trying to control my deck buying


I just can't stop!!

All I have to say is that buying new decks can be as addictive as smoking! I can't stop either... the part I like most is anticipating, waiting for a new deck to arrive... I get easily bored and I'm always looking for something new.. and that's bad!!! :)



I...err...umm...Just got my latest 'must have' five minutes ago - the Russian Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards...

*Clears throat and shuffles off, guiltily looking at the floor...*


No, no, Firefrost. If you love them, they're like a great blouse or book or pair of if you're raising a 16-year old fashion plate you deserve a treat yourself LOL


LMAO, Debra! I love your way of thinking :D :thumbsup:


What about budgeting for decks? Just like getting pocket money. That way, you can save up for a particular deck or get cheaper ones or whatever.

I am going to do this for myself.



Aerin said:
What about budgeting for decks? Just like getting pocket money. That way, you can save up for a particular deck or get cheaper ones or whatever.

I am going to do this for myself.


Well, if I didn't do this to a certain extent, I'd be in prison for non-payment of bills! :neutral:

I rarely get decks from anywhere other than the internet because even with p+p, they're usually cheeper online.

Some you can't wait for, i.e. Bohemian Gothic Silver. Only 30 copies left and I doubt they'll be there at the end of this month.

If I bought/preordered every deck I wanted, I could spend a month's wages, easily.

One of the best places to be is on the trade train. Lovely people who both give and receive some exceptional decks.


firefrost said:
Well, if I didn't do this to a certain extent, I'd be in prison for non-payment of bills! :neutral:

I rarely get decks from anywhere other than the internet because even with p+p, they're usually cheeper online.

Some you can't wait for, i.e. Bohemian Gothic Silver. Only 30 copies left and I doubt they'll be there at the end of this month.

If I bought/preordered every deck I wanted, I could spend a month's wages, easily.

One of the best places to be is on the trade train. Lovely people who both give and receive some exceptional decks.

Ah, well you see I think my 1 to 3 decks a month too many and I'd like to cut right back to an average of say 4 per year. I've bought 6 so far this year which feels too many for 2 months - 2XMarseilles, Light and Dark, pocket Universal Waite and spare BG and Silver BG. So for me, budgeting say £5 to £10 per month would work and get me to cut down. Unless Karen brings out a new deck of course, or else the Mary-El arrives in which case I just would have to pretend it was for my birthday. Or wedding anniversary. Or Christmas.

I guess it is all relative depending on your starting point.



I only have 50-60 decks. And I use them all. I try to make sure they all get used equally. Whenever I do a reading I pull out my list of decks and sense which one(s) are the best match for that reading.

I love all my decks, but...What I am finding is that I already have so many decks that often enough I see the name of the deck and can't remember what the deck looks like anymore. Then when it comes time to use one of those decks it feels just like using and discovering a whole new deck. That has calmed the need to feel the excitement or using a new deck for the first time in me. Because I am now getting that same feeling from my old decks, surprisingly enough.

And hey if I had many more decks, like 100 or more it would be a real hastle to remember them all and make sure they get used equally. I think I am at the perfect number now.

As for worrying that you might miss a wonderful deck for you if you don't try...There are thousands of deck out there and new ones coming out all the time. I have to accept that I will never own every deck that could work well for me, no matter what I do. Just like I will never meet or be friends with every single person in the world who could possibly be a good and deep friend to me. There are just too many out there, you can't meet them all.

That being said, I believe and trust that I am guided and sent signs in my life. And I trust that if there truly is a deck out there I am meant to have that will really enrich my life then I will be lead to it. If that is so, then I will get a sign. Like when three different people or more mention it to you in the same day or week...That to me is a sign that I am meant to own one and then I will go out and get one.

But other than that the need to buy decks is calming down a lot in me now.

Hope this helps.



I am trying to control mine too. I didn't buy many decks in 2005 or 2006, (17 total) but last year I played catch up.

I think I'm going to try to limit my dollar amount each month - so if I get to a certain amount - no more decks that month. Starting in March, it's too late for February, LOL.

Unless of course, one of my most-wanted decks comes up for sale. :p

Since I am also a collector, I do buy decks I won't generally read with, except during my one week of "getting to know the deck" draws.

Good luck on your resolve.


Oh crud. I wandered over to e-bay last night to confirm that going there is a bad idea and I just won one of the decks on my wish list. It was cheap but it's the principle of the thing.

I am banning myself from this thread. *hangs head*