South East Asia tsunami


Gently spoken, perhaps we will direct our passions to disaster relief

We all have different reactions to sorrow. My reaction was tempered by knowing someone and others who was close in family and affiliation to the countries involved. I also understand others have different ways of dealing with such thoughts...

I truly believe it is best to allow people to express their opinions, even if I have painful reactions to what I hear. We are truly an international forum with different belief and contexts to how we are seeing and feeling news.

I think I am best in looking at solutions, if possible. Here is a possible link to research how the living might help in this disaster relief, if your passions direct you to this:

My dearest wish for you all, a blessed wish for 'peace' in how you come to terms with such things...



isthmus nekoi

Very well said, Cerulean. Astrology, like any thought system, helps us to pull out threads of meaning from chaos. However, there are many different threads and none should be taken as the "correct" one. We are free to disagree but I would ask that posters please refrain from suggesting you have the correct perception of this situation.

edited to add: Also, I would ask posters to please stay on topic as this is the astrology forum.


purple_scorp said:
The Australian coast was not hit. Though, we have been experiencing some rather unusual weather for this time of year.

But at 1.58am AEDT on Thursday, 23 December 2004 there was a massive earthquake near Macquarie Island in Antarctica. It was the biggest earthquake in Antarctica since 1924 and measured 8.2 on the Richter scale. It was felt very strongly in Tasmania, the southern most Australian state.

I'm not scientifically trained but there has to be some connection. This quake was not even mentioned on one of the world quake web sites but I have double checked it in newspaper reports and on other sites.

It seems that there are literally ongoing little and large quakes all the time, right across the world. I had forgotten this.


The entire earth was touched

by the deaths, as well as physically, according to a report at:

"The gigantic Asian sea quake on Sunday - the most dramatic seismic shock in more than 40 years - made the earth wobble on its axis and permanently changed the geology of the surrounding area, scientists claim. . . ."



tsnuami, sedna, masaro emoto

these thoughts are not yet well-formed, but I hope they make some sense...maybe someone has some thoughts to add.

I can't stop thinking about the tsunami's connection to the discovery of Sedna as well as to the humanity's shift in consciousness in general..both Sedna and tsunami have numerical qualities of 7.

by definition, an earthquake is a shift in the earth itself. The one that caused the tsunami occurred on the ocean's floor. Sedna, mythological Goddess of the Inuit people lived/lives on the ocean floor.

A recently discovered planet with an estimated orbit of 10,500 years is found way way out in space in an icy (water) region heralding the possibility of more such discoveries. This new body was named Sedna after the Inuit arctic goddess. She was then visible from a higher place..This seemed symbolic of the objectification (air) of emotions (water) and of healing old wounds on a collective level. (The Moon and Saturn are conjunct in Cancer in the discovery chart) This also seemed to fit with the turning of the ages...the finishing up of Virgo/Pisces type issues of victimization/martyrdom etc. The Sun, Moon/Saturn and Mars (in Sedna’s discovery chart) are in Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces respectively also suggestive of her strong link to the water triad and emotions.

Discovery chart info I used: Nov 13 2003, 10:32 pm Palomar Mountian, California (PST)

There are many variations of Sedna’s myth all seeming to connect to a certain level of passage we make as human beings. In one version, Sedna is the complete victim of her fathers wish for her to marry, as in an arranged marriage,. In another she makes a choice, but for the wrong reasons and so she ends up miserable and alone. Some have linked her to the outcast, downtrodden and homeless, whilst others have suggested she was selfish and mercenary. Still others have described her as an all nurturing and caring mother type.

You can read about Sedna and her myth on the links below:

Something else I ran into recently seems connected as well. A book called "The Hidden Messages in Water" by Masaru Emoto (Master of Emotions?) In this incredible book we learn of his work with water and his finding it has 'memory' and reacts to words, thoughts, music, images and intentions. He photographs water in its frozen form to show how crystal patterns differ depending upon what the water is exposed is another connection to water and to ice....

"Water is the mirror of the soul. It has many faces formed by aligning itself with the consciousness of human beings" a quote from the book

I had just finished reading the book several weeks ago..It is incredible! you can read about his work here:

And so, might this tsunami on some level have incorporated the emotional pain and anguish humanity has suffered for the last 10,500 years??.. Might its incredible force and destruction somehow be a metaphor for that release?

Roaring like a freight train at the speed of 500 MPH, yet silent and undetected until it is close to the shore..symbolic of what lie hidden in the depths..??.

i welcome your thoughts


Asher said:
Using Scorpio's chart info, I ran some asteroids/Arabic parts. Very interesting...

The chart has Neptune (water) conjunct the ascendant in the first house, which, in mundane astrology, represents the country as a whole. We also find Uranus (earthquakes) in this house, in the water sign of Pisces -- an unexpected test of our faith/determination. But, most interesting, is the asteroid Siva (Hindu deity of destruction) is conjunct Neptune & the ascendant (destruction by water).

Asteroid Ani (earthquakes) is in a wide conjunction to the Moon in the 5th house (earthquake damage, and places for entertainment/amusement/vacation).

Asteroid Siwa (also destruction) is conjunct Chiron in the 12th house (suffering, desperation, need, loss, unhealthy condition).

Asteroid Dodona (flood) is conjunct Jupiter (= huge flood) in the 9th house
(foreign places, the incomprehensible).

Asteroid Kolga (waves) conjunct the Midheaven (in the public eye). Also conjunct the MC is the Asteroid BAM (hard impact). And, asteroid Waterfield (literally water in the field) is conjunct Saturn (lessons, restrictions) in the 6th house (public health/sickness of the country) opposite Chiron.

Arabic Parts:
Catastrophe -- 2nd house (what the country needs to survive)
Damage -- 3rd house (all means of inland transit, dissemination of information, neighboring nations)
Death and Disaster -- also 3rd house, conjunct North Node
Sudden parting -- 5th house (places of amusement, entertainment, vacation spots) conjunct the Moon
Tragedy & Fatality -- 7th house (foreign affairs -- we are seeing the world come to the aid of this tragedy)
Unusual events -- 9th house (foreign travel, foreign cultures) conjunct Jupiter (excesses)

Schwartz, Asteroid Name Encyclopedia
Munkasey, Astrological Thesaurus (House Keywords)
Green, Raphael & Carter, Mundane Astrology


Asher, thanks so much for all of this information; most particularly on the asteriods relative to all of this..very telling!


NeXoRiouS said:
It's understandable that everyone sees Death as a big thing. However it is not. As in Tarot, Death is only transformation, it is the destruction of illusion. Souls don't die. The fact is souls can't die. We just change and take another form.

A couple of friends and I can't wait to die. Not because we detest living. There is so much more bliss back 'home'. However the reason why we remain alive is to finish our jobs.

Death is not a big hoo-ha. It's just one step closer to the One.

Furthermore, those killed by the disaster aren't going to be pushed into depths of torturing hells. They died for a cause. To prove a point. It's not like they are not going come back as our descendants except for those who refuse to leave home.

The truth is, we all have free will. If we're going to die for a cause, we have to allow permission or else we won't die. All of us have made our choices long time ago.

See beyond physical death and the wonders of it will shine upon us.

This has been my New Year message, your post has placed it all into perspective (I'm thinking Venus conjunct Mercury conjunct Pluto). We must learn from this and prepare for all things possible.


I too was very impressed with asher's chart, i would also add that the mutual reception of neptune in aquarius and uranus in pisces must be of some importance. I loooked for asher's asteriod book at astroamerica and amazon to no avail, any tips appreciated!