Temperance as career



In the last few months, even years, I have asked the tarot for my professional future.

Temperance is always the answer.

Can you please suggest me which kind of jobs does the temperance represent or what type of professional career?

Is there any thread in this forum regarding arcana and jobs?

Looking forward your reply.


What immediately comes to mind are:
  • bartender
  • mediator
  • chemist


I would say.

Mental health in some capacity (Councillor or therapy of some form)
Healer (reiki etc)


Is temperance associated with learning? Can represent a teacher?


Public Relations


In the last few months, even years, I have asked the tarot for my professional future.

Temperance is always the answer.

Can you please suggest me which kind of jobs does the temperance represent or what type of professional career?

A friend of mine runs a natural perfumery, and this card has come out for her indicating this particular career-path and her laboratory.

As well as jobs which involve pouring (which might even be pouring molten metals in foundries or concrete on building sites!), it might indicate jobs that involve peace-making, such as counselling or pre-judiciary mediation, political or hostage negotiator, diplomat etc etc.

As it is your deck working with your system and mental imagery, what occupations does it remind YOU of? Even improbable ones?


I was also thinking pharmacist.


Chemical engineer-

It came up for my friend who is a chemical engineer. He also teaches at engineering school.I was doing more learning with cards as asking careers of friends of friends etc. ( for people whose careers I didn't now but was able to get the information through friends). I was using gilded deck.


Chef, baker
The owner of E-Harmony or Match.com :)
Spiritual counselor