The Bohemian Gothic Tarot

6 Haunted Days

rosyelf said:
6 Haunted Days, there is the Victoria Regina deck by Sarah Ovenall. It is definitely Victorian-using lots of Victorian engravings-and what I've seen online looks very good. I did have some qualms about GUNS being used as one of the suits ( in place of--Swords, was it ? I can't recall).
The Victoria Regiona is Out of Print but you can still get it secondhand from Amazon

Well yes that, but that's kinda a more commercial art, old advertisement collage. I love aspects of it, I got it in 2002 when it came out and it's since disappeared, nice :rolleyes:, going to be expensive to replace. The guns too, major turn-off for me for the deck. They looked out of place and silly on many of the cards. Swords is a much beloved suit, so it was an irritant. The moon card is quite fetching. I never really read with it much. The mason jars not a huge hit with me either, lots of kitsch in that deck. There is the Vaudeville tarot, but that isn't available in printed form is it? Gorgeous images though.

The Victoria Regina is 188.00 on amazon!

Any others out there? Karen gave the impression the market was flooded with them, they're pretty sparse.

One thing I keep forgetting to mention about th BG, the lack of borders! I go on and on about everything and neglect to mention this, which is a gigantic thing. I love :heart: decks without borders, they look so right in your face, and layed out together in a spread, blend together like a ever-changing portrait. With the rich, deep colours and startling evocative imagery of the BG they are going to create a veritable tapestry of shadows and light. I can't wait to lay out different combinations in candlelight (and hurricane lamps, I mostly use those in place of electric, candles don't give out enough light ro do a lot of things, but laterns and hurricane lamps are great) and see the tableaux they weave together. Just imagine the silver shimmering, winking and eeriely aglow :love:

I am anticipating the backs so much, MRP always has the most intricate swirling hypnotizing backs of any decks out there, considering the images on the front, I believe Alex is going to create quite the treat!

I was reading on this thread about the Gothic being about sadness as well as scary. Well yes! Bittersweet melancholy and a yearning gloominess and woe are really the main componets of the genre, scary...well more sublime horror than scary. A huge aspect is also the "picturesque" style of conveying the lanscape and nature. This of course is no where better displayed than in Mysteries of Udolpho. It doesn't get any better than Radcliffe's narration of the Pyrenees, Italian countryside and those small quaint villages on her long carriage ride. I love her description of the approach to the castle Udolpho....simply breathtaking.


To the Moddies ~ this is sort of BGT related:

I finally bought a set of black Bohemian Cat buttons from Karen & Alex's Etsy site today!!! I am so excited! The listing said there was only one left. *whew* But maybe there are more??

Thanks for listing them!! {{H}}
They (2) will go on the blood-red satin lined black crochet bag I'm making for the new Dark Sister deck. :)



Well, I suppose I ought to be vague about that as it's commercial information and all that (plus I haven't gone through yet so not sure if all the orders included a Silver, plus I don't yet know how many ordered more than one). But let's just say it's a surprising amount - in three figures anyway. That's not counting the one or two places we wholesale to either. Hmm, a bit of a shock in a way!


Oh, Karen...
You're going to be sooooo busy when time comes for packaging and deliveries.

Better take a day or two at the nearest spa to regain some energy before the day-in-day-out sorting, boxing, labelling and shipping off to the postoffice.

I'm not too surprised though.
As far as dark decks go, this sure looks like a keeper. It's not just dark, it's sinister in places, carefully hinting on possible danger in some and downright scary in others, and sofar not a single solitary overly obvious cliché amongst the cards.
You're allowing us to think for ourselves about the artwork instead of just showing us where our minds should go and us tarot-nuts/lovers/readers/whatnot do like to think for ourselves. :D

Now if I could just get my copy of the deck so I can back this statement up with a real life experience...

What, me impatient? Never.... *tap, tap, tap* ;)


Me, too! Me, too!

Having never pre-ordered anything ever, I tried to be strong...but it was like Magic Realist had mysteriously become my home page. Everytime I fired up my computer there was the alluring Bohemian Gothic. Oh my.

Pre-ordered my Silver Edition today.


Skydancer said:
To the Moddies ~ this is sort of BGT related:

I finally bought a set of black Bohemian Cat buttons from Karen & Alex's Etsy site today!!! I am so excited! The listing said there was only one left. *whew* But maybe there are more??

Thanks for listing them!! {{H}}
They (2) will go on the blood-red satin lined black crochet bag I'm making for the new Dark Sister deck. :)


Ah, bit off-thread. That "only one left" is a very irritating Etsy thing that goes on everything regardless. In fact we have plenty and will go on listing them as long as we can find the energy! (sounds awful, but packing and sending a few beads may not make sense this autumn - then again, it was nice to put some on the new shop).

Back on the subject, we have a lot of new BG bags that I just cannot find the time to list. I will try to get it done in the next few days. Alex had a burst of printing cards we haven't printed before (I think he just wanted to see them on the new satin!) I am trying to persuade him that the Nine of Swords would be a good tarot bag. Or maybe Seven of Swords, which is quite fairytale-ish - though we haven't shown it yet.


Mailing a few buttons right now is the least of your worries so of course NO HURRY!!

Don't forget to take a deep breath every so often, and stay calm. Otherwise mistakes will creep in. And that day-spa idea sounds terrific! I can just see you relaxing in a hot tub, surrounded by bubbles, with cucumber slices over your eyes, counting how many bags you have yet to finish and if you've got every order lined up with the correct person ordering it and having sudden fits and starts because you think you've just remembered that you've forgotten something tremendously important but you can't think what. :laugh:

Take care!


Does anybody know where you can see picture of the lovely BG Moon-bag with piano shawl that is advertised in the newsletter? The link doesn´t work for me and I can´t find that bag on Etsy nor on the web page.


baba-prague said:
Or maybe Seven of Swords, which is quite fairytale-ish - though we haven't shown it yet.

Hah. She tosses this out quite casually to us.
