Psychic Development Group: Exercise 4


Hello and welcome to our fourth Psychic Development Group exercise. We’re switching things up this week and connecting to the energy of an image.

If you’re new here, please see below. If you already know the name of the game scroll down to see what this week’s exercise involves.

***How this will work***
If you’d like to participate all you have to do is simply read the below, get in touch with your intuition and post your feelings/intuitions/answers below. Next Sunday, feedback will be given and a new exercise will be posted.

***Some guidelines***
1. This is open to everyone, regardless of how in touch you are with your intuition. It doesn’t matter if you’re a pro that can easily tune in to your intuition or if this is your first time trying anything like this. The trick is to just relax, have fun and trust what impressions come to you.

2. If you are acting as a sitter for a given exercise, then you MUST give feedback to the people who are reading for you in the thread. Feedback is essential as it not only allows us to distinguish whether we’re right or wrong, it’s also such a great help when it comes to building confidence in ourselves and our abilities.

3. Before and after every exercise you’ll find a warm-up and a cool down. These are like mini-exercises to ensure you’re tuning in to your abilities in a safe way and grounding yourself afterwards. If you don’t ground properly you may feel dizzy or ‘off’ after doing this type of work. It is suggested that you do both of these mini-exercises, however if you’d rather try a different way (or suggest a different way) then that’s okay too.

4. Trust your gut instinct. When you start working with your intuition, you may doubt some of the information or messages that you might receive. Please do your best to say the first thing that comes to mind, even if it doesn’t make sense to you as this is usually right and has some relevance to the sitter.

So, without further ado, here is our third exercise!



Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. Call in Archangel Michael to watch over you and protect you as you engage in this psychic development work. See yourself surrounded by his blue light of protection. Mentally call out to your own spirit guides and ask them to be with you and to assist you with this work.

Next, starting with your base chakra, see each chakra opening up. Visualize a red flower opening, then an orange one, a yellow one, a green one, a blue one, a violet one and a purple one. Visualise a beam of pure white, source energy flowing down from the heavens, through your crown chakra and all the way down into your root chakra. Know that you are protected and connected. When you feel ready, open your eyes and attempt the below exercise.

Exercise Four: Connecting with images

A very kind ATer volunteered to help us with this exercise and below you’ll find an image of their hands. Energetically, hands are very interesting – we used them for everything. Palmistry is the study of lines on the hand and while you’re welcome to try that method if you like, I’m more interested in the energy you pick up from simply looking at the hand.

Spend a few minutes looking at the hand with your eyes open. Next, close your eyes and try to “see” the hand with your third eye (or mind’s eye). What do you feel? What impressions come to mind? What do you feel like you need to tell this person? What impressions can you pick up.

Again, I am actively looking for sitters for upcoming exercises. Are you willing to be a sitter – are you willing to share a picture of yourself, your home or your pet? Please do PM me. I have a very fun curriculum planned for the coming weeks! And again, if you have any thoughts/comments/suggestions please do get in touch. Let’s make this the best (and most helpful) psychic development group that we can!

Next week we'll be kicking this exercise up a notch. I hope you’re all prepared! :)



Well done and thank you for taking part. To cool down I’m going to ask you to take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. Mentally ask your guides to help you ground your energy. Visualise plant roots growing out of your feet and deep into the earth. See them going down through the layers of soil until they connect with a beautiful crystal that’s in the centre of the earth. This crystal feeds wonderful, healing white light up your roots into your body. Stay with this energy and take a few deep breaths. Feel the connection. When you feel ready open your eyes and silently thank Archangel Michael and your guides for their help. If you’re still feeling a little light-headed, eat something small, go outside and take a few breaths or hold a grounding crystal such as hematite or brown tourmaline.


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Hello Audelia, I haven't participated before in your exercises but here goes, the impressions I got.

The hands

The person has worked hard on something, possibly on manual labour or something physical and requiring strength (physical or strength of character). This person appears reliable and grounded, but also a bit stubborn. The person themselves thinks s/he's resilient and resourceful, but to others they may appear a bit stuck in the rut or stuck in the certain way of doing things. There's a strong aura of loyalty and reliability coming through. What this person sets their mind to, will be done.

The person appears to be married (judged by the ring ;) ) and I think marriage suits them. This marriage is comfortable, it's not restricting, it's allowing this person to be themselves. At times the person or their partner might come across as a bit aloof, detached, not fully focussed on the marriage, but it's more due to absent-mindedness than real detachment or growing apart.

The person has gone through difficult times in their life: the lines in hands are deep, well-defined, as if carved in by a stubborn, determined carpenter. The person seems to take those events and memories as "it happened to me, it was tough at times, but I made it through and it made me who I am today, I'm proud of myself that I pulled through." This person is mature, grounded, but at times a bit single-minded due to defiant "this is how it needs to be done" attitude. There's also gentleness in this person, maybe they have dear pets.

I think this person likes outdoors, crafts, doing things with their hands: gardening, carpentry, similar.


All right, so the first thing I notice is that this person has done some work with their hands recently. I imagine gardening? Something to do with the earth. They seem like a very grounded, very comfortable person. Down-to-earth. If they were a tarot suit, they'd be the Pentacles.

They're married- from the ring, of course. I don't think there's a whole lot of stress in that relationship. The general idea I'm getting is someone very reliable, very connected with those around them.


I am not very good at palm reading, but have always had that interest and so have some notes on it that I had to refer to. I will try to tell about this person as best I can. I will say that first off, this person is a water sign - due to the shape of their hand--both palm and the fingers are long and slender.

Next, the finger with the wedding band on, I can tell this person is married and is I think male.

The hand has 4 distinct lines showing. I'll go through each line.

1. The first line is the life line that is the one that rounds the thumb. It shows this person is enthusiastic about life and is naturally creative. Also shows this person is intelligent and if they do not have a college degree, they do have training beyond High school in a field they most likely practice.

2. The heart line is the first deep line we can see in this hand w/the ring from the pinky and swinging up to the index finger-at the top, which suggests that they freely express their emotions/love and is happy with their love life. I'm also going to say that this is a first marriage and will last a very long time--and because the line is so deep, i'll further say that the relationship is a healthy and happy one.

3. The head line is the one that starts from the side of the palm and stretches out to the other end of the palm, but this head line isn't quite as long as the first one. There is also a another arch in it just under the ring and middle finger, where it pierces through the headline at the middle finger. So, this makes me guess that the this person is generally a focused person however, at one point in their life, they did have a period in their life that was emotionally upsetting and made it difficult for them in many areas of their life. A sort of "hiccup" in life, if you will.

4. The Fate line is the one that runs straight up from wrist to the top part of the hand--in the middle of the hand. This line we see has many breaks in it - suggesting that there has been many changes is this persons life that were beyond their control.

I think the first change that was really drastic occurred to them in their teens to 20s to very early 30s. I'm leaning more towards the teen-20s. Perhaps the loss of a parent--either through divorce or death or someone who was very much a big part of their life?

Then, in their mid 30s (approximately), another change--perhaps an addition to the family/change in employment, something big like this--that actually made this person stronger, more alive--feeling great!---occurred.

So, this is the extent of my palm reading skills with the help of some notes I've had about palm reading and my very limited knowledge on it--mixed in with some psychic moments that came to me as I studied the hand--for whatever thats worth! :D

I will say this person feels stable and calm to me. In generally good health and is happily married for some time now. I sense at least one child, possibly 3. A stable job and environment for this person. I sense their partner is always a happy person--as I see a woman smiling (and boy, I do hope that I am correct in saying that this palm belongs to a man and their partner is a woman--as much of this guessing is due to the solitary wedding band). :D

They live in the U.S. and in a modest but comfortable home. typical American family, I think.

This is all I can get. Now off to read the others--but, just now before I could finish typing, I saw the name ADAM. Wonder if this means anything to the person?


The left hand image is a bit blurry for me, so will go with the right hand one.

I will try for outside the square and hopefully not the too obvious if fate allows it.

DISCLAIMER: For entertainment purposes only.:D:D:D

Let's see... :bugeyed:

As I see it there are only some countries that hold an interest to you enough to travel to if the opportunity was there - to see all 7 continents and every nook and cranny of the world is not high on your list of things to do. In fact, there are likely some countries you would never set foot in for whatever reasons or hold no appeal to you whatsoever.

I do see a lot of turbulence and/or moving around when younger possibly childhood to teens and on. There are some periods of not being settled at all and maybe not really until in your 20's, I feel, would things have become a lot more stable.


1) You moved from your birth place to another town and/or state.
2) You moved to another country.
3) You may have been in an accident of some kind.

Emotionally you do have a lot to give and there has been some heart break a long the way whether with friends, family, and/or partners.

You are shown to be insecure possibly clingy and the type to want to know a persons feelings for you first before you would front up about your feelings. But I am hoping this is when younger rather than now with your life experiences. When it comes to "partners" there are likely the normal ups and downs for you and perhaps nothing being smooth when it comes to different dynamics and/or personalities etc.

Some can sail through with no hitches - that is not you.

You do like to know where you stand.

If "insecurity" is right - then this stems back to some kind of dysfunction in your upbringing like the separation of parents, domestic issues, no money etc.

I do think something occurred in your teens to 20s and not something good.


Now, this is kind of a friendly warning as there is the likelihood of you being addicted to something like chocolate, smokes, exercising, cleaning, to hard core things like drugs or alcohol.

As I see it, however, it is something you are able to control, but the "warning" is there.

If working in a job/career (not a house executive only) I see you doing this to a good age. Having said that, even if you retire (or are retired), you would likely still find something to do to keep yourself busy anyhow. In regards to a job/career there is "chops and changes" for you whether changing jobs completely or climbing the ladder etc. Maybe it could even be going from a job to being a house executive after marriage - if female. :D

There is an "inheritance" or "coming into money" feeling only not enough to sit back on and do what the Jetson's or Hilton's do.

It may have happened - it may have not.

I think that is it for now except:

I did get the name "Tammy" and "Wayne" and I saw that rather famous female "Sinead O'Connor" with that song:

"Nothing Compares to You".

Dang!!!! Just looked at the lyrics. I so dislike LOVE anything in readings. Really do!.

All about a "broken heart". :bugeyed: :bugeyed: :bugeyed:

And who has not had one...seriously.:mad: :mad: :mad:

Maybe for you there is something a bit more "profound" than the "norm" when it has come to the story of "love", or perhaps there is something in the singer herself, or something in her name or that song. could just be letting you know: "Nothing compares to you". :D

With "Tammy" and "Wayne" it did cross my mind about country singers with those names or perhaps people you may or may not know...or yet to meet.

That is it!

DND :)


A practical, hard working hand.
Is there a man, passed, who had a strong personality and was forceful at times... and also a male child.
A strong person who isn't afraid of hard work or sorting things out, but recently you feel things getting too much for you, and you are maybe not sleeping too well.
Wee bit stressed. Maybe some health worries, or not been feeling just 100%.
Recent arguing or bickering of some kind, some bad temper around.
You're a spiritual person.
Money has always been tight.
I feel younger males around, maybe sons.
A recent change - possibly a new job with more money or just generally being better off - but at the same you had to lose something, leave something behind, to gain this.
A person who is able to look ahead and plan accordingly.
Some regrets and sadness over things you did (or didn't do) - things that didn't work out in the past.


Just going to say what my guides put in my head.

Hands to work and heart to God
Bread dough...kneading dough to make some kind of bread.
A cat
Bare feet...walking in grass.... grounding
Bangles on your arms and ankles.
A sweet covered in sesame seeds.??
I see smudging with sage...smoke wafting.
A bicycle.
An outside market colorful, noisy, hot.

Probably way off but that's what I see.
Also and I can't get away from this I keep hearing a line in the novel To Kill a Mocking Bird.

"Ladies bathed before noon, after their three o'clock naps, and by nightfall were like soft sweet tea cakes with frosting of sweat and sweet talcum."

There is a softness about you that makes me feel like I am falling into a big soft pillow.

That sounds strange but being psychic is strange...:)

Dancing Bear

OK I Love Palms,

Left hand::
This person has changed their life, it seems like it was over time, but they have separated themselves from a past and changed their life to something more to their liking, which included changing themselves.
Their have been a few very low moments but it seems the heart has been strong and determined to achieve what they set out for.
This person also is a self learner, they are able to analyze correctly and map their own course. Also seem to be artistic. I also see this person as a parent to two children of the same sex. Guessing boys!
There is still much to learn in the matters of the heart. This person is a definite animal lover, but can take or leave humans.

Dancing Bear

Right hand::
Definitely heart on the sleeve kind of person I bet if i saw your face your feelings would be written all over it. I see that it is, what you see is what you get..also!
Career changes was a very good thing for this person , again that change in life i see. But it does run much deeper than just career change.
On the right hand i can see a third child but it is faint. maybe the 2 boys one girl??
I can also see that the matters of the heart and this is not just to do with relationships it is to do with your humanitarian side.. You are getting there..which has opened your heart and extended your life as compared to earlier in the piece with your left hand.. so whatever life changes you have made have been for the better for self and well being, and made you more at peace with things in the past, Also in your finger mounts for me it says this person has become more black and white, Not completely but more logical in thinking. doesn't accept things at face value as much anymore, your life has taught you that to question..Even though past relationships with loved ones do seem to be still there i don't see that's its always been smooth. even still to this day. but its ok!! Hanged man comes to mind, Its not perfect but its ok!
I cant see all the lines so have no idea about close emotional bonds and the palm needs to be relaxed more to expose more lines. I might be able to read more..

But thats what i get on both the left and the right palms ;-) hopefully not too far off i havent read a palm in a while :-D


I can see pain related to political/ social issues. The wedding band is on the right hand also so not married "anymore" But it's not something I feel is official. More along the line of she's moved on emotionally from it, it belongs in the past or her true heart isn't in it.

I don't see children of her own but there are children around.
I think this person has looked after her elders , mother and father.
Family, respect, strong values.

She's very spiritual and I think it's an Indian background or perhaps Moroccan? There's an African link somewhere.

I can't see those being hardworking hands. I'm not saying this lady has done nothing of course! I think what she did wasn't hard manual/ physical labour ( apart from the caring bit for the elders, that's hard and heavy and physical!).

I think she is a great cook and homemaker and that her marriage was arranged.
I think this lady is very accepting of the struggles she faced because of her spiritual beliefs but it's till makes her very sad.

She likes yellow flowers and Knows what it's like to go without!
She's got nieces that mean a lot to her. I still can't see children of her own though?
They all feel "once removed" like nieces or step son? There's detachment there ?

She's very creative and likes sowing, making clothing, like flowery dresses with ribbons for the little girls.

She's not an academic (as in years holding a pen and painstakingly writing and studying all day).

She's got air energy around her and has a sweet tooth!
There some little cakes/treats she likes and they're homemade.

She's a gorgeous brunette with bambie eyes! Lovely eyelashes and I wouldn't mind her slim figure either!

She's very friendly and kind and very approachable. She has long hair. Maybe the children are grandchildren.
I think perhaps it feels "once removed" because she has a grown up son who doesn't "need his mummy" anymore???