The worst sign for any planet


yes that's true Isthmus. Indeed it's possible to read a chart for a relative or friend (or boss or servant) by ,turning the chart' and reading from the appropriate house. This also goes for transits or progessions to the chart.


try mars in aries in the 12th!

the twelfth house ,mars in aries. i am totally obsessed by this cause i just don't know what to think about it.............i have this placement and having read about it i believe that sportsman tend to come first with this placement, but i am far from sproty so does anyone know what it really means. i also believe that hitler had this , but i could be wrong. all troops going in the wrong direction was another one i read. would anyone else like to share their twellth house nightmare mars placements with me? cheers, poiple


OK,then, what about using the charts to check the onset of a pre-determined disease. I was thinking of someone like Ronald Reagan. Could Nancy have charted her role in that scenario(she probably did). But she at least would have been forewarned. Or someone with MS could plan around flare-ups. The charts can help us plan our lives to "go with the flow",right?


I have a mars in pisces, and i have firsthand experience that it isnt great. It is difficult to express myself at times, but my sagittarius sun helps me a little, causing me to suprise people ;)
the people who make me want to pull out my hair are those with, ahem, Mars in Pisces. They can't just come out and say what they want, it seems. I once dated a guy with Mars in Pisces and he drove me crazy, making me guess what he wanted to do, where he wanted to go, leaving a lot of little clues and hints instead of just saying, "Yes, I want to do that," or "No, I don't want that."
I dont take this personally :) i know i piss off people also. The not saying anything is more of a way of analyzing and trying not to make people unhappy, at the sacrifice of yourself. There is also the saying something to ellicit a response motive...and they dont physically fight much, or well i guess. I think its aggrevating because its so hard to understand, but hey-its a difficult sign and a difficult planet.


Hi, Rainwolf. To be fair, I don't have the best Mars sign either. Leo. Big bad cat. Hiss, growl, roar.

Anyway, I think there's something to be said for the traditional exaltation sign. I have a friend with Mars in Capricorn, and she is so comfortable about expressing her anger in a healthy, straightforward way. I envy that.

isthmus nekoi

poipleg, Mars in 12th generally indicates that agression, anger etc are more "hidden". It can indicate that these qualities were discouraged in your early life. Is Mars aspecting anything? That would give a clearer picture of how your Mars acts.

I would not consider this an atheletic placement unless Mars was conjunct the ASC, but even then, that's no guarantee. I have Mars very strong in 1st, conjunct my ASC, sextiling my MC and I've never cared for sports.

Cascade, while I wouldn't use astro as a primary source of info in terms of medicine, that sounds like a fair enough idea. Astro is like the predicting weather - it works in probabilities. x% chance of precipitation for a meteorologist is like x% chance of being athletic or having a flare up of arthritis, or falling in love or whatever for an astrologer.


isthmus nekoi, thanks for even replying. Sometimes it takes common sense astrology to bring me back to earth!

isthmus nekoi

You're very welcome, Cascade - please feel free to ask any more questions if you have em :)


Mars and Venus in conjunction in the 12th house might be a slight challange for the recepients of that chart.