What's the Postman Bringing? Part 12


Tarot Mucha, Kuan Yin Oracle and Whispers of Lord Ganesha Oracle are all on the way!


The Klimt, because I immediately caved with a tiny bit of encouragement.

I'm excited!


It's here it's here the Orbifold Tarot!


Uusi's beautiful tarot cloth arrived! It's gorgeous and very thick!


Uusi's beautiful tarot cloth arrived! It's gorgeous and very thick!

It's quite lovely, isn't it. Beautifully subtle shades and thick, lasting cotton.

Laura Borealis

Le Postal Carrier brought me a vintage Swiss 1JJ... it's not the US Games one but a different publisher (Wehman). And it's lovely, in a slipcase, and has that old cardstock that is slightly waxy feeling you know what I mean? Also, the previous owner marked it to be able to tell reversals! :p


Gilded Reverie Lenormand and the Jolanda Tarot.


- LeGrande Circus and Sideshow Tarot
- Whimsical Tarot



Tarot of Ceremonial Magic by Lon Milo DuQuette

I have ordered another copy of this deck. My first copy is heavily used in the living room. I wanted another copy of this deck for upstairs in my study.