There is something wrong with me?


......There are many, many (many rules concerning the diacritics, and while they are easy to remember and read, it is very difficult to actually do it yourself correctly, and practically no one does.
That's comforting. :)


That's pretty amazing that you've put off uni to study Thoth. Perhaps you should look for more formal training. Or seek out a teacher in another way. If you are really ready and send out your intention to the universe, a teacher will come into your life.

I thought she already did .... here we are ;)

Just curious Carla; why that organisation? Does it teach Thoth Tarot?


Oh wow, I can't imagine being able to differentiate stick figure versions. *biting lip* Maybe I can find some sort of tutorial online for writing experience so far is based on the Chicken Qabalah book, and DuQuette's descriptions include all the variations of width and so on in the strokes. I thought they were necessary.

There is a lot in the shape of the strokes, try using a brush and ink (if you really want to get into that). The more pressure you put on the brush the wider the stroke will be. After practice the up and down pressure movement of the brush and the sideways flowing movement to make the lines of the letters will come together, Then you will find ways of doing a little squiggle while you apply pressure and release it and it will look like the foot of an Aleph, and so on.

For fun (at this stage) you could imagine each stroke (part of letter) is a form of flame (e.g. a yod is just one little flicker of flame, i have seen Pe like flames when i shut my firebox heater down and the flames (lack of oxygen + hot fuel ) start going in slow motion and swirling).

Later on, if you choose to work more with it (eg Lesser banishing ritual of pentagram) flaming letters making up sacred names are visualized, drawn in with the breath, circulated through the body and breathed back out while vibrating the word.


I should add that my idea is about exploring the letters, not everyday writing.

My notes (for correpondances study and learning, listing tables, etc) with Hebrew letters in them are 'stick' letters in ballpoint.

When I put the four words up in cards at each quarter (to lean the pentagram ritual) they were painted in a more formal font style and in the shape of flames.


The Tree of Life - wow I am so overwhelmed...

How you feeling now Lourdez? :laugh:

Sorry, just my 'fraternal' bad humour.

I cant help feeling; you asked about this and it sort of appears like a toth tarot Tree of Life learn about Hebrew complexities how to join the OTO and start ritual magick answer / avalanche.


You okay there?

You started a great thread though, thanks :)


How you feeling now Lourdez? :laugh:

Sorry, just my 'fraternal' bad humour.

I cant help feeling; you asked about this and it sort of appears like a toth tarot Tree of Life learn about Hebrew complexities how to join the OTO and start ritual magick answer / avalanche.


You okay there?

You started a great thread though, thanks :)

Thank you so much for asking. I'm glad you like the thread I'm a but embarrassed about it now.

I am plugging away and hope to be an expert by about 2050 :) just kidding but it will be a very long journey for me.

Richard will be a very long journey for me.
For me, the journey is pretty much what it's all about. It gives life a direction, a focus.


For me, the journey is pretty much what it's all about. It gives life a direction, a focus.

I'm thinking the journey is pretty much ALL it's about. And that is a comforting thought. Because no matter where you are on the journey, if the point is the journey, then you're doing fine. :)


Easier said than done. I know all about the journey, etc., and urge others to take their time as well, but sometimes I get so impatient with myself. If I don't feel like researching Abrahadabra or the God names for the LBRP or heaven knows whatever dry thing I'm researching at any given time I tell myself "no time! do it now!" But that's just missing the point, that "lust of result" rearing its lustful head.

However, the advantage in this kind of thing is that it is study of Everything, so if I'm too lazy I read Greek mythologies, or read old forum posts, just shuffle and look at the cards or simply daydream and muse about the paths and whatnot. Study of the Thoth in particular and the occult in general is everywhere, not merely inside dusty books. The Thoth is merely a snapshot of creation; sometimes you can understand more about the picture by looking at whatever it is of. Even watching porn can be, under the right circumstances, a very Thothy experience. :)


Yes, as a matter of fact, viewing the journey as akin to an academic pursuit is missing the point (although the degree systems of occult societies may seem to mimic academe). The journey is both active and passive, creative as well as receptive, an enhancement of life as well as the ultimate destruction of our most prized illusions (such as "lust of result").