Strength reversed


I would tend to say Strength reversed sounds like either Weakness (opposite) or Abuse of Power or Arrogance (the darker turn of Strength.)

Miss travel

strenght reversed

Hi there Misskatie,

those cards are powerful but according to me this doesn't seem a healthy combination to say the least. (sorry about that, just how I feel)
A lack of self understanding, uncontrolled fears, maybe bordering on violent actions as a possible manifestation is what I see here. Those violent actions could manifest themselves physically or verbally. He could be the kind to use pushy tactics, as Bec said in a previous post, my advice would be get the H*** away from him. I totally agree with her.

It seems he has some unresolved issues, the roller coaster might be fun at first, but you could expose yourself to a destructive individual and suffer a lot from it. He has to resolve those things by himself at first, you can't do that for him. He has to make that decision. People who are frustrated by that kind of lack of self understanding are precisely very interested by connecting to people who are showing compassionate, sunny, kind behavior only to try to destroy it. They are like "Vampires" if you know what I mean. They try to possess what they can't be. Before you know it, you'll feel lifeless, and all the the energy left in you will be directed in the hope to "save" him. When your energy will be gone, he will move on another source of energy. Not my idea of perfect give and take relationship. You seem to be a warm good hearted individual and you deserve better.

Keep in mind that these are just my 2 cents in regards of the cards you have picked.

With Love,


Miss travel said:
Hi there Misskatie,

those cards are powerful but according to me this doesn't seem a healthy combination to say the least. (sorry about that, just how I feel)
A lack of self understanding, uncontrolled fears, maybe bordering on violent actions as a possible manifestation is what I see here. Those violent actions could manifest themselves physically or verbally. He could be the kind to use pushy tactics, as Bec said in a previous post, my advice would be get the H*** away from him. I totally agree with her.

It seems he has some unresolved issues, the roller coaster might be fun at first, but you could expose yourself to a destructive individual and suffer a lot from it. He has to resolve those things by himself at first, you can't do that for him. He has to make that decision. People who are frustrated by that kind of lack of self understanding are precisely very interested by connecting to people who are showing compassionate, sunny, kind behavior only to try to destroy it. They are like "Vampires" if you know what I mean. They try to possess what they can't be. Before you know it, you'll feel lifeless, and all the the energy left in you will be directed in the hope to "save" him. When your energy will be gone, he will move on another source of energy. Not my idea of perfect give and take relationship. You seem to be a warm good hearted individual and you deserve better.

Keep in mind that these are just my 2 cents in regards of the cards you have picked.

With Love,

Thank you very much for your response and comments. I agree with you, I need to stay away from him. The positive thing right now is that he isn't around. He's overseas with the military. When I met him I knew he had problems and I was willing to accept it and do my best to help him...but I know deep inside that I can't so I'm working on letting this go. If I don't I know this person will eat me alive and not value what I do have to give.

Miss travel

I wish you something bright

Hi again Miss katie,

Consider yourself lucky in a way, you realized this before it was too late.
I wish you all the best for the "letting go process", I know it's hard ... You have all my sympathy. There a saying that says something like "don't cry when you don't see the moon anymore, it will prevent you from seeing the stars that are shining in the sky for you" (something like that). What you've learned through this painful experience won't be lost, even if you may not see the advantage of it right now.

I don't know if this is appropriate to mention a book within the forum but there is a writer named Isabelle Nazare-Aga who wrote a book about the manipulative ways of those individuals which I found personally very helpful as I was going through the same thing. It is very well written by a professional, with example of situations, very informative whether you are into tarot or not. I have no idea though if this was translated into English or not, sorry. I read it in French following the advice of a friend. But it is very effective because it really makes you aware of how those kind of situations are happening, and how they develop and how they affect you. She is I believe a psychologist or a psychiatrist but you don't even have to know anything about psychology in order to read the book and learn from it. It's sometimes hard to see reality as it is. I was stunned and in a way relieved that I was not the only one, even if I don't wish this to anybody.

You seem to be a grounded person so I'm confident you'll work this out.
Again, I wish you all the best