divination practice, anyone?


Hi zayats! Haven't seen you in a while. Glad you're back. :)

Could you do a biblio trading for me about C's romantic intentions for me?
I'll be divining with my synchro signs.


Hi zayats! Haven't seen you in a while. Glad you're back. :)

Could you do a biblio trading for me about C's romantic intentions for me?
I'll be divining with my synchro signs.

Hi Miss! I pop in from time to time :) glad to see you too :)

Sure, I'll get to your reading in the evening when I'm back from work!


Hi Miss! I pop in from time to time :) glad to see you too :)

Sure, I'll get to your reading in the evening when I'm back from work!

Yay! Looking forward to it!
Thank you!


Hi zayats! Haven't seen you in a while. Glad you're back. :)

Could you do a biblio trading for me about C's romantic intentions for me?
I'll be divining with my synchro signs.

I'm using Metro. Oh my! It opened on a page with a mystery murder, where the husband was the suspect but charges were later dropped. Next to it is a short article about Julian Assange's sex assault allegations. Are you sure this person is trustworthy? Maybe I'm totally off and he's fine but the reading urges you at least to pay attention and consider if there isn't anything iffy about him as it points to some hidden agenda and nastiness! Hope I'm wrong!

As for me can you tell me what do I need to know for the time being?


I'm using Metro. Oh my! It opened on a page with a mystery murder, where the husband was the suspect but charges were later dropped. Next to it is a short article about Julian Assange's sex assault allegations. Are you sure this person is trustworthy? Maybe I'm totally off and he's fine but the reading urges you at least to pay attention and consider if there isn't anything iffy about him as it points to some hidden agenda and nastiness! Hope I'm wrong!
I'll be able to read for you when I get home from work. :)

Erm.... I'd side with your statement that you're totally off, sorry to say. I make sure any man I date is clean, as far as criminal record, addictive tendencies, and mental balance. Would you mind trying the reading again? Sorry for the inconvenience but it made no sense. :(


I'll be able to read for you when I get home from work. :)

Erm.... I'd side with your statement that you're totally off, sorry to say. I make sure any man I date is clean, as far as criminal record, addictive tendencies, and mental balance. Would you mind trying the reading again? Sorry for the inconvenience but it made no sense. :(

Sorry for that! I now tried with books but nothing sensible seems to be coming out! I think I'll give the image generator a go, if you don't mind :)


Sorry for that! I now tried with books but nothing sensible seems to be coming out! I think I'll give the image generator a go, if you don't mind :)
Sorry to cause your literature grief!
I have a theory that might explain what happened: C and I aren't in a romance or in communication lately, so there's no "news" worthy of headlines. But, I promise you, he's not a murderer or covering up a murder. :)

Image generator would be great. Thank you :)


Sorry to cause your literature grief!
I have a theory that might explain what happened: C and I aren't in a romance or in communication lately, so there's no "news" worthy of headlines. But, I promise you, he's not a murderer or covering up a murder. :)

Image generator would be great. Thank you :)

So let's try. The first image was very interesting: http://samtyr.livejournal.com/1378248.html
The next one is http://anton-montana.livejournal.com/54595.html, and finally: http://sputnik.by/images/102481/41/1024814120.jpg

So I think there is much more to the story than can be seen. Another thing is that there indeed seems to be no movement and contact is blocked - these children are behind a barrier. Soldiers in line suggest some order and doing what is dictated without asking whether it's right or wrong. So I gather from it that C does not have any romantic actions planned per se, but it is not because he's just plainly not interested, but there's something more to it - he's got some rules that will not allow him to reach out to you and seems like it may be based on some deeper issues. There is some barrier, block inside him. As I said, it's not to do with you, it's on him... Sorry it's not more positive! I can be wrong again, though :)


My mistake! Sorry. I'll do your reading today and let you know via PM. Sorry for that! Too much going on and I kind of completely forgot about previous pages of the thread.