Time before "talking"


Take the time...the pause adds effect...close your eyes and open them...look through your sitter...breath...and then speak

...but it's okay too if you can just start speaking right off...it's a style thing...

...and wish good vibrations for you tonight at the cafe!

Herzog said:
I try not to take too long and you say, Alta, the longer I take the more likely I'll freeze. I usually take a few beats, not much longer than 15 seconds which by the way can feel like an eternity when someone's sitting across from you :)

I love online readings... gives me a chance to really absorb things, double check details and all that good stuff.

I'm reading tonight at a local cafe which is why this subject is on my mind.


For me it depends on how soon I see the message, but usually I take a few seconds to really survey the cards and get the connections made, etc. I think the time required to do that was the scariest and hardest hurdle for me to get over when I started to read for other people because, as someone else said, the seconds feel like hours when you feel like you're on the spot. However, once I realized that it was okay to take time, it stopped being so uncomfortable. I also learned that sitters don't care. They just want you to give them the reading they wanted in the best way you can, so they're very patient.

I think that discomfort of feeling like you're on the spot and have to read the cards immediately may be why some readers have gone to preferring to read on the internet. If that's the reason for anyone reading this post, try some face-to-face readings having told your sitter up front that you won't begin speaking immediately because you need time to absorb the messages in the cards to be sure you've fully understood everything they want to tell you. The joy and fulfillment of reading face-to-face shouldn't be missed. :)

I've also found that it's okay to draw a blank on a card during a face-to-face reading. What I do, though, is just read the cards I "get", then come back to that one. If I get its message, fine but if I don't, fine. I don't read the cards (except in the Your Readings forum) card by card for the sitter. For example "this card means this and that card means that". I read the spread as a whole cohesive message, so chances are that the sitter won't even realize I blanked on one card.

Rarely, a whole spread will just be silent and then I'll give it an honest shot but pick the cards up and start over or just tell the sitter that the cards don't have a message for them on their chosen topic at that time and give them a free reading another time or shuffle and lay out a new spread. This doesn't happen very often, though.


My personal world record for a reading was 29 hours. I really don't think.....

I can't afford to have my sitters stay over - even though I don't charge...


Le Fanu said:
as the cards are turned over you can feel the palpable atmosphere of "I want ANSWERS"


Lately, once the cards are spread out I'll pause and say, "just need a second to look things over..." Everyone's fine with this. I think in some way they appreciate that I'm taking my time, not looking to rush them away and that I'll get a more accurate reading for them


RexMalaki said:
Take the time...the pause adds effect...close your eyes and open them...look through your sitter...breath...and then speak

...but it's okay too if you can just start speaking right off...it's a style thing...

...and wish good vibrations for you tonight at the cafe!


I love your suggestions, especially "looking through them". This would make a very strong impression and may also connect us and help tune out the rest of the room


Herzog said:
Sometimes I need to take a moment and absorb a spread of cards before opening my mouth. But I've noticed some readers begin speaking almost immediately as they turn over cards. This amazes me, but I'm wondering if it's the best approach. Isn't it better to wait and see how cards interact before interpreting out loud?

I'm fairly slow to begin an interpretation. I like having all the facts and I don't believe I can get in-depth readings from a cursory overview. My initial reactions are usually on point but still I like to double check things before talking

I usually pull cards instead of using spreads but, I tend to pause and take a breath with each card then talk about that card separately, then when they are all out, I look for patterns and interactions.

The pause is amazing in that verbal sitters will take time to look and sometimes share what they see, I live when sitters do that!


I alway pause study the spread ....then begin my analysis.



Alta said:
I generally take a few seconds but for me, and this is just me, the reading develops as I talk. Connections form in my mind and I tend to get deeper into the cards as I 'play' with them verbally. If I stare at the cards too long, I tend to freeze up.
I'm in this camp, too.

I also have the feeling I'd be breathlessly arrogant if I tried to do the whole reading silently before I opened my mouth. It's as if interplay with the client is irrelevant because they are so unimportant a part of the reading - when it is all about them!

A reading, like a life, develops over time.


nisaba said:
A reading, like a life, develops over time.

This is what I'm finding out, too. Just got back from a night of readings at the cafe. Seven readings and I took my time with each. Everything flowed and what I found out was exactly as you say, "readings develop over time". Initial impressions evolve as more information comes to the surface. What I also realized and continue to be reminded of is how I must always go with the gut. A couple of times I made the mistake of holding back what I really wanted to say and as it turned out, I would have made a stronger connection if I had just spoke my mind.

I'm finding this to be the hardest lesson


<smile> You get used to it. If it helps, I think of the process as this:

The client and I do whatever we need to do to get the spread on the table. Then I turn off my mind and put my mouth into Automatic.