World spirit tarot...what do u think?


I just had to resurrect this thread, because I am once again going to work with the World Spirit. I've had a yen for it and it's at a bookstore in an area of town I'm going to be at over the weekend. So, they are holding it for me. :)

I've worked out my issues with the Sun card. And maybe some of you growing up in the late 60's and early 70's can maybe appreciate this and therefore appreciate the Sun card better. ;)

The Sun represents happiness, and usually it depicts a child. Well, during Nixon's reign, I was at my happiest! :) No not because of Nixon. ;p But because I was a child then, and pre-teen. And I have happy memories. So, whenever I get that card and see baby Nixon, I will remember those times!

Still not crazy about the art on that particular card but it's ok. I've worked it out. ;)

Also, I notice this "baby" has hair on it's chest! Well actually the beginnings of a hairy chest. Clearly, this isnt a baby. ;p I think it represents us as adults feeling more carefree and happy as a child would. So this "baby" is an adult but with a baby's body (minus the hairy chest). ;p

Well, that is how I will see this card when it comes out in readings. Makes sense to me anyway. ;)