What's the Postman Bringing You? - Part 4


Just ordered the last of the Postmark Lenormand decks from etsy + I'm waiting for Who are you in the Tarot by M.K.Greer and I'm still waiting for my Symbolon (back-up) deck from Amazon US.
Also I think my Alida store orders have arrived, now I just need to go and collect them from the post office :(


A Grimaud Marseilles with French titles (Ancien Tarot de Marseilles, France Cartes) from Tarot Garden.


Just received Dürer and Maroon. Love them both.


Today I received my Voice Of Trees Oracle from our lovely MoonGypsy & it really is lovely :)


just discovered that the Templar tarot has a guide book.
The Templar Tarot Mysteries. So i couldn't resist and ordered it.


My Hoi Polloi was waiting for me when I got home yesterday. Very pleased with it although slightly surprised at the amount of blank cards included. :bugeyed:


My Fairytale MRP came on Saturday. Love the cards but the extra card is bit tattered on the edge and some cards have fat finger marks. Foil on the deck was broken and looks like somebody was picking the cards out with sharp nails. Not cool ;-((


I got my Tarot of the Silicon Dawn *Jumping up and down* I just won't leave any feedback, she was a late shipper.


Tarot for Yourself and 21 ways to read a Tarot Card.... Both should reach me in about a week's time. Its already been 15 days :(


Poslednja ljubav u Carigradu. Priručnik za gatanje / Last Love in Constantinople. Tarot-Novel by Milorad Pavić (which comes with a set of 22 cards).