What's the Postman Bringing? Part 11

Miss Divine

Urgh! Hate when that happens! Get ready to faint folks, I was in Waterstones and I bought La not so virtuous Angel Tarot and the big book of Tarot. (Its the fairies that made me do it!) I'm pre - ordering her fairy tarot too!

I am looking at the deck wandering why? I have decks, bags and books coming a plenty. I'm also ordering the 3 Holland decks, the app is so flipping frustrating when wanting to work with the deck, you don't get a lot of spreads in the app!

Oh my.. The only DV tarot I have and like is the Guardian Angel one. The fairy one isn't out yet so I can't form an opinion about that yet.

Anyways to stay on topic.. The Wisdom of the Oracle is supposed to arrive today.


Today I got some decks I have been curious about.

Tarot Casanova (For a steal!)
Tarot of the New Vision

Recently I bought Witchlings Oracle, which disappointed me a little.

Scarlet Woodland

Received a bumper crop yesterday and today :D

Yesterday brought me the Oracle of Shadows and Light &
The Gods & Titans Oracle

Today Mr postie brought Les Vampires Oracle
Whispers of Love oracle
Fallen Angels Oracle &
The Green Witch Tarot

So many gorgeous things to play with I don't know where to start haha.

Amazon Logistics, on the other hand seem to be well and truly lost... they've been telling me for three days that my package will be delivered that day, then nothing. It arrived at the Bristol office over 3 days ago, which is oh... 20 miles away? For goodness sake.

Miss Divine

Received Wisdom of the Oracle and the Japaridze.


I got the crystal Overtones Oracle and the PCS RW Tarot!


I just preordered the Cosmos Tarot and Oracle by the Light Grey Art Lab! I'm super excited for this limited edition...all gilded and pretty with a nice big book! It's supposed to ship on October 30, I can't wait! :^D


I have the Halloween Tarot on the way after reading about how well thought out it is in addition to being cute. I'm unsure of how I'll react to that clown though in person.


My key bag came from Sulis --very Victorian looking keys. I'm going to use ti for Ciro's new kipper deck.


Dream Raven Tarot just arrived, whoop whoop


Back up copy of Gilded Royale