Your most accurate readings were from which deck?


Hi astroltina. I think that you can get accurate readings from any deck that you genuinely like/admire and enjoy. Some readers find that decks with specific themes (such as the Tarot for Cats, mentioned by MeeWah) lend themselves to certain types of readings more than others, because themed decks can facilitate the process of "tuning in" to particular issues or subjects. Basically, the psychology of the reader and how well he or she resonates with the imagery and symbolism of a deck is for me the most important factor in gaining accurate insights.


I think accuracy of readings has more to do with my frame of mind at the time of the reading rather than any actual deck.

As I have used my RWS and Hanson Roberts for many many readings...I can tell you that they have probably given more of the accurate readings just based on the number of years I have been using them...


I have used the Baroque Bohemian Cats and the Ferret tarot for a number of readings that have turned out to be so accurate they were scary!

And I can tell you that my least accurate readings have been with the Victoria Regina, the Connelly, the Lord of the Rings and the Guardian.


MM ~ TdM, hands down. When I read for other people they prefer RWS, I guess they like to see the process, how I get what I get. But TdM is my right-hand man. I also get excellent results with the (non-Tarot) La Vera Sibilla and the AstroMythological (Grand Jeu) Lenormand - La Vera is almost effortless and Grand Lenormand is so demanding it makes me tired but they are both very accurate. That's my three favorites: TdM, Italian Sibilla and Grand Lenormand. BB, Stella


Sometimes it depends on the question/situation which deck I use, but it seems that no matter what deck I use, if I'm clear and objective and the question is well articulated, the postitional meanings un fuzzy... it hasn't mattered which deck I've used to get an accurate reading. The insights will pretty much be the same, but different decks may tend to direct your focus on different areas or elements of the situation.

I think the key to accuracy is keeping objective... which is really hard when reading for a highly charged emotional situation, especially when it's for yourself or someone you are close to.

Right now I'm using Druidcraft almost exclusively, before that I was sticking pretty much to Legends, and using the Sacred Rose for extra sharp insights. The Fairy Tarot for fun, but discovered it isn't all fun and games and can be pretty sharp as well. For simplicity Morgan-Greer.


I use a plain old RWS sometimes when I don't want to be drawn into all the layers that happen when you use your own decks - and it can be very accurate and has a certain simplicity for me that I sometimes like.

But the most amazingly accurate reading I've had was from Tarot of Prague when one of our cats went missing. It told me what had happened (she'd fallen off a roof) what to do (keep on and on calling - even if it takes days don't stop) and - most amazingly of all - where she was. The part of Prague she turned up in was shown on the card.

I was SO grateful to this reading, as it meant I didn't despair and we didn't give up - we were out looking and calling way after it seemed hopeless (she was gone for more than a week) but eventually we got her back - right at the spot the spread predicted. Can't ask for better than that!


Chronata said:
I think accuracy of readings has more to do with my frame of mind at the time of the reading rather than any actual deck.

I completely agree. It doesn't matter which deck I am using. Some days are much more clearer than others.


It varies. I agree with what Astraea said.

I have found Barrett's "Ancient Egyptian" to be uncannily expressive.

And I've been working a lot with the Universal Waite lately.

The Fournier and Convos Marseilles are also decks I now use quite a lot.

Have not used the Prague lately but found it also to be very expressive.


I find it depends more on me and my state of mind than the deck. However, the images in the Hudes deck are evocative to me in a way that the message gets through to me more clearly more regularly. However, I am lately learning how to read more intuitively and my new Breugel deck, whose illustrations are complex and contain vast amounts of intentional symbolism, allow me to zone in on a particular aspect of a card and its meaning and I've found those insights to be quite amazingly accurate.

I think it depends on the reader, honestly, not the deck. Although it was an interesting question and really made me think about my different decks and the rapport I have with each.



Thankyou for your replies. It seems that the accuracy of the reading depends alot on one's connection with the particular deck, and one's frame of mind at the time of reading.

Baba-Prague - that story is amazing! WOW- you actually found your cat exactly where the cards predicted! My cat went missing afew months ago. I used the RWS- i cant remember the exact cards that i pulled, but i did get the impression he had travelled far and gotten himself caught/trapped. It turned out he had been caught by the pound... we eventually got him back... I just love Tarot!


My Most reliable decks are the following:

Buckland Romany
Russian tarot of St. Petersburg
The One World Deck.