Someone out there that stopped buying new decks?


Hi Are there any of you out there that stopped buying tarot decks.
And for what reason did you stop buying new decks?

Are you content with the decks you have, or are you only interested now in making your own tarot perhaps?
Or did you just decide that you have enough decks :)

Hope to hear from you.



Never! ;d



I'm not sure I can safely report that I have stopped - as in never again }) but I have pretty much stopped. I went on a 2 year buying spree and accumulated a lot of decks. I love decks like I love books so I am sure there will be some more acquiring in the future but recently nothing seems to pique my interest and the ones I have gotten, disappoint. On top of it I went thru my decks and started to pare down.

I have some awesome decks that I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!

Lo Scarabeo
Tarot de la rea

and others that I LOVE and need time to devote to.

Sakki Sakki
Waking the Wild Spirit
Margarete Petersen

So for now I am content. :heart:


franniee said:
I'm not sure I can safely report that I have stopped - as in never again }) but I have pretty much stopped.
same with me! :laugh:
I won't say I have stopped for good, and I still LOVE to check out decks I don't own - yet - and may want to in the future. but for the time being, I am being good and will not purchase anymore decks. but, I do have one very expensive deck on my list that I think I will purchase for myself when I turn 50. figure by then, I'll deserve it! and it gives me a little over a year to save up for it! :p

however, if anyone (hubby or other family member) wants to purchase a deck for me as a gift, and let me know, (so I can pick it out) who am I to stand in the way of such a lovely gift?! ;)


I haven't stopped stopped more like really really slowed down. When I first got into tarot 1 and 1/2 years ago I went on a buying spree but that stopped after the first 2 months after the learning curve of what I wanted in a deck vs. the decks out there. Since then I've only bought two decks (one today,lol).

But really I could stop buying today and never buy another deck....but I said that once about shoes and well, my closet would say other wise.


I don't keep them all, but I can be relied upon to pick up about a deck a week, in my estimation (having just done my taxes). If I don't love it, it doesn't stay (but I do have a lotta love to go around haha) and I have had great luck finding homes for things that just didn't do it for me.

However, if I had to, I could whittle my collection down. I tell myself this, anyway.


celticnoodle said:
same with me! :laugh:
I won't say I have stopped for good, and I still LOVE to check out decks I don't own - yet - and may want to in the future. but for the time being, I am being good and will not purchase anymore decks. but, I do have one very expensive deck on my list that I think I will purchase for myself when I turn 50. figure by then, I'll deserve it! and it gives me a little over a year to save up for it! :p

however, if anyone (hubby or other family member) wants to purchase a deck for me as a gift, and let me know, (so I can pick it out) who am I to stand in the way of such a lovely gift?! ;)

which deck is it? I may have it and want to sell it.... ;)

Shadow wolf1214

On the contrary, as i am really looking forward to buying the Llewellyn Tarot deck. Also i really want the druidcraft tarot deck.


franniee said:
which deck is it? I may have it and want to sell it.... ;)
the Tea Leaf Fortune Cards & book set by Rae Hepburn. It was recently for sale by someone here, and I just missed out on seeing it before someone else grabbed it! :laugh: oh well! I figure if I am meant to get this deck, I will, and if not before Oct. 01, 2010, then by dam* I'll buy it for myself as a 50th birthday gift! :p

I have found it for about $95.00 used on ebay--but....think the hubby will be upset with me paying that much--that is why I thought I'd wait till the 50th. THAT birthday ought be to worth at least double that! :laugh:

if anyone has this deck for sale---let me know! PLEASE! :)


I have pretty much stopped. I never intended to be a collector. There are a few on my wish list. It helps to be very picky.

I trade away what I don't want for those that I think I do want and then trade those away too when I realize I don't want them.

I figure each deck deserves to be loved and if I don't love it it's my job to pass it on to someone who will. Some will be gone once I've studied them.