Any One want to Help me with Auras ?

Dusk Till Dawn

FenestraThought said:
Ok I am more out of practice then I thought. That took a lot more to do then it used to.

I read the Aura in 5 stages. but I will only read 4 for you because the 5th was confusing :) nothing bad.. just out of "shape".

1. Foundation. These color images pertains to your life and your stability. Foundations in life are ideologies, self awareness’s, and perspectives that create the "Foundation" on which we see the world.

I also see metaphorical images. I saw dark orange/ almost brown, that grew more into a tree...I couldn't tell what was wrong with it.. it didn't look dead just didn't look "right" like a tree after it get struck with lightening... it looks "odd" but still alive. the images. The surroundings were dark, like night, not dark/bad. and you were uncovering something under the tree? some book or container... something you found. . .
When it comes to your foundations you have learned something new about your self are in the process of uncovering something that is part of you and at the foot of this "tree" Kinda like something that you have been blocked from seeing because of the way you think or believed... but its dark out, so I think you have been searching in the darker areas of your "Self"... concepts that are best dealt with during the comfort of night.... and you have found something.. very much an "alone" kinda discovery . . . it like you came across this glad a have found a old "something" way of thinking/feelings/beliefs. . . that were maybe damaged but are still alive within you. and on deeper introspection you have found something at the base of this past concept. .

Emotions: I see this as a house metaphorically and describe what I see. . .

Well from the outside you would think this is a very nice house. Very normal very pleasant, open . . . I see you enjoy the "simple" things in life (i see a porch swing) and you come off to others as friendly and inviting because there is a nice dog on the porch . . . Your emotions are in order for the most part.. you’r e not a messy person. very clean house and not a lot of dust so you do spend time keeping your self and your emotions "clean". . . But this is not altogether the truth of "You". It is what you show others. I can't go into your kitchen. Its black, that is.. I turn to go there and thats it, black. But you have a nice living room. . . And I look more and Find you in the upstairs on the balcony looking out contemplative on a windy sunny day.

I think you show the world that you are open and friendly and you are not actively inviting but you give off "pleasant" and you don't mind company. You can entertain well enough.. but you don't really want people to stay or stay around long. . you have no way of feeding them, not kitchen. so you don't want to really be a Host to others. You don't want to invite them in to stay long. you will be nice enough to be polite. but that is all i think.. you are move comfortable with them on the outside on the porch. and regardless you’re more or less detached. . . You don't let other upstairs you don't let them in "your Room" and that is where you stay emotionally. Not big on others getting to know the real "You". and You spend a lot of time thinking? I didn't really get a "Day dreaming" feel. but it is sunny out side and the wind is blowing like your life is not unhappy. . . just waiting for change. . . like listening to the wind...Oh, a note on the kitchen. I don't think you are very "emotionally" creative. . . not in a bad way, just that you haven't thought about doing anything emotionally creative in a while.. almost like you don't WANT to create anything right now... like you had a bad experience and you have band that part of the house for now...

The mind... this is the hardest one for me to deal with.. but what I got was DEEP blue . . . and I think you are dealing with old memories right now. . seems like you like to draw? or write? I feel like you are trying to figure something out and your memories play into this. . . its like you want to express something. I see you intently drawing or writhing something, like by do so you can figure it out or make it clearer. . . maybe these have to do with the "something" you found in your foundations.

And you spirit connection. . . . Lots of activity going on up there... Like a lightning storm. . All Black and erratic energy . . shot through with white and purple... I don't know if you're doing that or what. but it seems interesting. . . and i get this deme/god figure wearing a white/silver outfit kinda like a cross between an elf and Zeus just standing there stern. . . not really sure WHAT that means. maybe you are using new abilities or having erratic experiences. . . or that there is a storm brewing ? its like its on the tip of my brain.. but I just don't know. . .

Well thats what I got :)
Well I have never given Feedback on an Aura reading before, so bear with me here.
First of all thank you ,and this was very interesting.
I really do not understand the Tree, I do understand the searching within the Darker self, and I guess I will continue to do so.
Yes, i do like everything clean, but I am not enjoying the simple things in life, I honestly admit that I am not easy to please. LOL
Yes, on the Outside it seems that everything is nice and clean, and I do not want anyone get to know the real me. Which might be that Kitchen area you are talking about. It is all hidden inside and based on past experiances.
I do mind company, and I don't like to many people around me, and I do not come across as a very friendly person, based on my Honesty and my Looks, I can't stand it when someone who has a bad day, keeps smiling at you, I just say it like it is. Yes, most people only get to see the outside of my House.
I am waiting for a change, I feel like everything is blocked right now, and I spend most of my days just thinking about what I could do.
Yes, I keep having dreams about going back home, and just pack up again and leave this country once again, to be where I am supposed to be, but this is not possible.I talk way to much, and I always wanted to write a book some day. But I do not keep any Journals, or write anything else down. My life is not so interesting that it should be written about. I can't draw for the life of it, and always asked myself where my Talent was or is?
Spirit connection:
There might be storm brewing since I was born . LOL
Seriously I think the bolts are like me trying once again to pull everything together to keep my strength up.
So thank you for that , this was extremely interesting!


Seeker*13* said:
Well I have never given Feedback on an Aura reading before, so bear with me here.
First of all thank you ,and this was very interesting.
I really do not understand the Tree, I do understand the searching within the Darker self, and I guess I will continue to do so.
Yes, i do like everything clean, but I am not enjoying the simple things in life, I honestly admit that I am not easy to please. LOL
Yes, on the Outside it seems that everything is nice and clean, and I do not want anyone get to know the real me. Which might be that Kitchen area you are talking about. It is all hidden inside and based on past experiances.
I do mind company, and I don't like to many people around me, and I do not come across as a very friendly person, based on my Honesty and my Looks, I can't stand it when someone who has a bad day, keeps smiling at you, I just say it like it is. Yes, most people only get to see the outside of my House.
I am waiting for a change, I feel like everything is blocked right now, and I spend most of my days just thinking about what I could do.
Yes, I keep having dreams about going back home, and just pack up again and leave this country once again, to be where I am supposed to be, but this is not possible.I talk way to much, and I always wanted to write a book some day. But I do not keep any Journals, or write anything else down. My life is not so interesting that it should be written about. I can't draw for the life of it, and always asked myself where my Talent was or is?
Spirit connection:
There might be storm brewing since I was born . LOL
Seriously I think the bolts are like me trying once again to pull everything together to keep my strength up.
So thank you for that , this was extremely interesting!

Your welcome :) thank you for allowing me to practice :). The tree Like I said was more a metaphore. And it may help to know that your Spirit guide seemed "Stern" too. . . Like he/it/she was watching me . . . very statue like. :) or it could have been a "Higher Self" manifistation. . . Thank you for the feed back !


medicinalfrog said:
Hi fenestra. I would love one! If you would like I can give you a tea leaf reading in exchange. :)

Ok ... Bare with me :)

You Foundations. ...

Seems like you are not completely in "your element" at the moment. I see you have stepped away from your "comfort zone" and are on the beginning of some kind of path?. . . it seems to go around your "Hill" and out of sight... maybe you don't know what you actual destination is . . . just that you have come off your "Hill" and are down in the world and you are off to see what you will find. Kind of like a personal journey to broaden your perspectives. a learning/journeying phase. . . Open minded to learning new things in new way. . .

Emotions... Ok Confusing but here goes...

I see this Really big house on a hill . . brick and "mansion" like. . . But I get to the door and knock and no one answer. The top bedroom windows are black and I can't open the door... so I kinda look around and follow the porch around to the side of the house and I see you down on your hands and knees working on a garden. . . LIke a veggie garden. and you are all smiles and wave me over and are Hi...and I kinda point to the house and ask what up with that if you're out here.. and you're like "Oh, they aren't home" ? and your smiling about it... You start to walk off to a nice little one room house nestled in the woods trees in the corner of the property and say . . . I live over here :) . . . Very nice quant house . . everything has a old "other worldly" aspect to it... and may not be fancy but suits you. . . . . . SO...

I would say you are not an overly material person even if you DO have nice/Big "stuff" you also don't let people in that just come to look at your big house/Stuff. . . You like to test people and see what kinda person they are before you let them get to see your private side, because at first i thought you where the gardener. You are not the person would assume you to be. Your nature is more humble then others would expect you be. . . No on lives in that big house, its just there for show. .. . if they don't want to talk to the "gardener" then they aren't worth your time. and you do this all with a Smile :). . If they show you they ARE a decent person, you can be very good host. . . you also Love nature/feel close to the earth. . . I would like to add the you “working in your garden” may say that you are about working on others , cultivating your garden in friends and other people, helping them to grow. . .

The mind... This was hard.

but looks like you are a Happy person for the most part. . . I see light greens and blues. . Pleasant and light hearted. You don't let things keep you down. I swear I saw you blowing bubbles and playing with them. . . You know how to find the Joy in life. and you let that help maintain perspective on your life. . . Odd....NOt to say you are an air head or frivulus, just that keep a good humor about things despite what happens. . .

YOu life around you ... hmm.. I saw deep purple and pushed down with green and yellow and red . . . . I would think that you have Broad perspective on life on an intuitive level like that "Old soul" kinda mentality. . . and you've dealt with some "suffocating" people...hard to explain.. it was this color of green that reminded me of mold and ick, like you have had to clear that way in you life recently.... but all that is going on in your personal life. It is a part of you that others don’t really see but plays in a lot with how you interact with others. in your active life there is a lot of Bright Reds and Bright Yellows... back and forth. . . like what ever you do, alternates Strong creative/stimulant energy and very happy/enlightening/insightful energy. ? Your other sphere that interacts with the world has a lot of red. Not love red not anger red. Just a lot of ENERGY red. Like you deal with High Energy situations or people. And demands a lot of your time. But the bright yellow says its not with out its Joys

Spirit connections. I don’t know what kind of guide you have they wouldn't come say hi. . . I though it was a lizard or a snake , but I could have just fabricated that because I was looking for a bit and I don’t know if I just created something or not. . . any way. You have an open channel it looks like and there are little Drip, Drip, Drips of water that fall down on you . Like you are a person that has those “random” experience, insights, intuitions. . . Some of use have to “Use our abilities” but you abilities just randomly manifest at times. . . Also you like the Earth. . just the planet, you like Cool damp “Cave” like places. Stones, cool stones and your privacy.

That’s what I got :)


oh i'd love one please!


This seems to be really interesting. I would like one if your still willing.

Pam O

I too am interested if you are up for it. :)
This is very interesting...


NikkiB said:
oh i'd love one please!

Hey :). I will get yours up later tonight ... I cant use the computer right now.. .

I will get to everyone else's as time allows :) !


Fenestra, If you are still willing to take more requests, I'd love one, please!
Like lunalyn, i thought a person had to be present in person for an aura reading. but, i really do not know much about auras--and trying to learn! so it will be great to see how this works for us--if you agree to read mine too!


I'd love one too if you don't have too many people already! :) Interested to see how you can read an aura without the person being physically there.


NikkiB said:
oh i'd love one please!


Ok this is a new one for me. I got a stream. It was a clear shallow brook. About 3 feet wide and 1 or so deep. the banks are stones. and about 2 feet till it gets to the woods.

I've been thinking about this all day as to how it relates to your foundations. I believe it is saying that you are not absorbing new ideas right now , nor are you nurturing new concepts. You are "You" and are on your own journey. In this time of your life there are no teachers and not students, just "You". Some times we go through barren times in our life. not in a bad or negative way just that we need time to be "just Us". It seems a peaceful stream and a nice cool day. You are experiencing just "you". You are open to change, to new idea, to new places and new experiences. You are flexible in that you roll with the punches, go with the flow. . . this time isn't permanent you will continue to flow. . . there will be other shores. . just take this time to contemplate. . . I think that it is saying that you are doing a lot of reflecting but in a "transition" kinda way. . . like these introspections are not born of stagnation, but as you look and uncover more you keep moving forward. . .

Your emotions:. . .

Um. . Do you have kids? or Had kids? I walked up to a house that had toys and such strewn around the yard, but I didn't see children. Are you emotionally ready for children and don't have them? Or did you have them and miss them now? keeping the memory of them close ? Your house is nice. . emotionally you seem like you make the best of what you have. You greeted me quickly when I rang the bell and you quickly brought me into the living room. . . I think you enjoy company and you enjoy the distractions they bring you. . . You like to play "host" to others. . But you are just the "host" you don't let any one up stairs and you don't let any one in the back of the house or in the back yard. . . I was blocked from going beyond your living room. You have your secrets. And you keep others distracted with "You" and being a host so they won't notices or ask questions. . . And Like I said, I don't know if you so much like others because you like them as people but as the distractions that they offer. . Or maybe you are just so eager because you feel like it is expected of you and that is your obligation... I just know you seemed pleasant and eager but something was "off" about your motives.... like you were "unsettled" but didn't want me to notice

Your Mind...

I got very dark blues and greens. . . I think you are doing a lot organizing. Dark Blues and Deep Greens tend to talk about Old habits and traditions. things we do because other expect us to and because they are a just habits. ways we are used to processing things... I see you moving these boxes around slowly methodically. Like you are carefully analyzing each one and considering it and moving it around. . . I think you are a practical person that has very defined ways of perceiving the world and from what I see of your emotions, I think this is what helps keep you stable. Your mind and the way you reason and think is a very powerful tool to you. Your rock in the storm . . But I don't think you are a person that gets "stuck" in traditions. like I said you were moving them around and there was green moving around too... so again, I see you are ever developing and changing nothing is just decided and "left alone" even if it is a trusted idea or firm belief you will still pick it up and re-evaluate it if need be to make sure you haven't missed anything or that it doesn't have anything to offer to the problem. No stone unturned.

Emotions Spiritual connection.

Ok, I don't know what this means but When I turned my gaze up there... I swear a dog came running towards me all happy to see me... if you crossed Lassie with a wolf and put a bright star on her/his head. . . I don't know. . Just thought I would Share. I don't know if this colored what i saw next so I don't know if this is accurate, but here goes. I saw 2 maybe 3 figures above you one was black and dog headed one was gray/silver and cat headed. Both were using tarot decks just flipping them and turning them and drawing them and looking at them and . . . I don't know. It may have been because I saw you where a tarot reader. . . any way. They looked preoccupied. Like they were trying to figure something out. Maybe you have asked them a question recently and they were trying to find the answer or you are going through some changes or unexpected situations so they need to clarify. . . ? I really don't know on this one.

any way that is what I saw.