My Harry Potter fanart deck


Maysun, I am so touched! Thanks to all you other newcomers and "old-timers" too :) I really hope I don't let y'all down.

10. Wheel of Fortune

Well, iiiiit's still November by my clock! Card is not as 100% polished as I would like, but I had to remind myself that most of the other cards aren't, either. There's always time to revise later; can't let myself get stuck on a wheel of all places.


I love this card - the hat is perfect and I also love how all the mascots are clawing on the fabric of the card :D


This looks very cool! I love the simple yet bold house colours and the mascots.

Girl Archer

I LOVE IT!!! Omg, when are you going to get it published? Waiting to get a copy of it :) I really like how you used Ron and Hermione as the figure heads for intuition/impulsive thought and intellect. Clever usage, I must say! And that statement "I am worth twelve of you, Malfoy"? Boy, that was fantastic! :D Keep up the good, nay.. GREAT work!


JUST found this thread--Amazing! Keep it up....I want one! Is there a place where we can see all the finished cards? I'd say more, but hard to type with a cat resting on your hand...


Thanks guys! I'll get this thing published when I get it finished :p I really don't want to commit to anything when 1) I work so slow and 2) who knows if I can even get the rights. But I will say that I'll be looking into what avenues are available once I finish the Majors.

I really like how you used Ron and Hermione as the figure heads for intuition/impulsive thought and intellect. Clever usage, I must say!

I was so tickled when I thought of that, because it had seemed a shame to not have those two in the Major Arcana!

Is there a place where we can see all the finished cards?

All the finished cards are listed on the deck's main site, or if you just want to see the images all at once, check out the gallery on DeviantArt.


Oh, this has GOT to be published! Your Strength card is the most moving and powerful Strength card I have ever seen. I still get shivers thinking about it. I believe that JK would love this deck if she could see it. It is the very essence of what Harry Potter is all about.


Trying to not keep you guys waiting too long!

Justice (sketch)

I've never had the strongest image of Neville in my head, so I hope I captured him (and the essence of the card) sufficiently here. If you guys could provide some feedback to the issues I'm pondering in that sketch link, that would be great. Otherwise you run the risk of this card not turning out ~*perfect*~*! ;)


I think it looks better without the robe. For me, justice is less about the pomp and ceremony of a court (I see the hierophant card when someone is dressed in their court robe and wig), and more about the actual happening.


This deck looks fantastic. I am such a Harry Potter fan. Great job!