What deck are you using now? 2009 thread


Trees! (still; still getting so much from them, still surprised by them :D)


Just finished up my week with the adorable Home Sweet Home Tarot.

This week it's Dame Fortune's Wheel Tarot, which was a Christmas gift.


Still Thoth. Can't let it go and it's been many months now.


2009 has brought -some- changes ...
I reduced my magickal T-team to a hard, desert island core, my old trusty Hermetic [the guru deck], the Magickal [Lord of results], the Navigators and my Zigeuner Lenormand.
Everything else went back into the big box or will soon change hands on eBay.


Morgan Greer :), still using my Konigsfurt Rider-Waite. So in love with that deck. I want to start using the Maat for readings. But it's so gorgeous it's intimidating. I just stare at the deck and drool.

Queen of Disks

I am trying to make sense of my Tarot Art Nouveau. I am starting to figure it out! Other then that, its the Connelly or the Tarot of the Angels.


Today is the last day for the Moonprincess Himoko and the Linweave.

Tomorrow I will start with the New Star and Bungustio. :D