Any One want to Help me with Auras ?


NikkiB said:
Youre welcome, its only through detailed feedback we can evaulate our readings and your reading was very helpful to me thank you x


Pam O

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FenestraThought said:
Hello to EveryOne ~!

First I would like to say I LOVE This site ! :D its GREAT....

I have had fun with the Tarot Section, but I don't have a membership so can't openly Read people. ....

FYI: Here's special deal if you join AT before 4/15/11 and then you could get on to all the other wonderful areas of this forum.

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FenestraThought said:
Ok ... Bare with me :)

You Foundations. ...

Seems like you are not completely in "your element" at the moment. I see you have stepped away from your "comfort zone" and are on the beginning of some kind of path?. . . it seems to go around your "Hill" and out of sight... maybe you don't know what you actual destination is . . . just that you have come off your "Hill" and are down in the world and you are off to see what you will find. Kind of like a personal journey to broaden your perspectives. a learning/journeying phase. . . Open minded to learning new things in new way. . .

I am student in college actually. I haven't been in school for a while and it is a difficult transition for me most definitely. I went into a hermit mode in the past couple weeks and am only barely reaching my head out of my house at this point, which is a major change from being gone all the time like I had been.

Emotions... Ok Confusing but here goes...

I see this Really big house on a hill . . brick and "mansion" like. . . But I get to the door and knock and no one answer. The top bedroom windows are black and I can't open the door... so I kinda look around and follow the porch around to the side of the house and I see you down on your hands and knees working on a garden. . . LIke a veggie garden. and you are all smiles and wave me over and are Hi...and I kinda point to the house and ask what up with that if you're out here.. and you're like "Oh, they aren't home" ? and your smiling about it... You start to walk off to a nice little one room house nestled in the woods trees in the corner of the property and say . . . I live over here :) . . . Very nice quant house . . everything has a old "other worldly" aspect to it... and may not be fancy but suits you. . . . . . SO...

I would say you are not an overly material person even if you DO have nice/Big "stuff" you also don't let people in that just come to look at your big house/Stuff. . . You like to test people and see what kinda person they are before you let them get to see your private side, because at first i thought you where the gardener. You are not the person would assume you to be. Your nature is more humble then others would expect you be. . . No on lives in that big house, its just there for show. .. . if they don't want to talk to the "gardener" then they aren't worth your time. and you do this all with a Smile :). . If they show you they ARE a decent person, you can be very good host. . . you also Love nature/feel close to the earth. . . I would like to add the you “working in your garden” may say that you are about working on others , cultivating your garden in friends and other people, helping them to grow. . .

Hahaha! I am going to school for Horticulture! Having a big house would be nice, but honestly there is such a thing as too big, and I am fine with more modest things. You are definitely right. I am nice and kind and generous with everyone, but very few get to see all sides to me. It's like a test, but less of a conscious activity than actually testing people. I'm more of an observer. Also, I am a Virgo/Taurus astrologically, just interesting to add with the earth element being so prominent.

Oh! Friends tend to lean on me, some to the point where they fall on their face when I move. I try to help better, but almost help too much. My help becomes detrimental because they don't know how to stand on their own.

The mind... This was hard.

but looks like you are a Happy person for the most part. . . I see light greens and blues. . Pleasant and light hearted. You don't let things keep you down. I swear I saw you blowing bubbles and playing with them. . . You know how to find the Joy in life. and you let that help maintain perspective on your life. . . Odd....NOt to say you are an air head or frivulus, just that keep a good humor about things despite what happens. . .

YOu life around you ... hmm.. I saw deep purple and pushed down with green and yellow and red . . . . I would think that you have Broad perspective on life on an intuitive level like that "Old soul" kinda mentality. . . and you've dealt with some "suffocating" people...hard to explain.. it was this color of green that reminded me of mold and ick, like you have had to clear that way in you life recently.... but all that is going on in your personal life. It is a part of you that others don’t really see but plays in a lot with how you interact with others. in your active life there is a lot of Bright Reds and Bright Yellows... back and forth. . . like what ever you do, alternates Strong creative/stimulant energy and very happy/enlightening/insightful energy. ? Your other sphere that interacts with the world has a lot of red. Not love red not anger red. Just a lot of ENERGY red. Like you deal with High Energy situations or people. And demands a lot of your time. But the bright yellow says its not with out its Joys

I do play with bubbles! Especially because of my little brother. He keeps me frivolous. Five year olds are good at that lol. I have dealt with suffocating people and part of why I went into hermit mode was to get rid of some. They were part of the reason I was having trouble in school. I do come off as intense because I do switch between the strong creative energy with the happy/insightful energy. Not sure about all the red, other than it may be all pent-up energy because I feel so lazy being around the house and without work and just going to school.

Spirit connections. I don’t know what kind of guide you have they wouldn't come say hi. . . I though it was a lizard or a snake , but I could have just fabricated that because I was looking for a bit and I don’t know if I just created something or not. . . any way. You have an open channel it looks like and there are little Drip, Drip, Drips of water that fall down on you . Like you are a person that has those “random” experience, insights, intuitions. . . Some of use have to “Use our abilities” but you abilities just randomly manifest at times. . . Also you like the Earth. . just the planet, you like Cool damp “Cave” like places. Stones, cool stones and your privacy.

That’s what I got :)

Don't take it personally, I'm not even exactly sure what my guides look like. I do believe the snake is one of them, and he tends to be one of the most vocal even though I hate snakes with a passion. And YES! A lot of my truly profound psychic/magical experiences just happen randomly especially if there is a lot of emotion (good or bad) behind it. Collecting stones run in the family, and I am a fan of cool places over hot ones.

You did amazing!!! Some things I stopped and read it and didn't realize how true it was until you had mentioned it. Very good thank you. I will send you your tea leaf reading over the weekend via PM :)


I've had people "read" me, but not in an aura fashion. Nor did she tell me what she saw. So if you're still willing I'll volunteer as a guinea pig.

I'm not talented at anything really but you can always call me out on a favor if you need one. :D


I would love one :)


WOW! this seem's very interesting. If you don't already have too many people asking, I would love a reading from you.



I actually am against this. Auras are the one thing that I am sure is only readable in real life where you can sense it. Here you cannot read auras, you can use deduction at best.

Try me, if you want, but in my opinion, auras are waaay too complicated to be sensed over the internet.


Rovay said:
I actually am against this. Auras are the one thing that I am sure is only readable in real life where you can sense it. Here you cannot read auras, you can use deduction. Big difference.

Try me, if you want, but I am telling you, internet is the wrong place to practise aura-reading.

Consider. In the realm of the spirit, there is no time and no distance. I am as close to you as I am to anyone. The universal consciousness binds us all. Through that we are all connected. If you can read tarot cards online then you can do any other spirit based practice online. The tarot cards use the cards as a medium to translate information from the "Higher/Spiritual Self" to the conscious "Self". I just follow the same connection and my mind translates these energies into metaphorical images. I used to see Many moving colors but as I grew this changed. . .

If you do not believe in the basic principles that I stated first, then I can understand how this may not work for you. I placed no such blocks on my way of thinking when I started working with psychic energy on the internet and this ability happened completely by random. It was not something I went looking to do or learn, I just developed it. And I have also stated that my friends believe this is more of a "Soul" reading then an Aura reading.

But like all of the "Arts", ones abilities work uniquely for them through them. If that is what you believe then I cannot argue with you.

I will consider reading you when I am done with the list I have. . .

Just be mindful of what you believe "Is" and "Is Not". Never limit the abilities of the mind and the Soul.


Hi FT. I've only seen your thread now, as my laptop has had issues in the past couple of days. I saw that you're going out of town. No problem for me waiting if you're still able to take on new people.

I can send you distance healing with Reiki as a thank you.


Hey Every one :). Yes I am still going out of town and I spent ALL day running around.... didn't get any readings done... just wasn't in the right "mind frame" but I will try to get some done on my down time this week end... The list is quite long now, so I will work my way through them. If you change your mind just PM me. Otherwise, Thank for be patient :) !
