


Thanks for taking the trouble to share these views and experiences. There's an awful lot of material there to think on and reflect.

I too was trained as a (social) scientist and indeed spent time learning the philosophy of science and empiricism. Science is an extremely useful approach to the world around us and has led to many discoveries that have accelerated the development of our civilisation (though not all have been positively used).

I have no doubt that there is a 'natural' astrology that can be (and eventually will be) demonstrated. There's enough evidence from studies such as the Gauquelins' or the work of Percy Seymour. However when it comes to the use of Astrology to 'read' situations or 'trends', I tend to take this as more divination than scientific work. The reason lies in the role of the Astrologer as a 'reader of signs', which are not only literal but also allegorical. Moreover these signs tend to be context specific - they relate to a specific person in a specific situation, or a specific horary question, etc.

Science works in generalising from individual cases which have a very high degree of commonality. It requires that the law of large numbers applies and that results are replicable - if we conduct the study again we get the same answers (within statistical limits). Astrological divination is rarely replicable, because it is based on highly differentiated individual circumstances. The Astrologer who reads the signs is not an outside observer - he or she is directly involved in the process. The same combination of individual, circumstances and Astrologer will almost certainly never happen again - we are into individual case Astrology.

This reason on its own is enough to make a scientific explanation of Astrology very unlikely. There may however be a psychological explanation and there is almost certainly a 'religious' or 'divinatory' explanation. The issue in effect comes down to the meaning and interpretation of signs, both to the person for whom the reading is done and for the Astrologer who does the reading.

The reading may well yield very useful information for the 'subject' of the reading and this may well help them in their decision making - there is more to 'evidence' than simply scientific evidence and 'reasons' do not necessarily have to be based on empirical investigation.

The above paragraph also suggests that Astrology is not deterministic - we are not saying what will be but what might be - the actions of the individual can change the outcomes. In a real sense Astrology furthers free will by providing evidence for decisions about what to do.


Exactly! Regardless of how "you work", its proven that astrology, tarot, mediumship, palmistry, it's all "real", it all works. When I do readings, I do give specifics, details (regardless of which approach I use, wether it's palmistry, tarot, or mediumship), names, situations, past and future events. It's all real, it's all validating information, that is to say, the client has often validated the detailed information that we pick up, regardless of what method, or tools you use. I personally am not very scientifical myself, to me, a red rose is a beautiful flower, and I have no desire to research why it's red. I've never been a person to question "how" something works, but more "why" do we choose to believe in the things we do. I've always been fascinated with psychology, the paranormal, and developement of the conciousness, subconcious, etc. Anything to do with thoughts, feelings, emotions, and disecting them to "why" we are the way we are. Faith, belief in a higher power, or even the superstitious has proven itself through millions who have witnessed, or experienced it. Everyone, (and I REALLY believe this) that everyone has had some kind of spiritual awareness, wether it's playing parlor games like stiff as a board, light as a feather, messing around with a wedge board on your 13th b-day, or your aunt/grandma or mother read tarot cards, and you grew up around it...everyone has had their own experience to some level with spiritual energy. It is indeed a part of our lives! Most of our society is easily scared by metaphysical phenonema, and choose to turn their backs to it, or reason it in some way to be a "trick" somehow. We are quick to be skeptical, and try to figure out "how this is done" which is good, we should question it, and look at it from all different angles, it's how we will eventually be able to figure out exactly (scientifically) of how this works. Most people, once they "fall of the bike" they choose not to try again. They get scared by what they can't explain, or what they don't know. It is and can be very scary to bravely walk into a dark living room, by yourself, to see "whose there" after being awaken by things going bump in the night. There are multiple ways of picking up on details of peoples lives, the lines of your palm, the astrology of your birth chart, speaking with the deceased, or simply laying the cards on the table. These are each different schools of thought, just like even in one science field, you have several different fields of thought. Look at philosophy, psychology, and (as I'm sure) many other sciences out there. There is more then one way to do this, it's just a matter of interest. While one person may like the studies of Freud, and Freudian thought, another person tends to enjoy and resonate with the school of thought of Pavlow, and behaviorial psychology. We can argue back and forth "which is method is more thorough" but the bottom line is, which ever method helps you help others the best is the correct method for you. I don't hardly know a thing about astrology, except my own birth sign, obviously, sagittarian. Other then that, I seem to work very well so far with spirit communications, and cards. I'm reluctant, but somewhat interested in looking more into astrology, and reading charts, but this is the first time that I've come over to this section and looked through the astrology section. I believe that regardless of what you use to help give you that initial boost, that it's easy to communicate with the metaphysical energy in order to "pull more" information. I do not doubt one bit that the birth chart will show major events (as well as minor things), I was just (personally) really turned off from it after a bad experience with an astrology reader, and I never could make any sense out of most of it, until I got a book that was all about sagitarians. Everything in that book resonated a truth inside of me, and these were min-nute details about my life, some of these things I would never tell another person, some were pretty generalized. You run across both extremes though when you dive into this type of study. That is to say, you see the vague readers and the detailed readers, you find the teachers, and the people who love it but just don't "get it". Like I said, either you love chemistry or you don't, just b/c I happen to be talented with a deck of cards, and I easily can make conversations with the dead coherent with the living doesn't mean I"m good with palmistry or astrology, but I do want to at least learn a little, which is why I'm so greatful for this site.

Thank You Minderwiz for your long explanation as well. I hope to have more conversations with you, and learn more from you! Thank you!



Thanks Sagitarian,

Yes I look forward to other discussions - just post away with any observations or questions you might have.

I tend to be slightly sceptical about the psychological approach, perhaps more because I find psychologists 'hi-jacking' Astrology for their own practices and trying to get rid of the bits that don't fit their own training, theories and approaches.

That being said, I too have a fascination for the workings of the mind and agree with you that all of us have psychic potential that we could develop if we choose. Though probably not to an equal level of attainment.



I do like your statement about striving to be specific. If we talk in generalities all of the time then we tend not to serve our clients or ourselves. In order to learn, in order to prove to ourselves which tools work and which do not, we need to take the risk of being specific where we can. I'm not advocating going out on a limb to be dramatic.

We push the envelope, we stretch our attempts and understanding -- and we grow. If we ask more we may receive more of ourselves. Yes, pushing limits and being specific works in Tarot and in Astrology. I never pussyfoot around, if I feel that something applies or needs to be said then I say it. Dave.

By the way, I'm back for a few days.



Glad to have you back again!

isthmus nekoi

Also glad to see you back, Dave :) I agree about striving to be specific when thinking of astrology for divinatory purposes. (Else what use can astrology be in terms of prediction???)

I also think that astrology (and tarot!) serves a broader purpose than predictions. It is a holistic system, not an empirical one, and as such it can also hold a lot of power in representing the world in its ambiguity or vagueness.



isthmus nekoi,
Yes, Astrology and Tarot (and other such systems also) have much broader and actually more valuable applications such as personal understanding, growth and awareness of ones place within (and as part of) the universe.

My focus on predictions was merely to make the point that one should seek to sharpen ones skills, knowledge and practice as much as possible. Demanding specific results or confirmation is one key way to both obtain greater insight and to shed tools that are not contributing to our knowledge or service to others.

Along that line, I'm still curious as to whether anyone has done their solar return chart for the past year and if they have checked out what happened 4 months and 2 weeks (more or less) later and 9 months and 1 or 2 weeks later (more or less) in terms of being challenged (a crises) or resolved by what was suggested in the solar return chart. Dave.

crystal cove

Great post Sagitarian! I've always felt that there is alot more to science than most people would believe. I think everything can be explained scientifically, it's just a matter of when. Most, if not all of the ideas that have been explained in the last 150 years or so would have gotten people hung centuries ago.

I can't wait to see what will be proven in the future.