Dream team divination 2013-003 jun-jul


Thank you everyone for your dreams and insights!
So, a little bit of background - I am currently in the process of looking to transition to a new career field as my existing job is starting to become very "10 of Wands" and spirit-draining. I started going back to school this spring to get a new degree in environmental and natural resource management and am networking with my girlfriend's uncle to find contacts in the geo-technical industry so I can begin developing experience in the field while I study. I'd like some insight/advice into this job transition. It's a little frightening to totally change my job circumstance, as you can imagine!
Hello, Tychonus, welcome to our dream group! I had a dream for you last night. I want to note that I hadn't read your question and when I woke with the dream imagery in my head my first thought was about not knowing the question, then another part of my brain reminded me of what we are dealing with here - dreaming telepathically and if that doesn't call for a willingness to think along the lines of our multi-dimensionality and transcend time and space, nothing does. So I can dream the answer before I know the question just as I dream events before they occur. :grin:

Anyhow, I digress.

Here is the dream. We are boarding a plane to go to the Bahamas (which is actually just a short hop from here where I live in South Florida.) We had to climb up steps, which is quite common for little island-hopper planes around here and we had to fit through a doorway that appeared to be like a cookie cutter, but different, with a twist; in fact, I almost didn't make it because my 'shape' was plain cookie cutter! I had to turn sideways and make myself fit to get in the door.

Inside the plane there are no seats; we all have to stand up and it is uncomfortable. Then we stop at a funky little open-air type of airport that is apparently only halfway there. (In real life Freeport is only an hour by air and there is nothing in between.) One person in this plane is a man who was the company pilot of my old company. One thing to know about him - when the economy was doing a nose-dive and they had to sell the company plane, he dusted off his degree in facilities management and became the Building and Grounds Manager. I think he's back to flying planes now.
Some thoughts on this - Tanner says planes can represent our high ideals, far-reaching range of interest, and global ideals. So...climbing on board you have no problem but you will have to make some changes to fit in the door and once you get in, you will not feel so comfortable at first.

This plane was an island hopper. There appears to be an interval, or a stop. Consider that you may not benefit from going directly into that field, but instead, 'hop' to something else that is not what you are doing now but not what you intend to do, or at least not totally. Maybe in the field but at an apprentice level, say.

Finally, the ex-pilot who flew the old company plane and then maintained the company buildings...I think he represents resourcefulness but in a larger sense, going from flying just the company execs around to making a direct contribution to everyone in the company - just like whatever you are doing now vs. making a contribution in a much larger sense for the environment and natural resources.

Starri Knytes

Oops - I thought I missed one, sorry, Starri!

Hmmm. I had to 'cogitate' on this one a bit. To me, the connection is car= body. In the dream your daughter might be the newer/younger and her 'car/body' represents a new mindset of care-taking. Maybe my husband needs to pay attention that he has to take care of himself in a new way, because in all of this time he keeps up his normal level of activity as he is not much of a lounger and I think it makes him indignant and resentful (hands on hips and arms crossed in front to block what anyone tries to tell him.)

I am drawing a blank for the second dream.

Thank you for your dreams!
I have been drawing alot of blanks lately, that is why I've
relied more on the group for interpretation while I focus on meaningful dreams.

I believe your interpretation of the first is spot on.

The second I believe is about the feeling of separateness. Like feeling alone in a crowd. It's a sadness, l can only liken to being a spectator or outsider in your own life.

I hope that makes sense to you. I sincerely hope your husband feel better soon.

Starri Knytes

[size=+1]Hiya Ty, Just a few thoughts on the lucid dreams posted 02/28.[/size]

"Next I heard cheerful children's music. It sounded like that of a music box or jack-in-the-box. Though I know I was in bed I could see two small children, a girl with long blonde hair, wearing a brightly colored dress, and a younger boy with dark hair in shorts and a t shirt. They were standing side by each at the curb on a glaringly bright sunny day. Much brighter than seemed normal. When first I saw them they were standing alone at the curb. Then suddenly the source of the music appears in front of them. Its an ice cream truck."

I will have to meditate on this. The imagery is very interesting though!

I found something relevant to you while researching some dream meanings.
Here is what I found..

Children on an ultra bright day standing at the curb = You waiting on, or being on the verge of a bright new beginning. The ice cream man's arrival is what you've been waiting for.

Boy and girl = You and your friend

Ice cream man = The CEO

Looks to me like he's bringing the good stuff. :)

I have a few thoughts on the last message I received too I'll try to post them in a bit.

[size=+1]thoughts cont.[/size]

"The message from the other side. The black frame nearly completely filled with a large, neatly wrapped, red and white piece of salt water taffy."

From the beginning I felt that the colors
"red and white" = link to the company. Could be the colors used in the company logo.
(Though I have yet to research the meaning of the colors.)

The size of the candy = This is going to be a big deal, a very big deal. My initial thoughts on this were that you will be offered a position with a "BIG" company.

The candy being neatly wrapped = The transition will be surprisingly easy for you, this could also be seen as receiving a substantial benefits package/larger salary then expected.

Looking at this I am thinking (in our typical southwestern slang) This Is A REALLY SWEET DEAL!!

I hope that my thoughts help you make sense of this.


Posting my question for the next week...

In the last year I have had intuitive messages and other strange occurrences. This never happened before getting more spiritual and using that area more and more. I was quite sceptical before. Really I want to know in dreams how I can get a better connection to my spirit guide (s)? Thanks in advance :)



I stay out of this thread just so I don't see others dreams.

The one I had about longer or bigger limbs....am wondering if you have to go out on a limb as well.


I dreamt of this woman I know called Denise. (Not sure if you know one as well, but never know).

In this dream she owed me money as well as others, and not just money, but favours as well. When I say favours I mean like someone doing something for her and in return she owed them one, only in her case, a lot of overdue favours and debt. Not anything sordid.

Even though I didn't exactly say anything to her as there was a group of us I was very aware of all that she was about and what was not right with the situation. As in her partying it up and socialising at the expense of everyone else with no cares in the world at all and yet in reality she was in a heap of %%^&&& and I wasn't thinking too nicely of her.

THOUGHTS: Perhaps make sure everything is in order and tied up before moving onto something else career wise and most importantly make sure there is no outstanding debts/favours owed or the likelihood of future ones not being met by yourself and/or others. Also, I would say make sure that things are on the up and up...nothing hidden or underestimated. :)


Daniel, I'm glad you remembered to post your question. I was about to send a PM to remind you! :laugh:

Ty, I've yet to have a dream for you! I hope I have one before Monday when we start with Daniels. Still time. I'm not reading anyone elses dreams--so as to not be influenced at all.

Starri Knytes

Posting my question for the next week...

In the last year I have had intuitive messages and other strange occurrences. This never happened before getting more spiritual and using that area more and more. I was quite sceptical before. Really I want to know in dreams how I can get a better connection to my spirit guide (s)? Thanks in advance :)

Great question... Don't really need a dream for this one, all you need to do is ask. :b
This is going to be fun!!


Hello, all, just checking in to say hello. I still have my selenite tower next to my bed in the hopes that it can be like a radio receiver, or a crystal dream catcher as we work on our final dream weeks for this session.

Ice cream man = The CEO

Looks to me like he's bringing the good stuff. :)
LOL - this one really made me smile, and I would like to point out that I think this is a perfect example of understanding the way the dreaming mind works. It creates simple word pictures and puns to communicate complex messages.

OK, I have got your question in mind Daniel!


No more dreams for Tychonus, so on to the next AT dream team dreamer only looking at the question not sure if dreaming is really needed, but never know. :party: Let's see what the sandman brings.....:)

Starri Knytes

Daniel, Before drifting off to sleep last night I was focusing in on your question. Suddenly an unexpected image popped into my mind. (We really need to find another way to express what we experience :laugh: weird, odd, strange, unusual, unexpected. When will this become our norm?)
Here it is...

President John F. Kenedy was seated at his desk in the Oval Office. It was just as pictured so many times. A large picture window behind him giving a clear view of the lush grounds of the White House. Heavy drapes framing this view as if it were a priceless painting. Flags displayed proud to one side. He in a dark suit looking very presidential.

The President was focused on a document that lay before him on his desk. Pen in his left hand he was giving it a good going over before committing his signature to it. Close at his side, though slightly behind was First Lady Jackie. She had one hand on JFK's shoulder, the other near his arm on the desk.

She wore a stunning crisp white suit, the cut was straight as was the style of the day. It set off her dark hair and eyes to perfection. She was looking on proudly, lovingly, supportively.

The words that accompanied this scene were, I've been right here all along.

I don't know if this helps or just restates the question. I don't recall anything like a jewel or animal outside of the window. Perhaps your gateway is a pen, do you have one that feels energized when you hold it. Could be that the woman is the key? My goddess and guide Ashtar came with my crystal ball. She is the goddess of love and war. Exactly who I need at this point in my life. She is never more than a thought away.

There was another dream but this felt so important and I was so determined not to forget this that I may have misplaced the dream.. sorry.

If I comes back to me I'll post it.