What's the Postman Bringing? Part 12


On the way are the...

Hidden Waters and the Timeless Tarot! Very different, but both very fascinating. They might be an interesting reading pair.


It came real early, but my local bookstore already has Snuffin's The Thoth Companion book that I ordered. Now I just have to drop by and get it. Waiting for two more Thoth Tarot books though.


In terms of tarot, I'm expecting a copy of Dame Fortune's Wheel, which I've been interested in for a while. I am also expecting the Russian Gypsy Fortunetelling Cards, which were too unique and beautiful to resist.


I got my Smith-Waite Centennial in a Tin and Pixie's Astounding super quick from Amazon. I'm planning to read with them together in my magic square spread!


Hidden Waters and the Timeless Tarot! Very different, but both very fascinating. They might be an interesting reading pair.

Both are at the tippy top of my wish list!


got the tarot of druids and the book of thoth etteilla today. this'll be interesting!


Yesterday, the companion book of the Tarot of the Sephiroth arrived. I can't afford the deck but the underlying system and connection to the kabbalah interest me. Something to read ;-)))))


The Jolanda Tarot arrived today! Very happy :)


I got my Smith-Waite Centennial in a Tin and Pixie's Astounding super quick from Amazon. I'm planning to read with them together in my magic square spread!

I love both of those decks! I was using them in daily tarot and Lenormand draws for study purposes, and they often live together in my bag. I can never have too much of Pixie's artwork. I hope you love them as much as I do.


I received the PCS Centennial deck the other day. The colors are rather drab (I don't care a whole lot about "authenticity") and I will probably only use it as intended for my public readings.