Traveling AT Member Deck ~ Journal ~


asto spread 11-16-05 6pm

This is an astrology spread taken from the book Totally Tarot:How to be a Tarot Detective by Vikki Anderson. Both my mom and I are students of Tarot, take an interest in it and went through this spread to interpret together. The spread was done for my mother. The configuration is just like a horoscope, with the additional cards in the middle.

The 1st House (2 of Wands) Key Word:
The Indivitual.
The two of wands features a young boy on the shores of an ocean at night. He is clothed in a simple Tarzan-like skirt, one hand firmly gripping one wand while the other hand is slowly letting go of the other wand. He watches a shooting star above him but doesn't seemed fazed. There are plenty of shells upon the shore that wash up at his feet. We concluded that this young boy is masterfully skilled for one so young. The shells at his feet indicate that he is very resourceful, appears confident and this is my mom's character. There is a duality to her persona but always one exuding enthusiasm and ambition. My mother has been working from a very young age and has acquired a variety of skills throughout her life, all through work.

2nd House (7 of Cups)Key Words: Money&Possessions.
A man is quietly sitting up in his bed with his dog fast asleep beside him. He smiles as he daydreams of the many possibilities that his life could hold, he doesn't seemed stressed in the least. There are several thoughts... a snake comes out of a cup perhaps symbolizing wisdom, a fish in another cup indicating blessings, money from another cup, and new creativity emerging from yet another cup as pictured in a yet to be born fetus. For my mother as for many of us, she has a difficult time going with the flow, I know she has been kept up late at night by worries and other past concerns. It would be in the best interest for her to become more objective when it comes to money and possessions. The idea is to try not to get too uptight and to always count your blessings.

3rd House (Sage of Swords) Key Words:Communication, Short Trips.
Here we find the Sage comfortably sitting on a throne of ice. In his left hand he holds some unfortunate soul's skull, in the right a sword with a laurel encircling it. He is well suited to the elements where he chooses to make his home. There is only a big, black raven to call a friend. At this moment my mom laughs because she knows that relations and communications with neighbors are little to non-existent. She prefers it that way since she has had neighbors in the past that would ask to borrow and use a number of things and give nothing in return. Maybe that's a vulture next to that Sage afterall?

4th House (2 of Cups) Key Words:Home Life
The 2 of cups in this deck is just wonderful as the two of cups normally is. It illustrates communion and friendship in satisfaction. Even the gods are pleased. On the top left, a female figure balances a red heart in mid-air while to the extreme right, a Pan-like figure plays his flute. Not only do the figures look directly in each others eyes, but also intertwine their arms as they hold up there cups. Flowers are held in the other hands, they are in a dancer's stance, celebration. There is even a snake at bottom center shaped in the symbol for eternity/infinity.
This is a nice card, we both agree. There is great harmony and happiness within the home. My mom's early home life was difficult at best but she does remember the celebratory days when her father and mother's family would gather. Today she feels that her home is her sanctuary, a quiet celebration everyday.

5th House (7 of Wands) Key Words: Children and Creativity.
The card features a female figure holding steady two wands in a cross. Before her, 6 other wands appear to be floating in mid-air, or are they being held by six, unseen figures? It is night and the end of the two held wands are aflame. Pyro!
There is a definite renewed interest in mom's hobby of jewlrey making and it does involve some flame work. It is interesting to note that the point where the figure crosses the wands are at her heart chakra, so it is very near and dear to her heart. My mom said that as far as creativity is concerned, she has been blessed with an endless reserve of it. It just pops out! No fair.

6th House (Seer of Wands)Key Words:Health and Your Job.
This Seer is a young, dark female, wearing a "me Jane, you Tarzan" bikini, holding a large burning wand in her left hand and petting her Cheetah with the right. The background is desert with a turquoise, burnt-red sky. Shadowed animals can be seen in the distance. The animal reflects vitality, health, strength but something that shouldn't be underestimated or taken for granted. Somehow, at this time, we got onto the topic of my step-dad. I'm not sure how it started but I told my mom that these days I notice she makes it a point to leave work early so as to get home to make sure dad gets a good meal, after he gets home from work. I told her that this surprises me sometimes because I remember in the early days she just kept working till she dropped. Then she said that things have changed and that feeding him was a job. So to take car of him, means to take care of herself as well. She obviously doesn't take him for granted, that nice.



7th House (Seer of Cups) Key Words:Marriage&Partnership.
A delicate young woman sits beside a half-crazed waterfall. It flows to the bottom, forming a pool which then spurts out and over this girl without seeming to soak her. The many drops that fall to the other side of her meet and become one with the ocean. It appears she has a pet turtle and she grins at it as she dips her hand in the cup that stands beside her. A blue moon increased in a darken sun swirl about in the night sky. She appears pleasant in her modest gown as she knelts down on the sand. There is a good amount of female energy about, the water, the moon, the girl. I said Isma (my step-dad) is very emotional and I do realize that he is rather spry for his 77 years. He always seemed much more youthful, even in appearance! No one ever believes he is that old. My mother agrees that his feathers can get somewhat ruffled easily but he does have the patience and stability of that turtle. This oldster is well protected, well fed, well loved.

8th House (Seeker of Swords) Key Words-Death, Occult, Spouse's Money.
We both agreed that this red-haired young man is in a real hurry get going but in the wrong direction. He is set atop an already unsteady horse, with just its hind legs to the earth. They are set to do battle, but with what? The sky is a perfect blue with a single billowing cloud, raining down. This rider is highly aggressive with his sword held over his head, both hands are holding it when they should be holding onto the reins. My step-dad's finances have been troubled lately and up until a few months ago, hasn't had a much needed job in 3 years. I know that up until recently he has been in a great hurry to pay off his credit card bills in a manner that wasn't going to resolve the issue but perhaps duplicate it. Sort of like borrowing from Peter to pay Paul type of effect. Recently he has found work with a temp agency and is enjoying it very much though he still wishes it paid more.

9th House (4 of Cups) Key Words-Philosophies of Life, Long Journeys.
This is also a house in charge of advertising, publications. There is a young man on this card, holding his head in his hands and gazing down on his crossed legs. He finds himself in between two grey, stone walls. There are three cups before him. Two of the three are overturned. The one to his right is seeping violet liquid, the one to his left has a blue spill. In front of this spill sits an upright cup with a small, green trim. Behind the young man is a beautiful chalice, floating, above and behind his head. Closer still to the right of him is the silhouette of a mouse encased in orange and yellow light. Obviously, this is no ordinary mouse. Beyond the chalice is a path that the boy has his back to, it seems to lead to an unknown place.
Mom has been having problems with her advertising, interestingly enough, 2 of the 3 publications are more or less ineffective, although the ad people are above and beyond reliable. The 3rd is the best of the three, highly effective but the sales person has become somewhat unreliable. She says she will do something or will come in for a meeting and never shows up. Mom has left messages, the sales girl has returned them but no much else happens. We can't figure out what is going on with this person since she has proven to be reliable in the past. We also could not figure out what the chalice represents. It was a curious thing that upon the initial shuffling of the cards by my mom, this card popped out, but in the reverse. Three other cards did as well, but this one was the only one to make a return appearance onto the spread. I would venture to guess that things are at a standstill for a particular reason and that perhaps a magical, little mouse will soon appear and gives us a whisper. Maybe then will we turn around and see that giant, floating chalice.

10th House (9 of Swords) Key Words-Don't Panic. Just kidding, Career or Status in Life.
Very similar to the RWS version of the 9 of swords except that 8 swords hang above her while the central "problem" sword is embedded in the wooden floor beside her. Her blankey is quilted in the many astrological signs and planets. She is dressed in red and troubled. Yes, my mother confirmed that old habits are hard to break. She has often reflected on the past, on the hard life she has lead, fearing poverty, worrying that there will never be enough. Interestingly enough only one pentacle suit came up in this spread and that was the 8 of pents. I told her that the issue isn't really money in this spread. That there will always be enough for what is needed as opposed to what is wanted. She understands that worrying is senseless and disrupting her rest. She will try to relax more and perhaps meditate on the central issue which could be her attitude toward money. Can it be revamped and made healthier?

11th House (3 of cups) Key Words-Dreams, Groups.
This card fascinated me when I first saw it because there was an obvious sensuality to it. On closer inspection, I gathered that it was either 3 generations under the same roof or the same woman, having reached 3 different levels of maturity in life. They touch each other with an intimate knowing. Each one gazing into the others eyes, a perfect triangle. There is a giant multi-colored sphere behind them
and a wooden table in front of them with three goblets of lemonade. Mom tells me that she is satisfied with the way things turned out in her life and she is pleased with her accomplishments. She says that some of the dreams didn't pan out but the reality far exceeded them.

12th House (The Hanged Man) Key Words:Secrets, Self-Undoing.
This house is notorious for being associated with institutions, jails, hospitals, blackmail, karma. Interesting to me is that it is the only Major Arcana within the 12 cards and that it is this one that I added my signature to. I signed it because the colors just floored me. The different hues of purple, blending with an orange-pink and brown-yellow backround were entrancing. The Hanged Man himself is a blue man, still in the familiar Jupiterian stance. He looks as comfortable as ever, now he holds a stick in his hands, behind him. It maybe a spear with a warrior's feathers gently balancing at either end. His dark and purple hair ease and become watery as they extend across the belly of a blue circle below. He freely hangs from the bow of a tree that easily bends without breaking. A very delicate string of foliage ties from his ankle to this branch, nothing else supports him.
There have been some important incidences in our lives as a family that I suppose could be considered "karmic". Things that we simply could not control from happening, for better or worse. But through it all we have grown stronger as a family unit, makeshift as it maybe but solid. I believe it were those events that created not only who we are as indivituals but sought it right that we may share in each other's journey.


additional cards...

The additional cards are just that, additional info that may be meaningful to the querent, or mom in this case. They are placed in the center of the circle 13-15 on the top row and 16-18 right underneath as the 2nd row.

The top row contained The Star, Temperance, and the Seeker of Cups. When looking at The Star side by side with Temperance, there seemed so many similarities with the vibrant colors of orange, red , and gold.
The Star defies gravity and is simply floating among the little crystal stars in the sky. She carries two cups from which a thick, liquid flame pours out and down. Almost looks like blood.
Temperance is just as ornate in a feather headress that mimicks fire but his body appears a cool, oceanic blue. Mr. Blue looks as if water was poured directly into him as if his body had been a hollow vessel waiting to be filled. Like the best of bartenders he skillfully balances two cups in each hand, carefully hoisting and mixing between the two. The color of these drinks is so brilliant that you can easily mistake it for fire or blood. The Seeker of Cups sits atop a fat white horse, gazing upward to a single goblet floating above his head. You can see him reaching for it but not fully grasping it in his hands.
All I could gather was that there was a real need for relaxation and balance. My mother laughed because, upon hearing this, she recalled her next dental visit. Her dentist would be continuously saying: "Linda, you need to relax". The three cards that followed on the 2nd row strangely confirmed that:
The 3 of swords, the 10 of swords, and the 8 of pentacles.
The three of swords is interesting because the impaled heart is now just a shadow on two different walls. The first wall contains a map, nailed to it by three swords. There is a person standing with his back to it, with his face in his hands, as if he were crying. Around the corner from this is an old, ornate mirror with a mysterious reflection in it. My mother's fear of the dentist goes way back or else she wouldn't need a dentist now. I don't doubt this fear, I mean it's not like I look forward to my dental visits but times have changed and techniques improved.
The 10 of swords just makes me think that the bulk of her dental work is done, which she said is true since all she needs now is the crown. So the worst is over (root canal) as the card denotes a Ra-like figure stabbing an already dead man repeatedly, ouch! The 8 of Pents pictures a workman creating new pentacles as he is flanked by his family and friends. The new crown is on its way and a few new schillings for the dentist!


Card of the day 11/17/05...

The Lovers (RX)
There is nothing standing between these two lovers, they are free to embrace. One of the figures is darker than the other, both vulnerable but happy. The Higher powers that be take up small spaces on each top corner of the card. There is an obvious elation to the card as it is surrounded by flowers and foliage.
My morning was fairly busy but at a well balanced pace, can't say that will happen tomorrow but today everthing was under control. For the most part I get along well with the customers that come in although there are a few that prove to be a challenge. So when I see the Lovers upside down, I understand that it is a matter of me looking outside in. Why do I allow certain people to get under my skin? What is it about them that does this? When I look at Major Arcana 6 in reverse it may be an indication of being out of balance. Are those anxious, domineering, narrow-minded types just holding up a mirror to me? It's funny how close these two Lovers need to hold onto each other. A matter of opposites attract? There once was a time when I would not only hold in my indignation but also berate myself afterward for having such feelings. Now, I still hold in my indignation but make sure to allow it free reign in private. Example, rolling my eyes to the ceiling, punching a bag of freshly laundered towels, the ever reliable hand in fist, or doing the old Chevy Chase routine of wordlessly mouthing off while contorting my face in the storage room. Childish but effective. I am secure in the hope that one day I'm not going to need these things, maybe, anymore. In any case, I felt that the Lovers RX today was just affirming that it's OK to accept the shadow side of my character as well as the light.


in closing...

Dearest Journal,
Well I am happy to report that I mailed the super-duper World Spirit Tarot deck off today at 11:21am.
I am also happy to report that I shipped Ravenwing's crystal safely yesterday at 10am. Can you see me saluting?
Anyway, these past few days have been a blast. The deck was a luscious sight, a feast of colors galore, the illustrations by Lauren O'Leary are indelible.
I really don't know what I was expecting when I initially signed up for this and admit that I was a bit scared as to how I would interpret a deck I have never seen or heard of before. I am only a student of tarot and do truly enjoy its many secrets. What floored me about this deck was not only its obvious beauty but its magnetic charm. I can only attribute this positive energy to all those who have held it, gazed upon it, spoke to it and sent along all their loving intentions with it. When I drew the card of the day this morning, I thought that maybe I could have one more day with the deck. However, this thought quickly changed when I turned the entire deck on it hourglass back and saw The Fool. I knew it was time for her to move on. I signed the back of The Hanged Man, card 12, as it was those wonderous colors that first caught my attention and I'm in a #3 year, seemed appropriate.
Have no doubt this one is a charmer and you will be most happily captivated.
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this, it has been a blessing.


Deck arrived this morning!!

Thank you Squeakmo....what a lovely satin bag....

Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle...

Going to pull one card a day and it is to be my "quick advice" card for the coming day...

So...for Monday, November 21....I have

Two of Cups!

I am meeting a friend tomorrow for coffee and a walk (I broke two toes this week ...on different the walk may be out ...but if I can get the foot in a shoe, we will walk).

Quick advice to myself:

Listen More.

Talk Less.

Remember, sometimes what you think is a "snake in the grass" is simply a

.....Grass Snake.



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I talked a lot...

But I listened as well.

My friend had something today that she wished to share with me....something she has never told me and she was afraid it would "burden" me. was Listen More/Talk Less Advice to myself ...

It wasn't a burden. I told her that listening to her, in fact, took my mind away from some nasty worries I was going through (my blood pressure was high all day and I had pains across my back...which could be from my toe-breaking smash into the door on Thursday night). that sense...I did listen a lot and she asked my opinion on some issues surrounding what she told me. We have been friends for 15 years....and she is a social worker, but values my judgment and input.

So...I talked....not as much about myself as about what she shared ...using examples from my own life.

And....the "snake-in-the-grass"....I believe was my back/chest pains...I have a bad scoliosis and I probably gave the back a good twist a couple of days I probably am dealing with a Grass Snake...something benign that was worrying me.

Now...Since I'm still not feeling great, I asked for some simple advice for tomorrow.

WST The Chariot.

Simple advice for tomorrow...

See the doctor.

I'm driving this vehicle and am in charge of where I lead these two horses...(BTW...Driver, and horses look quite...HAPPY this ease, in control).

So, I left a message at my doctor's office. I want to have my blood pressure checked out, maybe an EKG (my regular stress-echo is next month) and ask him if he thinks I need a neuro workup because of the "falling."


Be in charge. Check out the pain and the blood pressure.

And...the Chariot says....Be patient.



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Took me 15 minutes to get this page to open!!


A Chariot day...take charge. See the doctor.

My regular doctor didn't want me to come in. Call if it comes back.

It did. I walked the dog. Chest pains, blood pressure up.

Called my cardiologist. Come right in. I did. EKG ok, but since I was already scheduled for my yearly echo stress in December, he wants to move that up and do a thalium stress test this coming Monday...given my family history and my own. I was greatly relieved.

Go Chariot!!

So...for tomorrow.

The Moon. My, my, my...what a dark, dark card this is. Well it's going to be a dark and very rainy day tomorrow. I do have to take the dog in early for her bath and grooming and my husband to the doctor in the afternoon for his flu shot.

Lots of purples an dark blues and black


Don't do too much thinking.

Veg out.

Maybe watch a movie in between visits.

The sun will come out ....the next day.

Rumination right now is NOT in order.

Stuff those deep sea things back inside and let them hang there.



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Good advice....not too much thinking.

I found myself worrying about my Thalium Stress Test on I

distracted myself with computer games, tv,....errands.

Then, I pulled tomorrow's card...which will be my last before I send the deck to cyclamen!

And advice for tomorrow comes from the World Spirit Hermit.

This hermit faces me straight on...with a smile? And beckons to me.

Come in...sit a little...reflect quietly, meditate, ponder.

No worries.

Let the thoughts float in and out.

Refresh yourself.

So...that's what I will do....only one appointment tomorrow.

Chill in the morning...maybe watch a movie.

Daughter and granddaughter coming in tomorrow evening for Thanksgiving.



I heard from cyclamen and sent the deck on just before Thanksgiving, so deck should now be with cyclamen! Hope it arrived safely. Haven't heard that it did, and no journaling yet...but cyclamen was anticipating it's arrival.....

I normally would have kept the deck a bit more and worked with it, but both of us had some health problems and my husband's best friend of 52 years...and our best man, passed we had Thanksgiving, then a wake Friday and a funeral all day it was a sad and "ouchy" few days.

Hopefully, things will look up a bit...

Looking back on the pulling of the Moon and the Hermit, I see that these cards were so on for what was going on....some Lunar ups and downs with some deep and dark feelings coming up....and even the Two of Cups. My husband's friend was the other member of a triad of friends. One passed on two years ago, leaving Jerry and Tony and just after I pulled the Two of Cups, and after I posted, we heard Jerry died.

The relatives and friends of both Jerry and his wife, Pat, are our "clan" and have been our social circle for past 28 years ....Tony long before that with them. Very sad.
