Dream team divination 2013-003 jun-jul


Ty, I'm hoping to have a dream for you tonight. Sorry I have not contributed yet. Its been frustrating! But, I still have time--and may get a dream yet for you. *fingers crossed*


Ty, had a last dream for you, will write it up tomorrow, been too busy and not at home today!

Great question... Don't really need a dream for this one, all you need to do is ask. :b
This is going to be fun!!

Hehe I know and been trying to meditate, ask more questions and talk but the dream circle always throws interesting things I hadn't thought about out :) I've not really got perfect communication or found out anything about them, it's a bit random! But it may improve with time!

Love your white house dream Starri, will reply tomorrow :heart:


Okay. I've been trying to get on here all day to post my dream. TG, I remember it!! I actually had 2 separate dreams, but I only remember one since first waking up. I had hoped that the 2nd one woudl come to me, but as of yet, no it has not.

Now this dream was short, so hopefully it will make sense and it will also help you with your question. I must say that even before having this dream, I wonder are you changing jobs from what is considered a high profile type of job--one that requires college background--a good solid, 'professional' type job to one that is more fulfilling for you? I feel this is the way you are wanting to go. Not sure how old you are--and it doesn't really matter, but I feel you are tired of the high profile type job and want to find something that is more rewarding. It could tie in with the dream if this is so.

DREAM: my parents and I and my Great Aunt were all traveling together on vacation--on a cruise ship. (dad and Great Auntie are both deceased for years now though-so weird). Anyway, we were all boarding the ship and it was quite crowded--unusually so (I've been on many cruises). You could hardly even walk through the crowds of people. So, we find a place to sit down and on the way to the seats, there is a young couple in their 30s or so with two adorable little girls. their daughters, apparently. the two children were about 4 or 5yrs old and perhaps 18mos. old. the youngest could walk, but she was being carried. Both children were dressed in their finest - and dressed quite colorfully too--but in taste. I took the time to tell the parents how pretty their two little girls looked and they were quite happy to hear this, smiling at me in return with a thank you nod, as they steered the 5yr old into a seat.

So, we are all sitting in our seats, that above couple and kids a few row behind us and moving forward. Then, all of a sudden, we are all in a differnet part of hte ship walking around, and it is still very crowded. I sort of lost my family members for a brief minute or two and wehn I found htem my mother has in her arms that youn 18mo. old girl. She gives her to me and says, these two little girls are lost and we can't find their parents. I asked her, "well where is the other little girl then?" "Aunt **" has her. "Why did you split up then? why not stay together?" I asked. MOm says to me, "well we figured we'd each go in a different direction to find the parents."

I sort of explained to my mother that was entirely a stupid thing to do but never mind, I'll find either the parents or Auntie and take both kids then to find the parents. (Why none of us thought of taking the kids to a worker on the cruise ship, I don't know either!) So, I set off with 18mo. old in my arms and we open a door an dwalk into a very crowded and smokey bar. In fact as we walked in, it was a tight squeeze to even get through for the bar stools and tables and waiters and patrons. One man who was drinking at the bar leaned back in his barstool to hold open the door for me and yelled to everyone to let "the lady with the baby through!" and I walked in, thanking him quickly and moving on. Everyone was sort of looking at me and this child--the family were Asian and I'm a very white Caucasion, so I know they were also trying to figure out what I was doing w/this child.

We are walking and I can just barely see my auntie ahead of me with the little 5yr old in tow--and I try to yell to her to wait, to no avail.

I did find the parents and gave the father the little girl, and I know we were talking and I remember telling them that my aunt had the 5yr old and went in a different direction trying to find them but that she was actually ahead of me. Unfortunately, at that point I woke up and I didn't dream anymore.

The second dream I had is totally gone. Hopefully I will recall it--but as of now, I do not.

I wondered with the first dream if you are looking a job that will entail working with families and ensuring the safety of children? Such as child protective services or something of that nature? Just a thought.


Daniel, will be working on your question tonight--and hopefully will have one!

Posting my question for the next week...

In the last year I have had intuitive messages and other strange occurrences. This never happened before getting more spiritual and using that area more and more. I was quite sceptical before. Really I want to know in dreams how I can get a better connection to my spirit guide (s)? Thanks in advance :)

I hope I can dream the answer for you--I will tell you that much of the time when I'm asking my guides to come to me - they don't always come. In fact they seem to show up when I LEASE expect them too! I hope I will have better luck in finding out for you how to connect with your guides! :D


Thank you everyone for your dreams and insights!

Hello, Tychonus, welcome to our dream group! I had a dream for you last night. I want to note that I hadn't read your question and when I woke with the dream imagery in my head my first thought was about not knowing the question, then another part of my brain reminded me of what we are dealing with here - dreaming telepathically and if that doesn't call for a willingness to think along the lines of our multi-dimensionality and transcend time and space, nothing does. So I can dream the answer before I know the question just as I dream events before they occur. :grin:

Anyhow, I digress.

Here is the dream. We are boarding a plane to go to the Bahamas (which is actually just a short hop from here where I live in South Florida.) We had to climb up steps, which is quite common for little island-hopper planes around here and we had to fit through a doorway that appeared to be like a cookie cutter, but different, with a twist; in fact, I almost didn't make it because my 'shape' was plain cookie cutter! I had to turn sideways and make myself fit to get in the door.

Inside the plane there are no seats; we all have to stand up and it is uncomfortable. Then we stop at a funky little open-air type of airport that is apparently only halfway there. (In real life Freeport is only an hour by air and there is nothing in between.) One person in this plane is a man who was the company pilot of my old company. One thing to know about him - when the economy was doing a nose-dive and they had to sell the company plane, he dusted off his degree in facilities management and became the Building and Grounds Manager. I think he's back to flying planes now.
Some thoughts on this - Tanner says planes can represent our high ideals, far-reaching range of interest, and global ideals. So...climbing on board you have no problem but you will have to make some changes to fit in the door and once you get in, you will not feel so comfortable at first.

This plane was an island hopper. There appears to be an interval, or a stop. Consider that you may not benefit from going directly into that field, but instead, 'hop' to something else that is not what you are doing now but not what you intend to do, or at least not totally. Maybe in the field but at an apprentice level, say.

Finally, the ex-pilot who flew the old company plane and then maintained the company buildings...I think he represents resourcefulness but in a larger sense, going from flying just the company execs around to making a direct contribution to everyone in the company - just like whatever you are doing now vs. making a contribution in a much larger sense for the environment and natural resources.

This sounds a lot like what I will be doing - because I am going to something new, I will be hopping into an entry position. I could be testing soil samples or installing drill bits for all I know, but then move into a position managing projects once more, especially with the success I've held in my previous work and schooling experiences. I have told the people I am networking with that I am happy taking additional schooling and doing some "grunt work" if it means opening doors to new and more things later in the future.

Thank you very much for your dream! I take it as an affirmation that the "blind switch" and using entry level work as a stepping stone is the right path to take.


[size=+1]Hiya Ty, Just a few thoughts on the lucid dreams posted 02/28.[/size]

"Next I heard cheerful children's music. It sounded like that of a music box or jack-in-the-box. Though I know I was in bed I could see two small children, a girl with long blonde hair, wearing a brightly colored dress, and a younger boy with dark hair in shorts and a t shirt. They were standing side by each at the curb on a glaringly bright sunny day. Much brighter than seemed normal. When first I saw them they were standing alone at the curb. Then suddenly the source of the music appears in front of them. Its an ice cream truck."

I found something relevant to you while researching some dream meanings.
Here is what I found..

Children on an ultra bright day standing at the curb = You waiting on, or being on the verge of a bright new beginning. The ice cream man's arrival is what you've been waiting for.

Boy and girl = You and your friend

Ice cream man = The CEO

Looks to me like he's bringing the good stuff. :)

I have a few thoughts on the last message I received too I'll try to post them in a bit.

I really hope so! This symbolism sounds reasonable and true to me; I really look forward to hearing the good news from him!

[size=+1]thoughts cont.[/size]

"The message from the other side. The black frame nearly completely filled with a large, neatly wrapped, red and white piece of salt water taffy."

From the beginning I felt that the colors
"red and white" = link to the company. Could be the colors used in the company logo.
(Though I have yet to research the meaning of the colors.)

The size of the candy = This is going to be a big deal, a very big deal. My initial thoughts on this were that you will be offered a position with a "BIG" company.

The candy being neatly wrapped = The transition will be surprisingly easy for you, this could also be seen as receiving a substantial benefits package/larger salary then expected.

Looking at this I am thinking (in our typical southwestern slang) This Is A REALLY SWEET DEAL!!

I hope that my thoughts help you make sense of this.

Oh I hope so! There's actually a red and white logo company which does similar work and two of our largest local geo and HVAC firms also use a red and white design. If I start work with them, the possibilities are endless - and a lot more benefits/salary would be available :D

I think he will be able to help me get set up, though it may take time. The stress environment at my existing work is getting worse, so I am really eager and excited for this change. I don't have much information yet as I'm in the waiting phase, so all I can say until I hear back is - this sounds wonderful :D Once I hear more, I'll give an update - this should be very soon.


I stay out of this thread just so I don't see others dreams.

The one I had about longer or bigger limbs....am wondering if you have to go out on a limb as well.


I dreamt of this woman I know called Denise. (Not sure if you know one as well, but never know).

In this dream she owed me money as well as others, and not just money, but favours as well. When I say favours I mean like someone doing something for her and in return she owed them one, only in her case, a lot of overdue favours and debt. Not anything sordid.

Even though I didn't exactly say anything to her as there was a group of us I was very aware of all that she was about and what was not right with the situation. As in her partying it up and socialising at the expense of everyone else with no cares in the world at all and yet in reality she was in a heap of %%^&&& and I wasn't thinking too nicely of her.

THOUGHTS: Perhaps make sure everything is in order and tied up before moving onto something else career wise and most importantly make sure there is no outstanding debts/favours owed or the likelihood of future ones not being met by yourself and/or others. Also, I would say make sure that things are on the up and up...nothing hidden or underestimated. :)

We have a friend like this as well; she never shows any care when people are suffering or are sad and frequently does things to make her happy at that time at the expense of others. I think everyone knows someone like this!

I have a few projects and outstanding things I need to make sure are 100% resolved and completed before making the switch. I am working hard to get the documentation updated and work done before anything happens, but this is a good reminder not to leave any work undone or stones unturned. I will also ensure that I am not compromising or sacrificing/owing anyone before solidifying any deals.

Thank you for your dreams and insights :)


Posting my question for the next week...

In the last year I have had intuitive messages and other strange occurrences. This never happened before getting more spiritual and using that area more and more. I was quite sceptical before. Really I want to know in dreams how I can get a better connection to my spirit guide (s)? Thanks in advance :)

So, I had two dreams while thinking on your question while I was in the mountains - though I'm not certain if the first one was for you, but I will continue attempting to dream. I don't feel the second one was for you but I will ponder it.

In the first dream, I was in a large mansion - quite wealthy and successful. There were HUGE Japanese Hornets crawling EVERYWHERE. So...I took a vacuum cleaner and began sucking them up through the hose, going room to room. When I was done, I found the queen - and promptly attempted to suck her up. Then, these...walking multi legged baby hornets/wasps started crawling into a pair of shoes in the corner. The Queen then rose, riding a large spider. Anticlimatic and unceremonious - I sucked them both up in my vacuum cleaner.

this dream was definitely one of my strangest. I will meditate on the symbolism and post my interpretation - I just wanted to post it before I forgot more of the details.




Had to think about this dream as wasn't sure how it quite connected to "guides".

In my dream I am sitting there "internally processing" whilst seeing the face of the person I am thinking about.

This dream is really all about what is going on in my mind whilst fixated on the object of thought.


Back and forth I am weighing things up: The whys? why nots? What ifs? If nots?

And what it is, is that years back me and this guy (real life) went our own ways as we were no longer growing together or on the same path anymore, and yet in this dream and in the NOW I'm trying to work out a resolution and I'm actually thinking of getting together with him and his family.....and mine.

In real life he does have kids- I don't.

And then it dawns on me after I decide to get this get together TOGETHER that WAIT A MINUTE why am I doing this when it has been done and dusted for years!?!?!?

So, that is the dream, and why I was trying to work out how it connects to your question.


I think this could be touching on two things maybe:

1) There is "internal conflict" going on like maybe things like: Logical vs not logical. Spiritual vs reasoning. Believing yet doubting. Inner voice vs own thoughts.

2) That certain life experiences with others have obviously left there mark, but that you are starting to work towards resolving things or finding your own resolve only with a more clearer awareness.

BOTTOM LINE: Maybe you would achieve your goal if you weren't over processing about/questioning what you get or see. Also, it might be an idea to remember there are different ways to connect which is not always through just something like meditation.

Best of luck! :)


A DREAM! But, is it for Ty or Daniel? :confused:

Well, I was rather surprised that a dream did occur last night for you, Daniel, after my problems with dreaming for Ty. However, the sounds of this dream may be more for Ty, even though I concentrated on Daniel's question. I'll let you both decide.

So, last night I dreamed that I was working for a large company and two new positions within the company came open. Both managers in these areas wanted me, personally, for the position.

The first position is one that seemed more profitable, but it was to me a ho-hum type of a job and though I liked the salary with it, I didn't quite want that job compared to the second position.

The second position involved working in a warehouse and ensuring certain packages are mailed out to our customers in a timely manner. The manager there asked me to do a 'trial run' wiht it by taking an important piece of mail to the post office for them, as I was headed out to lunch with my 3 girl friends. I reluctantly said yes, and reluctanly because I didn't yet work for him and I was also on my lunch break.

so, they handed me a large envelope and 4 rather large items, 2 of which were license plates and then a piece of paper that spoke of hte 4 items. "What is this?" I asked the manager, (re: the plates), and he proceeded to tell me the customer needed them too for a project and to be sure to mail it out today.

so, off to the P.O. we go first, all the while chit-chatting and having a good itme, and then off to lunch. On the way back to work, didn't I realize that I forgot to include the 2 other items, and only mailed hte plates and the paperwork. I was SICK. I didn't know what to do. The friends were of no help either, didn't really know what to say or do for me. So, I went back to the manager, but before I could tell him anything, he is chatting away happily with me--never allowing me to talk. He began to show me all kinds of pictures of his farm and of his cows, (apparently he had many cows, :laugh:) and asked me if they weren't beautiful, etc. etc. I told him yes, they were, and kept trying to butt in to tell him what I did wrong, but he wouldn't give me a chance! then, before I knew it and could react, he walks away, not paying any attention to me anymore.

The 2nd in charge comes into the office where I am still standing feeling lost and wondering if I can call teh post office to stop that package till I get there and add these additional two items, or if I could get ahold of the addy for the customer and send out a 2nd package. I was feeling quite concerned about the whole thing and sick to my stomach. So the 2nd in charge comes in and looks at me quite quizzically-and I can tell that HE is the one who doesn't want me in the position, putting me on my guard about this mess. i talk to him about the customer and the items mailed and try to get the name of the company out of him and recall looking at a clip board w/company names and addresses, in hopes I'd find it but to no avail. I had to do this discreetly. I didn't knwo what I was going to do about it.

then, the dream ended.

Since Ty was asking about a work related question, I thought it could still be for him, even though I ws concentrating on Daniels question. So you guys can take it from here and try to figure it out for yourselves! Or perhaps for you both?

here's to hoping! :CL