The Shadow Card


MeeWah (27 Feb, 2002 04:30):
SJ: Welcome! I'd forgotten this thread was still here.
Your birthdate is added as follows:
=2000 = 2
Therefore, 2-The High Priestess is both Personality & Soul Card (because 2 does not "reduce" further numerically).
11-Justice is Shadow Card.

wouldnt he have 2 shadow cards, ie, card 20 as well?

Im an 11 personality 2 soul, so i think 20 is my shadow


Liliana: According to Mary K. Greer's calculations, yes.
SJ has 2 Shadow Cards, or what Greer calls Hidden Factor Cards.
In your case, only 20 is your Shadow.


Thanks MeeWah and Liliana - so what I see is that all three numbers (20, 2, 11) pertain to me, so that's good! I rather liked 20.

And, I'm still interested in the fact that adding up the numbers in certain ways gives a different number - i.e. 3+1+8+1+9+6+1 = 29 = 11. Perhaps this is a question more for numerologists.

Thanks again,



MeeWah (27 Feb, 2002 04:30):
SJ: Welcome! I'd forgotten this thread was still here.
Your birthdate is added as follows:
=2000 = 2
Therefore, 2-The High Priestess is both Personality & Soul Card (because 2 does not "reduce" further numerically).
11-Justice is Shadow Card.

I had forgotten this thread too! Looks like we get to have some more fun with it ;)

If my mind serves me correctly you actually have 2 Shadow Cards as they are parts of the High Priestess Constellation that are "hidden." The HP Constellation is 2/11/20 ... if all three numbers were manifested you would have no shadow card, if your personality and soul cards are different then only one of the 3 would be a shadow card, but with only one represented that would leave 2 shadow cards. This is also my constellation with 20 as my personality and 2 my soul card ... 11 my hidden card.

As for the Justice/Strength debate that is a whole nother thread *LOL*. The way I relate to this (being of your constellation) is that you have to have strength to be just, and often times you have to be just in your strength ;)

As for the adding of the numbers, the formula we used was the one provided in Mary Greers book. Regardles, 11 is still a very important card in your life ... as a shadow card it has much to teach you and much you can draw from it. Thanks for bringing this thread back.

Love & Light,

Celtic Lady

Have I got it?

I'm new to the forum and have spent the last half hour trying to figure this all out. Please, please tell me I've got it figured!!!
My birthday is:
= 1990 = 19

So my personality card is the Sun. 1+9 =10 and 1+0 = 1
So my soul card is the Magician.
1 can only be made by 1 and 0, so my shadow card is the Wheel of Fortune. Did I understand or have I got it completely wrong??? Oh yeah......... and on a slightly different note, why is it people go pale when they find out my birthday was on a Friday?


Okay, so I think I've got this right: if my year and date of birth add up to 8, Justice is my Personality card as well as my Soul card, right? So my Shadow/Teacher card has to be the Star (17). This is turning out better than I would have guessed. :cool:

My next question is, did Mary K. Greer come up with this system herself, or did she get it somewhere else?


Qolus, 8's have either Strength or Justice depending on the deck used. Even though, I'm willing to use both just to make it easier :D And The Star is the shadow card.


Celtic Lady: A belated welcome to the forums!
Yes, your calculations are correct.
Apparently, you were born on a Friday, the 13th.
There are traditions/superstitions associated with Friday the 13th which are probably related to Judeo-Christian concepts & others.
The number 13 is thought by some to be "unlucky" or "bad luck". Judas Iscariot was the 13th apostle; the one who betrayed Jesus, leading to his capture.
"Mem", the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, represents the feminine principle; Mother; birth, life, death & resurrection.
Numerologically, 13 refers to cycles, endings & beginnings. Conversely, it refers to mis-use, danger.
In the Tarot concept, 13 is Death; however, it generally does not refer to physical death, but to transformation; metamorphosis (as in from caterpillar to butterfly); the shedding or the discarding of an old life for a new one.


Qolus: If the birth date reduces to a single digit from a number that is not higher than 22, then that number represents both the Personality & the Soul.
8 is Strength or Justice depending on the Tarot deck used, as Dollchica states.
17-The Star is the Shadow Card.
I think Mary K Greer took Angeles Arrien's work on Tarot Lifetime Cards & expanded upon it.


Does anyone know where the Strength/Justice schism originated? Was the Rider Waite, Marseilles, etc. one way, and then the Golden Dawn/Thoth camp went the other way?