The readers' energy


There are negative people in the world. This has nothing to do with mental illness (and AmethystEyes never said anything about mental illness = negative people).

I personally stopped reading for a while when I went through a traumatic situation. My brain was not in a space to be objective and all I saw was gloom and doom. That was my problem and thankfully, I recognized it and realized I was in no place to divine anything for anyone (including myself). Not all readers can recognize, or will choose to recognize, when they are in a negative place and keep on reading. This is not good. We must always check our perspective and make sure we aren't coloring the reading with our own stuff too much.

I went to a woman who was amazing at predicting future events with tarot. I'm talking dead on but every time she would mention a man in the reading, it would be the most negative, horrible take you could possibly have. She was a man-hater. I'm sure she had something traumatic happen to her to make her think this way but this was a classic example of letting your life color the reading far too much. Just because all the men in her life have sucked, it doesn't mean all men suck.

I believe you should protect yourself from negativity. Regardless as whether it's from a reader, sitter, or just anyone you run into. They can suck your vitality and leave you an empty shell. They walk away feeling great and you feel like shit for days.

We all live in this world, have unpleasant stuff happen to us, have a bad day or whatever. The point is that we need to be self-aware enough to drop that junk at the door and carry on with an unbiased reading or we need to push pause and not read until we get our lives straightened out.


The reader's issues and mood affects how you deal with the other person. It might also affect how you read the cards. It (normally) should not interfere with the cards itself or their message. I would worry more about the querent's state during a reading, as that can affect the reading and their reception of the message. It might be easier for an empath to determine the querent's state and guide the reading, but you do not have to be one.

Personally I have dealt with difficult people in difficult circumstances, and have done a few readings during personal bad times, and the cards still presented the intended messages. As an empath I have not found that overly negative or anxious people had much effect on my readings.


I can only talk about myself personally.. and I tend to separate my baggage from the readings of another person.. I know it because I still get positive cards for others even in my darkest days...

I shuffle and focus on the question with colours and numbers for every individual and questions.. this somehow works in keeping my own baggage or daily events from someone else's reading..


Do you feel like the reader's energy can affect the cards? If they are a very negative person or has issues going on internally that it will affect the cards coming out more negative?

When my life imploded, I stopped reading for three or four years.

By imploded, I meant *really* imploded: I was virtually under house arrest in a very violent relationship. House arrest, so that I couldn't organise myself to leave.

Anything less than that, and I just leave my problems at the door, like any other professional.


I think the energy of the reader effects the interpretations of the cards. If the querent is shuffling the cards themselves it is their energy which determines how it will go.

A reader can see whatever the heck they like in a card. Every card has a full range of positive and negative potential interpretations. If you see negative in the world, you can see it in the cards anytime you like.

It's up to the querent to listen with the heart and decide if the reading resonates or not.