When its for you as much as them...


It happens to me sometimes, but I would not say often. Sometimes there is just a lesson in what I see in their reading that I seem to need to learn too.



After thot/PS:

I got to thinking some more & otherwise while mulling over my "reply"/last post, i thot i'd better clarify what i'd penned earlier re: what i perceived to be a "reoccuring theme" that begin to appear regularly in my readings.

As far as what i'd been describing re: my experience with reoccuring cards .. aside from this in it self proving to be insight when inquiring into someones situation, i'd also noticed where quite often in reading for the same person, there would be a reoccuring theme which would continue .. until such time as the persons situation had CHANGED &/or other issues surfaced. << This last i found "apropos" in the sense that i considered this to be a natural progression re: how a given individuals situation was developing. & As such, i would note where a reoccuring card tended to appear to suggest: some factor that continued to play a part in someones situation &/or to identify some outstanding issue.

BUT, this is not to what i was referring in my prior post. That tarot could identify & otherwise suggest factors to focus on, and that these factors &/or general theme would "reappear in subsequent readings", seemed perfectly reasonable to me, given that tarot is intended to reflect a persons circumstances. [So YES, until such time as there had been a change in someones circumstances, it seemed natural enough that the cards would present a "re-occuring theme" in relation to the person].

BUT NO, it was more like the deck was taking on its own energy .. kind of like a "cumulative" energy that was building up over time as a result of doing a succession of readings. So ACTUALLY, it wasn't so much that i felt that the cards were relating to me, but rather i began to get the sense that the cards perhaps, weren't simply addressing the querents situation. Especially since they could conceivably contain a kind of "residual"/left-over energy re: previous querents/former readings.

In fact what lead me to 1st. consider this possibility, was the thread i read re: how random is your shuffle. << Something to consider! .. & which played a part in my decision to start each & every reading with a clean slate so to speak, and otherwise being with a fresh deck.

Not to mention, that i also got to thinking about what others have said within the context of the forum re: how it is assumed that the cards that come up in the reading, are the cards that we are intended to see. So i figured IF the querent was the only one to really handle the cards prior to the reading, then the cards that appeared for their reading would undoubtedly be intended for them. << especially any reversals!!


I was reading a book on psychic development recently , and the author commented on this situation. She was not referring to tarot specifically, but any type of psychic reading . She said something to the effect of we all have these specific energetic pictures stuck within us of things we need to work on. So, part of the psychic exchange is drawing to ourselves clients whose own stuck energetic pictures mirror ours . During the reading , we work on both ourselves and the client to be free of these energy blocks , and this is one of the rewards of psychic work.