Serenity's Northern New Age


I know, I think I'll pass on this one. Sigh....I really was hoping this would be a good opportunity....Solitaire, you mentioned doing my own readings, with my own line at home. This sounds like a safer option, but how would I pick up clients? My problem is I live in a very small, conservative town, and I really can't do much for advertising. I work with the public and most of my clients are elderly retired christians, you know what I mean?

This sounded too good to be true, and I think you're all right, it is. I know eventually something will come my way if I'm patient. Thanks everyone.


Well, I've seen lots of tips on here that are good. One said she put her business card into every library book on tarot or tarot-related topics in the library. I thought that was a great idea----especially if you live where there's access to a large library. There would be hundreds of books that you could stick your business card into. Put your work line number and email address on the business card, but not your actual street address and if you prefer, not your real name.

There are lots of other good ideas. I'll try to remember some more. I'm still only half-thawed out after the power outage.

PM me where you live. Who knows? We could be neighbors. :) I live in Oregon, too.