tarot spells book i got. question...


Okay doke, Let us all try and stick with the original question.

gorgeousbutterfly said:
the book uses robin wood tarot in the spells, does that mean i have to use that as well? or can i just use rider waite?
Otherwise I'll have to temporarily lock the thread and excise posts.


And sorry, I do not have an answer as I have no experience.


sorry marion....


Sulis said:
Can I just say that book or no book, if you really don't know what you're doing then maybe you aren't ready to be casting spells yet?

Gorgeousbutterfly I'm sorry, I've just read what I'd said and I think what I should've said was 'mabe you aren't ready to be casting tarot spells yet'.

The way you asked the question made you sound as if you're not very experienced with spell work..
I think that for a spell to work, the person casting the spell must know exactly what they're doing and exactly what their goal is. They should be completely confident that this spell is going to work (otherwise it won't) - if you don't know enough about the type of spell your casting, how can you be confident enough to cast a spell that will work?
There are loads of simple ways of spell casting that are less complicated than using cards; candles and colours for example.

I really didn't mean to sound as if I was telling you not to use magic or cast spells, I'd just say that from my own experience, I've found it was best to start simple.


I have the first edition of 'Tarot Spells.' In the intro I think Robin Wood mentions that in some spells the cards were used because in her deck the characters chosen faced each other ... that may not hold true with every deck, but it does mean you are free to experiment.

In truth, it is the intent of the card, not the image of the card. So, no matter what deck you use, if the spell calls for a certain three cards, it won't matter which deck they are from.

PS - ... the cards don't make the spell work ~~ YOU do! :smoker:

Fen Windglimmer

gorgeousbutterfly said:
i'm ASKING!! i am not going with the spell without any knowledge of it. i'm making 100 sure i get evertyhign right. and i didn't say i was doing the spell RIGHT NOW.. i am reading about it...... i never said i was a magician ... i just said it was uncalled for to assuse about someone that you don't know that they aren't ready for magic ...........
Use whatever tarot deck you wish.

It will make no difference to the efficacy of the spell.

Love and light to you all
