Tyldwick - Seven of Cups


On an elaborately decorated table sit seven cups; on either side of the row is a vase holding a peacock feather. Behind the cups is a statue of Mahamayuri, one of several Wisdom Kings and Queens in the Buddhist pantheon. As guardians and protectors, these figures were generally depicted with ferocious appearances in order to frighten and destroy evil and ignorance. Mahamayuri however, was generally shown with a peaceful countenance and riding a peacock. In choosing what will fulfill us emotionally, this queen reminds us to look beyond sensual pleasures and the desires of the ego. Wisdom is needed in making this choice, and she warns us not to be impulsive but to think long-term. Her "vehicle," the peacock, was a welcome wild bird in India because it killed and ate small poisonous snakes. It reminds us to be watchful and guarded when it comes to momentary gratifications that may distract us from what will bring true happiness. The two peacock feathers in the vases look like of a pair of eyes, as if this is a display of what is inside my mind. They suggest the only person responsible for my decision and my subsequent happiness or unhappiness is myself.



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What do you make of the egg-shaped object beneath the table? And the floor seems to be made of rock. This card is very confusing, though mesmerizing.


What do you make of the egg-shaped object beneath the table? And the floor seems to be made of rock. This card is very confusing, though mesmerizing.

The shape under the table (held by two peacock figures) resembles a crystal ball and reminds me how often people desire to know the future, especially if they make a certain choice. What will my life be like if I take this job, marry this person, study in this field, etc.? The floor is unusual; I imagine it to resemble what the earth must look like from a bird's eye view or from an airplane. In other words, if you want to make the right choice, it might be best to take the long view from a detached perspective.


The shape under the table (held by two peacock figures) resembles a crystal ball and reminds me how often people desire to know the future, especially if they make a certain choice. What will my life be like if I take this job, marry this person, study in this field, etc.? The floor is unusual; I imagine it to resemble what the earth must look like from a bird's eye view or from an airplane. In other words, if you want to make the right choice, it might be best to take the long view from a detached perspective.

Yes, and that could tie into the whole, 'peacock burying their heads underground' thing. Thank you!

swimming in tarot

The floor and the mural might reference some of the illusion that is associated with this card. On such a floor, even though it might be perfectly smooth, it looks so rough that I am sure I would be tripping on its apparent roughness--you know, like tripping on a shadow on the sidewalk! The wall treatment appears to be a faded trompe l'oeil painting, which would have given the impression of non-existent depth, avenues, and horizons.

(edited for better wording)