The 8 of Swords revisited...


I got a totally different spin on it this weekend

doing a reading about how I'm struggling with a relationship right now, I just can't get comfortable. The 8 was the advice card, and taken into account with the other cards, it was telling me the opposite of what I usually think it means - not that I need to have the strength to break free but that I'm afraid of being tied down and need to deal with that, stop floundering around so restlessly, stop trying to escape, and just let myself be "caught."


Eights are the cards of organization. Choices are made based on priorities. It is a time of meditation and self-analysis. Eights are also the number of termination. They are the cards of Karma. Therefore, situations and events should be understood to be the result of Karma, good or bad, which the individual himself as caused by his own personal actions.
The Eight of Swords symbolizes interference from people or situations. There is difficulty in making decisions and choices due to the number of possible alternatives.

The two of swords mentioned in the thread I think a bit more fluid. I always read them as they pertain to the other cards but I think the 8 is more of an anchor card.