spread feels too proactive to me.

But it's nothing about graven images or the impiety of divination or anything like that. Orthodox people looking at the tradition from a reactionary, medieval perspective may not be comfortable with it, but it certainly seems to me that the characters in the Torah were all right with divination. Just look at Indigo Rose's post.


I'm Catholic and I read tarot! I think if it is okay for the Magi to practice astrology and assume when something great happens in the heavens (star) that something great will also happen on earth (birth of a king), then it is okay for me to shuffle some cards and ask for direction, as well. Even Christ prophesized His own death and resurrection. If we are meant to follow his example, well, I guess it is okay to do a daily pick and see what my day might offer up to me!


I have though the same things but I have come to the conclusion that God = Good and Good = God, Doing Good things is the work of God, So helping people useing tarot is a Good thing. There are things in the bible to support one view of tarot.....

There shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.”Deuteronomy 18:10

BUT We can do the same and find things to support our side

Saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams...." Acts 2:17

There are many times like this when the bible conflicts its self. However it is up to you to make a choice. What do you feel in your heart? What feel good, what feels right? But dont let other choose for you.

If you are wanting to convert to another sec of Christianity that would be liking to Tarot I think Gnostic would be the best bet, they are the Mystic sec of chritians. But you dont have to change your faith just to read tarot.
Tarot is somthing you do not somthing you worship or pray to. IF the minsiter said you cant read tarot to predict the future tell him that you dont, you just take a educated guess based on the cards ;)