to reverse or not to reverse


As I am just starting to learn the tarot .I've come to realise that some people never use reversed cards in readings ie always making sure that the cards are upright before shuffleing.What's the reason for this?


Personal preference. Some find it easier (just think, it is fewer cards to memorize meanings for!)The energy from reversals is thought to be weak or blocked. Most people like forceful energy, strong messages coming through; they feel more confident with upright cards. Others prefer the nuance of the reversals; they want to know where the energy needs work.
These are only some of the reasons. Do what makes you feel comfortable, and as you progress, you will explore further.


Hi Mahjong,

The reason for this is that every card has a complete range of meanings from positive to negative so there really is no need to turn some of them upside down.

With experience a reader learns which one of it's many meanings a card is presenting in the context of that reading.
The meaning of a card depends on the question, the context, the position in the spread, the surrounding cards and of course, the readers intuition.

If you take a look at the index at the top of the Using Tarot Cards forum you will find many interesting threads on reversals, reading with them and whether to bother with them or not:
There is also a section called 'Thirteen's Reversals' - here you will find suggested ways to read reversed cards and possible meanings for all the cards when they are reversed:

If you seach in 'titles only' for 'Reversals' you will find even more threads to read :)


balenciaga said:
Some find it easier (just think, it is fewer cards to memorize meanings for!)

That's if you're going to go down the route of memorising card meanings - not something that most readers advise.
I've found that it's best to learn to READ not just memorise card meanings ;)


My preference is to use reversals because like someone already said:

"Others prefer the nuance of the reversals; they want to know where the energy needs work." Thank you Balenciaga
What needs work, what's blocked, where there is resistance or inability or difficulty...
I have tried working without them and the reading seem pale and incomplete in comparison...


I'd avoid using reversals until you get your feet wet- maybe look into it in a couple months. For now, I would stick to small readings (3 cards is a good number) and upright cards only. Once you start to see how cards interact with each other (and how card meanings shift based on what other cards are near) then you can look into reversals. Personally, I don't use them, but I'm starting to think about using them again.



Sometimes I read them reversed...and then I don't,
depending how I'm feeling while doing the reading.

Sometimes I draw an extra card for the reverse to
see how to unblock it.

Sometimes I say there is a block, so the cards energy
is delayed.

"Anyway" you personally want to read
your cards that works for you at the
time of the reading!


white ace

Reversal - the fun

Personally, I felt doing Rv. is very challenging and may bring inspiration and ideas to new height.

I found that it had maintain it's origin meaning in most pips only with different approach.



Hi Mahjong
I am also pretty new to this (started about 6months ago) and for a while I was very worried about reversals so avoided them, always making sure my cards were upright before I shuffled. However, I have found that sometimes the cards decide for me. For instance I did a reading for a friend once when she wasn't present. I then did a reading while she was there using a different spread for the same question. I laid out the cards and interpreted them and they had a very similar message to my previous reading. I was explaining the meaning of a significant card from the previous reading and went through the pack looking for this card to show her the symbolism. It was the only reversed card in the whole pack. I had watched her shuffle and she hadn't dropped or fumbled any cards.
This is a bit longwinded but basically although I don't plan for them I do find that reversals do crop up of their own accord sometimes and therefore I always take notice of them in much the same way as a single card flying out of the pack while I'm shuffling. I routinely go through the remaining cards in a pack following a reading to see if any cards have reversed themselves

I am still feeling my way with my readings but as a rule if I get a reversed card within a spread I treat it as blocked or a warning. And if I get a reversed card in the remaining pack I just assume it wants to be noticed and wouldn't read it reversed. This is all based on what feels right to me rather than what I have learnt and you will probably develop methods that are based purely on your own intuition.

Hope you can make some sense out of my less than expert opinion.
Have faith


Hi,mahjong. I am very new to tarot, and did wonder about reversals before, but I don't use it. My reason for that is simple. It's because I am just trying to learn to read them upright. There are so many meanings in itself I don't think I can handle learning about what reversed cards can mean at the moment :D I might think about learning reversals somewhere in future, but I would like to first get to a point where I can read between cards(in small spreads).